The Cavalier daily. Friday, September 27, 1968 | ||
Two-level Course
In an editorial in last Thursday's
edition of The Cavalier Daily, the
suggestion was made that two levels
of courses be set up in a science
department, one course designed
for premedical majors and another
for those fulfilling the science
requirement. The Chemistry
Department offers three first year
courses in chemistry, each designed
to meet different student needs. As
described on page 72 of the current
undergraduate school catalogue,
Chemistry 1t-2t has been designed
especially for non-science majors
and others intending no further
study of chemistry. This course is
taught by several faculty members
who have a special interest in the
teaching of chemistry as a general
science. Chemistry 1t-2t is not
necessarily easier than the other
first year chemistry courses, for it
provides a wider range of subject
matter coverage but in less detail.
One of our aims is to make it
possible for our students, ten years
after graduation, to read
knowledgeably science articles that
appear in the general press.
Professor and Chairman
The Cavalier daily. Friday, September 27, 1968 | ||