University of Virginia Library

Class Attendance Low

Meanwhile, the Indochina War
and the questions surrounding the
violent repression at Kent State and
elsewhere will provide the momentum
and the unifying force necessary
to keep the strike going. Class
attendance continues to be very
low. A new spirit is evolving which
redeems the counter-productive escapades
of Wednesday night.

As the leadership vacuum is
filled, the strike may be expected
to grow accordingly. No, Mr.
Shannon, it won't blow over. Too
much has happened already. Our
crisis is both national and local.
Events in Washington this weekend
will test the intensity of the storm
which engulfs the nation. What
happens Monday and afterward will
test the ability of this university to
deal with the problems.

If President Nixon can dismiss
the protests with an epithet, then
maybe President Shannon can do so
with silence. If that is his choice
following the referendum and further
strike activities, then he will
have done irreparable harm to the
University. The crisis calls for more
than that. Much more.