University of Virginia Library

Have Been
Fully Noted

Two graduate students have
answered literally in kind what they
considered a too-brusque reply to a
letter sent to President Nixon.

Angered by FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover's recent criticism of
former Atty. Gen. Ramsay Clark,
history student David Anderson
wrote to Mr. Nixon Dec. 13:

"William Preston Jr., in his
thoroughly documented study,
Aliens and Dissenters, describes the
action in 1920 of J. Edgar Hoover
and Anthony Caminetti (then
commissioner of immigration) as
follows: ...they had forgotten that
they were not policy-makers, but
administrators whose decisions a
superior might well disapprove.
Besides, they had not taken into
account the reaction of men in a
democratic state concerned about
traditional democratic freedoms.

"Judging from recent statements
by Mr. Hoover, especially with
reference to Ramsay Clark, it
appears the Director of the FBI has
not learned much in his fifty years
of public service. I join those others
who strongly urge the long overdue
retirement and replacement of Mr.

The official reply was:

Dear Mr. Anderson:

In acknowledging your letter to
President Nixon, may I assure you
that your comments have been
fully noted.


Noble M. Melencamp

Staff Assistant
to the President

Anderson's roommate,
graduate government student and CD
columnist Robert Gillmore, replied
to Melencamp's reply:

Dear Mr. Melencamp:

In acknowledging your letter to
Mr. Anderson, may I assure you
that your comments have been
fully noted.

Robert H. Gillmore
Staff Assistant
to Mr. Anderson