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The President reported that the Judge Advocate Generals Office had requested the University to
construct a new building for the School to be amortized by rental charges to be paid by the JAG
School. The President reminded the Board that the present building now occupied by the JAG School
was built by means of a loan from the State Treasury which would be completely amortized during
1964. At present, the JAG School, in addition to occupying its own building, also has space in
Clark Hall. Construction of the new building would release this space in Clark Hall, which is now
needed by the School of Law

The President reported further that the consultants to the Long-Range Master Site Planning
Committee had recommended that a court be established between Clark Hall and the present JAG School
building and that the new JAG building be constructed as the east portion of that court. The other
building to the west of the proposed location of the JAG School building, which will complete the
court, will be needed by the School of Law, according to the consultants, in about 10 years


The President stated that his Architectural Advisory Committee had recommended to him the firm
of Rawlings and Wilson, Architects of Richmond, Virginia, as the architects for the new building. The
President noted that this firm served as the architects for the married student housing project and
had performed in excellent fashion

After discussion, the following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the President be and he is hereby authorized to employ the firm of Rawlings and Wilson, Architects of
Richmond, Virginia, as the architects for the new JAG School building