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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundo ad viuificandum mortuos.

The secund cause querfor & whi
The Holy Gost to mon wos sent
wos for to quyken dede in hie,
þat preues þis word gost verament.
Quen A gost here nomet is,
ffor gost wykenes þat is dede,
by holy wrytt I preue wele this,
þat lyfe is none quen gost is lede.


Spiritus enim, qui viuificat. Item Ezechiel xxxjo: Ossa arida audite verbum domini. Ecce ego mittam in vos spiritum domini & viuetis.

ffor thurgh gostes, As rede we
Bi Esechiel prophecie,
All þe world shall dee & wykent be
At domesday þrugh his mercy.