University of Virginia Library

Book Exchange

One possible way to divert some of the
money that helps sustain the Charlottesville
bookstores some students have suggested would
be to operate a University-sponsored book
exchange. Such a system works successfully at
other universities. One way would be for a
five-cent charge to be placed on each book that
a student wishes to sell through the exchange.

Another way to alleviate the problem,
students have suggested, would be for the
professors to come to some sort of agreement
on the texts used in their courses. This could be
done in some but not all courses. It would seem
that texts used in Math and science courses
could be universalized. By so doing, a student
could ll his used books, rather than discover
that the nine dollar book he possesses, one that
he really doesn't want to keep, is not going to
be used in the next semester's courses.