University of Virginia Library

'Serendipitous Discovery'

With all this, it is difficult to
understand why The Magus is not
better known than it is. It is the
sort of book that many people have
heard of, but few have read. To
those few, it is rather a serendipitous
discovery. Fowles presents
an original idea which is very well
written and, except for the first 60
pages, totally fascinating. He allows
you to know some of the characters
in The Magus as one knows few
characters in all literature. And, in
finding out about them, one can
find out a good deal about oneself.

Many of those who have discovered
the book have read it
several times, and most claim it is
the best novel they have ever read.
Although, with the release of a
movie based on the book due soon,
the cult seems sure to grow large,
having read the book gives one a
sense of understanding and belonging
to something very special. The
magus makes the reader become

It Walt Whitman were alive today,
he could not possibly be
writing books like The Magus. I can
think of no higher recommendation.