University of Virginia Library

No Restraint

"The city has no ordinance
relevant to obscenity," said City
Police Chief Durham. "We enforce
the state law." The state law, as
previously examined, is nearly
unenforceable. About a year ago
there was a move to pass a local
obscenity law, but it was defeated
in the City Council by a 3 to 2
vote. Since then there has been no
attempt to pass an ordinance.

In fact the only obscenity arrest
made in Charlottesville in recent
history was several years ago when
the city police arrested a man who
was selling "stag" films in the
University community. Besides
that, "we have had no problem
with the local theaters," Mr. Durham

There is virtually no legal
restraint that can be applied to
local movie theater owners. They
are their own masters. But two of
the local theaters have been the
subjects of other sorts of pressure,
trying to keep or persuade them from
giving the public what they want on
their movie screens.