University of Virginia Library


For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Zoölogy C1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Experimental zoölogy. A comparative
study of the morphology and behavior of typical invertebrates.—Two
lectures and two three-hour laboratory periods weekly. Hours by appointment.
Cabell Hall. Professor Kepner.

For Graduates.

Zoölogy D.—Principles of animal histology. Protoplasm, cell organization,
and tissue formation. The student is required to become familiar with the
principles of histological technique and to make his own preparations.—Two
lectures and two three-hour laboratory periods a week. Also a weekly meeting
of one hour for a discussion with the instructor of current literature and of
the problems arising out of the students' work. Hours by appointment. Cabell
Hall. Professor Kepner.

Further advanced work may be arranged to meet the needs of students.