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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercio ad mundandum & sanctificandum immundos.

That preues þis word þat I shall mynne,
ffor holy quen I specify
ffrom no holy nedely most twynne,
Elles þe Holy Gost gos by.
& ryȝt As holy cald is
þat wyckutnes to ryde & go,
So holy hit may be cald I-wis
þat makes mon clene of soro & wo.
Þerfor A verse of þe Sauter
ys gloset her, As I shall say,
& lyknes to þe water cler
þe Holy Gost, As men wele may;
Þat makes clene ay hym befor,
So dos þe Holy Gost oryȝt,
makes clene befor hym euermor,
non vnclennes þer he will lyȝt.

ffluminis impetus, id est, mundus & habundans gracia spiritus sancti letificat ciuitatem dei, id est ecclesiam dei & per istud flumen sanctificauit tabernaculum suum altissimus. Psalmus.

Quarto ad confirmandum Amorem inter discordes.

The furth cause whi Goddis gost
wos sent to erthe, as ȝe schyn se,
ffor he had myȝt & pouer most
to conferme luf & charite


Betwene hom þat weren at debate,
& þat schewes þat þis wort her,
in Als mech as Algate
he callis God fader of All pouer.
ffor fader most kyndely
luffs his childer, for so did he,
As Iohn in his euangely
beris wytnes, ȝe schyn se.

Nota Iohannis xiijo: Ipse enim amat [n]os.

Then if þat he our fader be,
we ben his sons sykurly
& brethir All in vnite
to-geder made þrugh his mercy.