University of Virginia Library


At the Rector's request Mr. Talbott, Chairman of the Athletic Committee, laid before the
Board copies of a letter and enclosure of 3 October 1955 from Professor Mortimer M. Caplin, Chairman of the
Athletic Council, to President Darden reporting certain inquiries regarding tennis court construction
made by Mrs. Henry B. Mulholland and recommending the construction of six new tennis courts (at a
roughly estimated cost of $24,000), the improvement and better maintenance of the present courts, and
the designation of Mrs. Mulholland as a solicitor of funds for these purposes.


After considerable discussion the matter was referred back to the Athletic Committee, on
motion by Mr. Gravatt duly seconded, with the request that a formal motion be drafted for
consideration by the full Board, this draft to be favorable to construction and improved maintenance
of tennis courts, but to take cognizance of the following objections raised during the
discussion. 1) The Board cannot commit itself to new construction expenditures for which funds
are not available, 2) the University cannot be committed to special maintenance of tennis courts
beyond the share available in the budget for all maintenance, 3) Solicitation of funds for this
purpose must be under the President's direction so as to avoid conflict with the Alumni Fund and
University solicitation for other urgent needs, 4) Private donations for this purpose will be
welcomed, but neither Mrs. Mulholland nor any other private individual should be specifically
designated by the Board of Visitors to raise funds for this project.