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Now January th'new Yeare briske lets in
Cardinall Pool begins new Puppetting,
At Cambridge day the eighth he calls his Knaves
Into a Court that Summons from their Graves
The Bones of Bucer, and Paul Fagius 'fore 'em,
And Spend the month upon the Case in Coram.
Then Cuthbert Scot the Dead Bones Judge (brave tricks)
Doth Sentence them to burn for Hereticks.
Then up they're dug, degraded, had away
And February Sixth are burnt. (Oh play)
Oxford doth blush to be behind (What Strife)
Hence draws this geer with Peter Martyre's Wife.
Whom though they proov'd not guilty they dug up
Without all Law, and in a Dunghell put.
The fifteenth day they 'gin their firy play
And then at Canterbery burning lay.
One William Waterer of Bedingden
And Stephen Kent of Norgate holy men.
Will Hay of Hithe, With Thomas Hudson, and
Prowting of Thornham, Cranbrook's Lowick fand
By Whiffling Flames from Chuffiness, and trust
The Fire for its refining of their Dust.
The Sixteenth day Finall, and Bradbridge then
Were burnt at Ashford, both of Tenterden,
Stephens of Bedingden was burnt at Wye
Philpot of Tenterden this month did fry.
Chill February Shaking brings more Laws
Upon its Eighth to persecute Christs Cause
Hence two and twenty ti'de all in one String
To Boner up from Colechester they bring
Whose fingers itcht to rost them in the fire
But Pool forbad't, (though both Whelps of one Sire)


The twelfth of April in Smith fiery ---
Both Thomas Loseby, Margret Hide (Marn ---)
With Denny, Ramsey, Thomas Thirtell and
One Agnes Stanly for the Lords Command.
May's fag end Strikes her firy Sting into
King, Morant, Gratwick at George-Southwark so
As that their Souls flames bore to Christ, their rest
They left behinde them in a firy nest.
June Creepeth in whose eighteenth day display'de
Joan Bradbridge, Mrs. Manning, and a Maid
That could not See, Math Appleby and's Wife
With Edmond Allen, laying down their life.
For Christ their Saviour, in his glorious Cause
At Maidstone in the red fire 'gainst wicked Laws.
The ninteenth day at Canterbury were
Consum'd to ashes in the flames (Oh! Deare)
John Fishcock, Nich'las White, and Nich Pardue
With Widdow Finall, Widdow Bradbridge, true,
And Goody Wilson, Goody Benden Who
By her Vile Husband Caught her over throw.
Now Mathew Plaise did bravely play his part
Against the Romish bats, and there black Art,
But whether in the fire, or Jayle he fell
Or was released History could not tell.
The twenty Second they at Lewis burn
Brave Richard Woodman like a Sprite did Spurn
Their filth away, and in his answers Strong
Their own would give them to their faces home.
He by his Brethren, and his Father (Its said)
Hee Certainly did know he was betray'd.
George Stevens, William Maynard, and his man
His maid also do what the Romans can,
James Moris, and his Mother Margery,
Graves Wife, and Ashdons Wife, and Burgis dy
For Christ together in one fire through grace,
Eight of them were dispatcht in ten dayes Space.
And now about in Maidston jayle doth dy
One Ambrose through the Papish Cruelty
Brown B: of Bath, and Wells makes but a tush
To Damn to fire the Heretick Dick Bush.
July brings in her hand red fire also
To burn Christs Lambs for Hereticks, and loe
The thirteenth day at Norwich now there must
One Miller, Mrs. Cooper turn to dust.
August must do its part, whose Second day
Did build two fires at Colechester where lay
Bongeor, and Bendles, Purcas, burning there
Brave Betty Folks, (her Mother standing there)
And Helen Euring, Agnes Silverside
Whom when Staked fast Some thousands there thus Cri'de


