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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

expand sectionI, II. 


The Preacher warns the young Man to think of Old Age, Death and Judgment.

Unheedful Youth whom eager Passion warms,
The Royal Preacher thus to Virtue forms:
Thou, whom the tempting Spring of Life invites
To taste of Mirth and Joy, and gay Delights;
Indulge thy Wishes, give thy Soul the Reins,
And laugh at Consciences and Virtues Charms!
But know, fond Youth! Ah know, and always mind
A strict, a just Account remains behind.


—O rather now, in Youth's and Life's first Bloom,
Remember, who must then pronounce thy Doom;
And long uncomfortable Years to come:
Before the lusty Sun of Youth decline,
The Moon and Stars with feeble glimm'rings shine:
Before Heav'ns azure Face is sought in vain,
While Rain succeeds the Clouds, and Clouds the Rain.
E're the strong Guardians of thy House give way,
Tremble thy Thighs, thy sinewy Arms decay:
Thy Tongue forget to taste, thy Teeth to grind,
And thy dim Eyes no more the Light shall find.
Birds of ill Omen then shall hover o're
Thy Roof, and joyous Songs shall be no more:
Each Hill shall seem to nod its threatning Head,
Dismay and Terror all around thee spread:
Thy hoary Hairs shall hastning Death fore-show,
The smallest Weight a sinking Burthen grow:
What is there now in Life that's worth desire?
The Mourner's Torch prepares to light thy Fire;
Thou must to thy long silent Home, the Grave, retire.
'Tis pass'd—Thy Nerves unstrung, their Task give o're,
The golden Lamp of Life must burn no more:
The great Machin no longer now must play,
Ev'n thy strong Vitals to the Foe give way,
And conqu'ring Death breaks in, and claims the all his Prey.


Then shall this Dust to native Dust retire,
Thy Spirit shall to th'World of Spirits aspire,
And trembling stand before its great immortal Sire.
The Sum is this—E're Life and Strength decay,
O Fear th'Almighty, and his Laws obey;
For thou before his awful Throne must stand,
Where every Thought and every Action scann'd:
The Good shall Bliss, and vast Rewards attend,
The Bad are doom'd to Shame and Pain that knows no End.