University of Virginia Library

Real Replies

Dear Sir:

Mr. John D. Kwapisz (.?)
obviously is Miss Flora Johnson's
self-appointed public defender, but
in attacking my recent letter as
both fallacious and-in some way-dishonorable,
he presumes too

First, Miss Johnson did say in
Newcomb Hall in the presence of
several witnesses that "I would
like to try out for some Players'
productions this year, but after I
write my first review, I don't think
I'll be too welcome at Minor Hall."
This statement was made-as I
said-several days prior to the
opening of the first production.
She elaborated; I shall not. I did
hear her. Perhaps, as her "escort,"
Mr. Kwapisz does not share all
Miss Johnson's confidences.

In his letter, however, Mr.
Kwapisz does make erroneous
statements. Miss Johnson is not a
former member of the Virginia
Players. She has appeared in productions,
but she has never been
voted into membership of the
Players' Organization, which is
another thing entirely. My letter
was motivated by a sense of fair-play,
not a fear of competition,
as Mr. Kwapisz suggests. As for
that fear, I couldn't be bothered.

Rather than take more space in
The Cavalier Daily, Mr. Kwapisz
may offer his apologies to me
personally at 5 West Range where
I am at home between 4 and 6

Jere Real