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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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2. A Hymne in praise of Neptune.


2. A Hymne in praise of Neptune.

Of Neptunes Empyre let us sing,
At whose command the waves obay:
To whom the Rivers tribute pay,
Downe the high mountaines sliding.
To whom the skaly Nation yeelds
Homage for the Cristall fields
Wherein they dwell;
And every Sea-god paies a Jem,
Yeerely out of his watry Cell,
To decke great Neptunes Diadem.
The Trytons dauncing in a ring,
Before his Pallace gates, doo make
The water with their Ecchoes quake,
Like the great Thunder sounding:
The Sea-Nymphes chaunt their Accents shrill,
And the Syrens taught to kill
With their sweet voyce,
Make ev'ry ecchoing Rocke reply,
Unto their gentle murmuring noyse,
The prayse of Neptunes Empery.

This Hymne was sung by Amphitryte, Thamesis, and other Sea-Nimphes in Grayes-Inne Maske, at the Court. 1594.

Th. Campion.