University of Virginia Library

Laboratory Courses.

350-351-352. General Chemistry. [Bird and Instructors.]

11:30-1:30, M. W. F.

353-354-355. Physical Chemistry. [Freas.]

9 hours a week

359-360-361. Organic Chemistry. [Venable.]

2:30-4:30, M. W. F.


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380-381-382. Analytical Chemistry. [Dunnington and Assistant.]

6 hours a week.

383-384-385. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. [Dunnington and Assistant.]

12 hours a week.

The Chemical Journal Club meets every other Thursday from 11 a. m.
to 12 m., for the critical review and discussion of various topics of interest
in current chemical literature, and of such chemical researches as may be in
progress in the University.

Advanced courses are given in Organic Chemistry (C2), and in Inorganic
(D1). These courses are described in the General Catalogue,
and are recommended to all students of Chemical Engineering who
desire to prepare for the prosecution of research work.