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Rice W. Wood

I do heareby certify that at the solicitation of Capt. Oldham I did as his friend and advisor
call upon the proctor of the university for the perpose of ascertaining from him whether he
had decided upon the course he intended to persue with regard to Capt. Oldham's accounts
and also to endevour if possible to procoure an arbitration of the same.--This I did on the
first of November. in consequence of the pressing business then on hand the proctor
declined entering into conversation upon the subject.--I saw him again in the corse of the
succeeding week when we had some conversation upon the subject, and I pressed upon him
the subject of a decition upon the mater, he replied that he wished to take further time for
deliberation, but stated that he would give me a reply in the course of two or three days.--

About a week elapsed, and Capt Oldham being urgent upon me I again called to see the
proctor at his office, and enquired of him his intentions, he then stated that he had not yet
decided, that he had expected that Mr. Jefferson would have been at the University before
that time and that he was desireous of having a consultation with him; That he expected to
have an opportunity of doing so in some short Time, and again repeated that he would rite to
me as soon as he did so, I waited four or five days and haveing received no reply, I was
again urged by Capt. Oldham to write him a note, which I did on last monday, but receiving
no reply, I at the instance of Capt. Oldham wrote a second note on the next wednesday, to
which a reply was given by the proctor that he had not received a reply to a letter written by
him to Mr. Jefferson upon that Subject.

This day Rice W. Wood Made Oath before me that the forgoing statement Contains the
Substance of two Conversations held in his presence, between Jam[e]s Oldam and A S
Brockenbrough the first On the 14th. July 1823 the 2d. on the 19 Nov 1823 as appears by
Written memorandums Made at the time of which the forgoing are true Copies

Jno. R. Jones

Question by the defendt. A S Brockenbrough--Did I not in a short time after the foregoing
conversations took place address a letter to you, with such articles of agreement there in as I
was willing to go into an arbitration of Capt oldhams accounts with the University

Answer. Some time after the 19th Nov 1823 I did receive a letter from the defendant
Brokenbrough in which he stated that he was willing to submit to an arbitration of the
matters of account between himself as Proctor of the U.Va and the plaintiff. That proposition
was accompanied with several conditions some of which I do not at present recollect but the
condition most objected to by Capt Oldham the plaintiff was, that the arbitrators in making
the admeasurements and estimates should go over the whole work again, while it was
insisted by pltff that they should only reprice and remeasure such portions as had not been
certified by the Proctor as correct but such only as he objected to as unreasonable

Question by A S Brockenbrough--Does not the accompanying paper show the substance of
my propositions to you as the agent of Capt Oldham for the settlement of his accounts?

Answer I have inspected the paper alluded to above, enclosed "Articles proposed to james
Oldham for settlement of accounts 28th Nov 1823" and beleive it to be a true copy of the
one communicated to me as Attorney for the plaintiff.

Question by A S Brockenbrough, do you recollect in our subsequent conversations, the
reasons assigned by me for not going into a partial arbitration with Capt Oldham if you do
what were they?

Answer One of the reasons assigned I beleive was that some of the prices certified were too
high and if one portion should be submitted you wished them to have the whole subject
before them that they might do the University justice

Copy, in Oldham vs University of Virginia, ViU:PP. This copy apparently was made before
Brockenbrough filed his Bill of Exception, 3 January 1831. Wood made a related certificate
on 14 July 1823.