The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 28, 1969 | ||
Once upon a time, an ambitious
senator, for lack of better employment
and a need for publicity, went
Communist hunting in Washington
and, with the help of public
overreaction, did a beautiful job of
it. (Everybody knows that Communists
are bad.) Several years later
the SDS, for lack of better
employment and in need of a cause,
went racists hunting at the University
and, with the help of public
overreaction, are doing a beautiful
job of it. (Racists are bad guys,
Now, we have seen several
historical examples of this over-kill
tendency on the part of the 'good'
people - the witch trials, the
persecution of the Jews, etc. - all
of which share certain similarities.
There is (1) a manipulating force.
(Although it is not easy to compare
SDS to Joe McCarthy), (2) public
overreaction by the 'good' people
wallowing in their individual mud
puddles of self-righteousness, and
(3) there are the victims.
Now that we have stated the
problem in clear, concise terms, let
us proceed to the solution. Brilliant
young man that I am, I have
devised the perfect solution to our
dilemma. In all modesty, I set it
forth here for the consideration of
all the 'good' people out there.
There are, I believe, about 15
members on the Board of Visitors. I
propose: Once the SDS - I'm
sorry, the Coalition - can present
the student body with adequate
proof that there is not at least of
15 students who practices some
sort of racial discrimination, then
we move with all expediency to
secure the resignation of Mr.
Wheatley. Until then we are forced
to assume that the man does indeed
represent a significant portion of
the University and therefore merits
his position.
As the matter now stands, with
a man's job threatened because of
his political beliefs, I can assure you
that Mr. Wheatley represents at
least one member of the student
Eng. 1
The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 28, 1969 | ||