University of Virginia Library


I. Women may exert an indirect influence on their husbands,
fathers, and brothers and thus be represented.

II. To the vote of every uneducated man you would add the vote
of an uneducated woman.

III. Men know more about the business of government.

IV. The majority of the women of today do not want suffrage.


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V. Fighting is necessary to voting. Hence women should be able
to fight if they are to vote.

VI. Women are too emotional and sentimental to be entrusted
with the ballot.

VII. If the privilege of voting is given to women they will not
exercise it.

VIII. If women did exercise the right of voting, it would only increase
the expense of elections without changing the results.

IX. Suffrage is not a natural right, for all men are not permitted
to vote.

X. Woman's function in life does not lie in the sphere of politics.