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[Yet reade at last the storie of my Woe]

Yet reade at last the storie of my Woe,
The drerie abstracts of my endlesse Cares,
With my Life's Sorrow interlined so,
Smoak'd with my Sighes, and blotted with my Teares;
The sad Memorialls of my Miseries,
Pen'd in the griefe of mine afflicted Ghost,
My Lives complaint in dolefull Elegies,
With so pure Love, as Time could never boast;
Receive the Incense which I offer here,
By my strong Faith ascending to thy Fame,
My Zeale, my Hope, my Vowes, my Prayse, my Pray'r,
My Soule's Oblations to thy sacred Name:
Which Name my Muse to highest Heav'ns shall rayse,
By chaste Desire, true Love, and vertuous Prayse.