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CCXLVIII. Robert Newland. A Letter to Nicholas Ferrar June 27, 1622


CCXLVIII. Robert Newland. A Letter to Nicholas Ferrar
June 27, 1622

Ferrar Papers
Magdalene College, Cambridge. Autograph Letter, Signed
List of Records No. 343

Sr. Youers of the 18 of this instant I Recaud and you say that Capten
Barwik had order to opene the Chest vher the shirtes is but thoues Chist
ar stod in the ship and ar not to be Com by Some of youer pepell hath
gon a month in a shirt so that of nesitie they most haue Chaing I do for
you as for my sell nothing but what Nesistie is done the fordrence paseger
hath ben 2 times at the Coues to goe abord but the wind is Come to the
wastward a gaine so now that be hear at Nuport and Capten Barwike
will not leat his pepell Remane a bord befor the wind is faier.

Sr I hope wee shall haue as good a ship as the weast land of england
afordes of hir bordn wich will be a bout 150 tones and wee shall bee in the
way to do you sarues and for the Boyes you wright of doth goe wee shall
be willing and Redy to do what wee may I hope this ship will be Redy
to sa * * * by the last of Agust or a wike in Septeber for she will be
lanch god willing by the 14 of Agust or be for and all ouer prouision goe on
to gether in prouding mast wich ar all Redy all Redy and saills and Cask
and brid will allso be Redy.

I pray do the best for youes you may for this pasger and wee will be Redy
to Requit it god willing I charg you with a nother bill of exchang for 20li
to be paid vnto on mr Prise in flitstrit I pray mak him good pament
this pasger poote you to grat Chares and ar her long wind bond but at the
good plesuer of the allmitie god they shall haue a faier wind I Requestid
Ernistly that mr Hakat wold send douen a modell of the armes of Vergena


that wee might haue thim Co * * * faier for the strane of ouer nue
ship I pray spak to him to send it I wold wright to him but I kno not
wher he dvll and thus I leaue you and youer a faires to the protickcon of
all mytie god.

Youer frind at Comand
Robert Newland.
[Indorsed:] Mr Newland Newport to N. Ferrar, London 1622 June 27.
[Addressed:] To the Worll Nicholas Farrer Deputy to that Honble Com-
pany for Virginia at his House in S Sithes Lane in London