University of Virginia Library


Mr. Anderson reported that the Development Fund Committee had met in Richmond and authorized
Dean Ribble to confer with Mr. Knox Turnbull to see if he would be interested in heading
the Development Fund drive, at no salary. Mr. Turnbull expressed great interest in the Development
Fund and stated that he would be delighted to give as much time as he could to the project provided
a small office staff could be made available to handle routine matters. Mr. Anderson suggested
a budget of from $5,000 to $10,000 per year

Mr. Anderson stated that he believed the name of the Development Fund should be changed
to "Mr. Jefferson's Sponsors" with Mr. Darden as President and Mr. Turnbull as Executive Vice-President,
with the present Board of Trustees of the Development Fund serving as the Board of

He stated that he believed people throughout the country could be persuaded to join a
group of "Mr. Jefferson's Sponsors" on the basis that they would contribute $100 per year. In
each community "Mr. Jefferson's Sponsors" would form a local group to help raise funds for the University.
He stated that he thought the first $100,000 raised each year should be used to supplement
faculty salaries. After considerable discussion Mr. Anderson moved that the name of the
Development Fund be changed to "Mr. Jefferson's Sponsors" and that the Board of Visitors underwrite
this organization for one year in an amount not to exceed $10,000. The motion was passed, and it
was further resolved to ask the Development Fund to pay its pro rata share of the costs of this
office for the amount spent in collecting pledges to the Development Fund.