University of Virginia Library

Biennial Budget 1952-54

The committee considered the biennial budget of the college, and while several questions
were raised concerned specific items, such as proposed faculty salaries, the committee recommends
its approval by the Board. The requests for capital outlay - for a science building and for a
dormitory to relieve congestion have been approved previously by the Board, and conditional
appropriations were made for both. The need for them is still acute

A petition addressed to Governor Battle and signed by about sixty members of the faculty
was presented to the committee by President Combs. The petition is a request for "a cost of living
salary increase commensurate with that which was recently allotted to certain other State employees."
The petition has been turned over to the Rector.

(This budget was approved by the Board, with the exception of Dr. Combs' salary, which
was left unchanged. A salary increase was recommended by the Board for the Mary Washington faculty
as it was for the University of Virginia faculty.)