University of Virginia Library

Meet The Press

Tonight's local version of "Meet the Press"
should be a very worthwhile part of this
semester's Student Council election campaign.
As the University Forum's moderator for the
event said, "With the present system [of
campaigning], not everyone is able to see all
the candidates when they visit the dorms, and
those students who live in fraternities and
off-grounds housing never have a chance to
meet the candidates." Tonight's forum will
provide the opportunity for every interested
student to observe and evaluate the various
candidates, in an atmosphere which should be
far more realistic and productive than that of
the campaigning in the dorms.

In a time when there is so much student
unrest, when the role of the Student Council
becomes more and more vital, it is imperative
that the best possible candidates be elected to
serve as its members. If the best possible
candidates are to be elected, the voters must
know who they are. Every voter has an
obligation to find out who he thinks are the
best possible candidates so he can vote wisely.
We urge everyone to take advantage of an
excellent opportunity to do just that by
attending the discussion tonight (at 8 o'clock
in Gilmer Hall).