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The Roanoke Daily Times was established by M. H.
Claytor in 1886, the first issue appearing on November
29th, of that year. This was the first daily paper ever
published in the city. It began as a morning paper and
has been continuously published as such since. After
a few years Mr. Claytor sold out to J. T. Hall, C. T.
Grandy, and others. The paper was published then on
Jefferson Street between Salem and Campbell avenues.
In 1890 the ownership again changed, the Lazell
Brothers being the principal owners. The paper was
then published in the building on the northwest corner
of Campbell Avenue and Henry Street, with Herbert J.
Browne as Editor. A year or so later the Roanoke
Publishing Company was chartered and M. H. Claytor,
the first owner and publisher resumed the management,
and the plant was moved to its present quarters on
Campbell Avenue, Southwest. This was in 1894.
Several years later it became necessary to have additional
room, and a new building was erected beside
the one then occupied by the Roanoke Publishing Company,
it being constructed with the view of using it for
a modern newspaper office. Linotype machines were
purchased, and in order to keep pace with the growing
demand for a morning daily not only in the city, but in
all of Southwest Virginia, a modern Hoe perfecting
press was installed with a capacity of ten thousand
sixteen page papers per hour. In the year 1902 the
Roanoke Publishing Company purchased the Evening
News, an afternoon paper which had been established
a year before.

This publication was popular as a penny paper, but
later when it was increased to eight pages the price was
raised to two cents per copy, at which price it has since
been published. It at once sprang into prominence
locally and attained a wide home circulation.

In the latter part of 1909 the Roanoke Publishing
Company sold The Roanoke Times and The Evening
News to The Roanoke Times Company, Incorporated,
composed of Alfred B. Williams, H. G. Buchanan, W. S.
Battle, J. B. Fishburn, W. E. Thomas, and Edward L.
Stone. The new owners assumed control on December
15th, 1909, with W. E. Thomas as Business Manager.
On January 1st, 1910, Alfred B. Williams, formerly
editor of the Richmond News-Leader, became the
Editor of the two publications.

Both papers are Democratic in principle, and are
important factors in the upbuilding of Roanoke and
Southwest Virginia where the Roanoke Times has a
wide circulation.

The Roanoke Times is now preparing to build a
modern fireproof newspaper building for housing its
plant on the northwest corner of Campbell Avenue and
Commerce Street, facing the City Hall and the Ponce
de Leon Hotel.