University of Virginia Library

Epigr. 11. De nouo orbe.

The worlds great Peers & mighty conquerours
Whose sword hath purchas'de thē eternal fame
If they suruiued in this age of ours,
Might add more glory to their lasting name.
For him which Carthage sackt and ouerthrewe,
We haue found out an other Africa.
Newe Gauls and Germaines Cæsar might subdue,
And Pompey great an other Asia.
But you O Christian Princes do not so.
Seeke not to conquer nations by the sworde,
Whom you may better quell and ouerthrowe,
By winning them to Christ and to his worde.


Giue him the new worlde for olde Asias losse.
And set not vp your standart, but his crosse.