University of Virginia Library

Help Requested
For Book Drive

As part of Project Opportunity's
goal to encourage
southern high school students
from rural districts to seek advanced
education there will be a
book drive at the University
beginning February 19th and
ending the 23rd.

Both students and faculty are
urged to contribute any unwanted
paperbacks, old texts,
examination copies, or duplicate
publisher copies to the drive.
All books gathered will go to a
public school in Nelson County,

The drive is sponsored by the
University's student seminar
committee of Project Opportunity.
They will place 16
white boxes at various places on
the grounds during the drive.

The Inter-Fraternity Council
has announced its support of the
drive. Fraternities may apply for
boxes at Monday's IFC meeting.
In addition to this, each
dormitory will have a depository
and a book drive chairman.