------ Lord you Comfort Showre
------ his Mercyes down upon them poure.
Such words and prayer all almost then did reare
Then for them as was wonderfull to heare.
Then these the other fire did soon Consume
Father, and Mother Munt i'th' afternoon
And their Choice Daughter brave Rose Allen who
When Tyrrill Boners Cur, did take them, show
She did her Patience and firm Piety,
He burnt her wrist till nerves did Snap and fly
With Candle flame, then sayd he thus what Where
Wilt thou not Cry, and spake it ore and ore
To whom she blessed God, she had no Cause
But he had much would he the matter pause
At length he thrust her thence and said Strong Whore
Thou Shameless whore, thou beastly whore; therefore
She mildly said, Sir have you done your will
And so dismist; and now she doth fulfill
Her martyrdom, John Johnson, too with joy
Where at the people, as before do cry.
John Thurston who to Shun these monkies fire
At Colechester did in the jayle expire.
George Eagle, thou'st the Martyres Garland gain'd,
And Shalt it weare in Glory, and unstaind:
Although thy Martyrdom was not by flame,
But by an Hurdle, Halter, Hatchet came.
Thy Pains for Christ that thee Trudglover nam'd
Thy Spitefull Death of Shame thou hast Sustain'd
Will Stud thy Crown with glory, yea that ly
That fathereth thy Death of infamy
The fifth at Norwich burnt in Cruell flame
Young Richard Chrashfield for Christs glorious name.
The twenti'th Eagles Sister, and one Frier
Were burnt at Rothford by the Popish Fire.
About this time that Gentle woman brave
Of Manciter Joyce Lewis, who to Save
Christ truth in her, (when that her husbands hand
Out brought her 'fore he forfeit would his band
And lose an hundred pounds and in a touch
He said he would not by her lose so much)
Doth with a Chearfull Pleasant Lovely Face
At Litchfield burn for Christ in shining Grace.
September takes a Lot: its fires begin
The Seventeenth day at Illington, wherein
Ralfe Allerton, Dick Roth, James Austoo and
His Pious wife are burnt by Boners hand
Now also Margaret Thurston burned were
At Colechester, and Agnes Bongeor there:
Who being left behinde her mates she found
Herselfe in tears for want of fire nigh drownd:
The twenti'th day John Kurd was burnt to dust
In thee, Northampton, for Christs Cause most just.


And now about John ------
Consum'de to ashes thus in Laxfield flame
The twenty third Ci Orms at Norwich sit
By faith for Glory burnt in Lollards pit
John Warner too did feel this Firy Rod
And Mr. Thomas Athoth, (man of God)
John Ashdon Christian Grower, Holden too
Together by Chichesters firy Crew
Consumed were, though where and When they fell
And in What Sort the Story doth not tell.
October Silent is, or else provides
But fewell for November and by Slides.
November brings a fire Stick in its hand
And lights a fire at Bury by Comand
For Thomas Spurdance one that once had been
A Servant to this Firy Bloody Queen
The Eighteenth day in Smithfield Hallingdale
And Sparrow who his yielding did bewaile,
With Mr Gibson tall and proper who
Did tell his Pigmy parator and foe
That would pragmatically hall him like
A Jayle Bird through the market as a Sight,
And said he would Spite of his beard: poor ace
That was so low he scarce could Se his face,
That he if that he would not cease thus would.
Writh of his Neck, then frighted left his hold
Who when he came to Boner did assign
Unto him for an answer Queries nine,
For nine propounded to him. Now doth goe
With other two by fire to Glory so.
Thus with his fellows in Heroick wise
He's made to Christ a Whole Burnt Sacrifice.
In these Sad dayes there Were a Church Select
London's Choice Golden Candle Stick erect.
That Chose its Officers, for to dispense
The Word, Christs Discipline, and Sacraments
And did Elect the Worthy good Divine
Mr John Rough her Pastour at that time.
And Cuthbert Symson Deacon, and before
Their Grievious blow they did Shut out of doore
One Margret Mearing upon jealousy
She would enthrall the Whole Society
Now this Digression as a key before yee,
Seems needfull to unlock the present Story.