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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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J. J. Bachofen, Versuch über die Gräbersymbolik der Alten
(Basel, 1859); idem, Die Sage von Tanaquil (Heidelberg,
1870), trans. R. Manheim as The Myth of Tanaquil, in Myth,
Religion, and Mother Right
... (Princeton, 1967). S. G. F.
Brandon, “The Myth and Ritual Position Critically Con-
sidered,” in Myth, Ritual and Kingship, ed. S. H. Hooke
(Oxford, 1958), pp. 261-91. E. Buess, Geschichte des
mythischen Erkenntnis
(Munich, 1953). Joseph Campbell,
The Hero With a Thousand Faces (Princeton, 1949; 1968;
reprint New York); idem, The Masks of God, 4 vols. (New
York, 1959-68). Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on Man (New
Haven, 1944; New York, 1953). Giuseppe Cocchiara, Storia
del Folklore in Europa
(Turin, 1952). G. W. Cox, The Mythol-
ogy of the Aryan Nations,
2 vols. (1870; reprint Port Wash-
ington, N.Y.). Jan de Vries, Forschungsgeschichte der Mythol-
(Freiburg and Munich, 1961), contains a critical review
of interpretations of myth from antiquity to the present.
Gilbert Dorfles, Nuovi riti, nuovi miti (Turin, 1965). Richard
M. Dorson, “The Eclipse of Solar Mythology,” in Myth. A
ed. Thomas A. Sebeok (Bloomington, Ind.,
1955), pp. 15-38; idem, “Current Folklore Theories,” Cur-
rent Anthropology,
4 (1963), 93-112. Gilbert Durand, Les
structures anthropologiques de l'imaginaire
(Paris, 1960). É.
Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life,
trans. Joseph Ward Swain (New York, 1961). P. Ehrenreich,
Die allgemeine Mythologie und ihre ethnologischen
(Berlin, 1910). M. Eliade, Myth and Reality
(New York, 1963). Ivan Engnell, Studies in Divine Kingship
in the Ancient Near East
(Uppsala, 1943). J. L. Fischer, “The
Sociopsychological Analysis of Folk Tales,” Current An-
4 (1963). S. Freud, Totem and Taboo, trans. James
Strachey (London, 1950). Theodore H. Gaster, Thespis, 2nd
ed. rev. (New York, 1961). W. Grønbech The Culture of
the Teutons,
2 vols. (London and Copenhagen, 1931). G.
Gusdorf, Mythe et métaphysique (Paris, 1952). A. M. Hocart,
The Progress of Man (London, 1933). S. H. Hooke, The


Labyrinth (London, 1935); idem, ed., Myth and Ritual
(1933); idem, ed., Myth, Ritual and Kingship (Oxford, 1958),
esp. pp. 1-21. Stanley Edgar Hyman, “The Ritual View of
Myth and the Mythic,” in Myth. A Symposium, op. cit.,
pp. 84-94. Adolf E. Jensen, Mythos und Kult bei Natur-
(Wiesbaden, 1951), trans. Marianna Choldin and
Wolfgang Wiessleder as Myth and Cult Among Primitive
(Chicago, 1963). C. G. Jung and C. Kerényi, Essays
on a Science of Mythology,
trans. R. F. C. Hull (New York,
1949). Clyde Kluckhohn, “Myths and Rituals: A General
Theory,” Harvard Theological Review, 35 (1942), 45-79.
Andrew Lang, The Making of Religion (1898), 3rd ed.
(London, 1909); idem, Myth, Ritual and Religion, 3rd ed.
(London, 1901). Claude Lévi-Strauss, “L'analyse morpholo-
gique des contes russes,” in Journal of Slavic Linguistics
and Poetics,
3 (1960); idem, La pensée sauvage (1962), trans.
as The Savage Mind (Chicago, 1966); idem, Du miel aux
(Paris, 1966); idem, Le cru et le cuit (1964), trans.
John and Doreen Wightman as The Raw and the Cooked
(New York, 1969); idem, “The Structural Study of Myth,”
in Myth. A Symposium, op. cit., pp. 50-66, presents a
structuralist interpretation. C. Scott Littleton, The New
Comparative Mythology: An Anthropological Assessment of
the Theories of Georges Dumézil
(Berkeley and Los Angeles,
1966). Bronislaw Malinowski, “Myth in Primitive Psychol-
ogy” (1926), reprinted in Magic, Science and Religion (New
York, 1954). J. Melville and Frances S. Herskowitz, “A
Cross-Cultural Approach to Myth,” in Dahomean Narrative
(Evanston, 1958), pp. 81-122, presents current theories of
myth. F. M. Müller, Contributions to the Science of Mythol-
(London, 1897); idem, Lectures on the Science of Lan-
guage, Second Series
(London and New York, 1869). Wilhelm
Wundt, Mythus und Religion, 3 vols. (Leipzig, 1905-09).
Walter Otto, Dionysus (1933), trans. R. B. Palmer (Bloom-
ington, Ind., 1965). R. Pettazzoni, Essays on the History of
(Leyden, 1954), pp. 11-36. Vladimir Propp,
Istoričeskie korni volšebnoj skazki (Leningrad, 1946); idem,
Morfologija skazi (Leningrad, 1928), trans. Laurence Scott
as Morphology of the Folktale (Bloomington, Ind., 1958), and
as Morfologia della Fiabba (Turin, 1966). Otto Rank, The
Myth of the Birth of the Hero
(Leipzig, 1909). Paul Ricoeur,
The Symbolism of Evil (New York, 1967). W. Robertson-
Smith, Lectures on the Religion of the Semites, new ed.
(London, 1894). Wilhelm Schmidt, The Origin and Growth
of Religion,
trans. H. J. Rose (New York, 1931), presents
different methodological approaches. T. A. Sebeok, ed.,
Myth. A Symposium (Bloomington, Ind., 1955). Josef L.
Seifert, Sinndeutung des Mythos (Munich, 1954). Wayne
Shumaker, Literature and the Irrational (New York, 1960).
E. Siecke, Drachenkämpfe: Untersuchungen zur indoger-
manischen Sagenkunde
(Leipzig, 1907). E. Stucken,
Astralmythen (Leipzig, 1901-07). Edward B. Taylor, Primi-
tive Culture,
2nd ed. (1873; reprint New York, 1958). George
Widengren, King and Savior, 6 vols. (Uppsala, 1945-55).


[See also Astrology; Creation; Death; God; Nature; Primi-
tivism; Structuralism.]