University of Virginia Library

On Negro Students

Dear Sir:

As a graduate of the College,
1965, and as a former City Editor
of The Cavalier Daily, I was
aware that the Negro at the University
would never become a
subject for editorial comment in
your newspaper. I was also aware
that out-of-state Negroes were
not being accepted at the University.

Nevertheless, I read with surprise
in the UVM that both
policies are being continued. I
feel that the CD, the faculty, and
the students should protest this
policy of token integration and
try to make the Administration
change it. It is not only illegal,
it is immoral.

Standards for admission for
Negroes should be "can they do
the work," not "are they equal
to a graduate of a typical suburban
high school?" I am proud
of the University; I am not proud
of its policy vis-a-vis 10% of
our Nation's population.

Michael A Collora
3rd Year
Harvard Law School