University of Virginia Library

[x] Endymion.

That heretofore to thy heroicke mind
Haps, (hopes not answer'd as they were design'd:)
O doe not thinke it strange, times were not come,
And these faire starres had not pronounc'd their doome;
The destinies did on that day attend,
When to this Northren Region thou should lend
Thy cheering presence, and charg'd with Renowne,
Set on thy browes the Caledonian Crowne;
Thy vertues now thy just desire shall grace,
Sterne Chance shall change, and to Desert give place;
Let this be knowne to all the Fates admit
To their grave Counsell, and to every Witt
That spies Heavens inside; this let Sibilles know,
And those mad Corybants which dance and glow
On Dindimus high tops with franticke fire:
Let this bee knowne to all Apollo's Quire,
And people let it not be hid from you,
What Mountaines noyse and Floods proclaime as true:
Where ever fame abroad his prayse shall ring,
All shall observe, and serve this blessed King.