University of Virginia Library


"As we meditate more,
more values are brought out in
our life," claimed Mrs.

"Different people will
notice different things. If a
person's normally very tense,
for example, he'll notice more
relaxation. No great revelations
come along in TM."

"No religion or philosophy
is involved," Mr. Wardwell
agreed. "TM is not a life style
which involves any ascetic

"The effects I noticed were
very gradual," he continued.
"One of the first things I
noticed, for example, was that
I could chop wood better."

In general, the results of
transcendental meditation are
not an objective or goal, but a
more profound personal

"TM is a direct experience
more than an intellectual
understanding," Mr. Wardwell

"The effect is simply one of
expanding the conscious
capacity of the mind."

. . .Expanding the capacity
of the mind. Little wonder I
never got off the ground, so to
speak. . . .

–but now, a moment of
silent meditation. . . .