University of Virginia Library

Depopulation War

Dear Sir:

Regarding the mild controversy
over the CD's lack of support of the
"write Hanoi" campaign: I am
surprised and disappointed that no
one has pointed out the perfectly
good reasons you might have had
for refusing it publicity. This
campaign relies on the blatantly
racist premise that the well-being of
a few hundred Americans deserves
priority over the lives and future of
several million Asians.

It attempts to draw attention
away from the facts that the
importance we have placed on body
counts discourages the taking of
prisoners, and that we traditionally
turn over the prisoners we do take
to the care of the South
Vietnamese government. And,
worst, it is intended to made
Americans feel not so bad about
their own involvement in the Asian
War of Depopulation by making the
other fellows out to be the bad

Paul Rippey