The Cavalier daily. Thursday, October 10, 1968 | ||
Mr. Murray accused Mr. Levy of
implying that the Negro is
incapable of producing students
who can compete on an equal basis
with the white student. This is not
"racial injustice" on the part of Mr.
Levy, but his recognition that the
very inadequacy of Negro
education denies him even a chance
to compete.
Mr. Murray is undoubtedly
familiar with the general education
requirements for admission. Many
Negroes cannot consider applying
for admission as they lack unit
requirements in the fields of
language, math, and science. The
reasons for this was a lack of
parental and teacher influence to
enroll in the college preparatory
program in high school. Also, even
if the Negro were able to meet
entrance requirements, financial
difficulties would further prevent
his college attendance.
Mr. Levy's proposal is neither a
"free ticket" nor a "handout." And
how many of us are on a parental
"free ticket?" It is a constructive
program aimed at alleviating
discrimination on college entrance
requirements. I would go even
further and suggest a free tuition
for Negroes.
Something must be done, and
Mr. Murray's "laissez-faire"
philosophy will only result in a
continued stale mate in the
problem. I support Mr. Levy's
proposal and hope to see it in effect
next fall.
Education 3
The Cavalier daily. Thursday, October 10, 1968 | ||