University of Virginia Library

Welcome, Alumni

It is always delightful to welcome back
to Charlottesville those who, in James Hay's
often quoted phrase, have "worn the honors
of Honor," by attending this University.

Whether you were in the class of '67
or '07, there will be many new sights, not
to mention new faces, to greet you on your
return to the Grounds. For all the physical
change, however, there are two things—
the ideals expressed in the Honor System
and a zest for living—that haven't changed
since the days when students went to Carroll's
Tea Room for the duck races or
watched the "Hotfeet" march.

While the Virginia zest for living may be
all too obvious at Scott Stadium tomorrow,
rest assured that devotion to the Honor
System—the most important lesson to be
learned at the University—is still even more
keenly felt.

We who are students at the University
owe you, the alumni, a particular debt,
both for the generosity—matched in few
other schools—which you have shown in
supporting your Alma Mater through
membership in the Alumni Association and
for the conservatizing influence you have
exercised in assuring that a University
that is sometimes too zealous for expansion
will maintain some of the intangible assets
of the past.

We appreciate that you have returned
to the scene of your youth, with all the
memories the University must hold, to cheer
on the Cavaliers tomorrow against what
will surely be a formidable opponent.

We hope that you enjoy your visit and
that it will be followed by many more.