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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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To-day as idly in my chair
I hardly half-awake was dreaming,
Methought, in through the sunny air,
A swarm of laughing Loves came streaming;
Winged mischiefs, here and there, without
My leave, the wantons gleamed and fluttered,
Buzzing, like bees, the room about,
Ere half a sentence could be uttered.
In fact, with such glad hushed surprise
I saw the little urchins flying,
Like humming-birds, before my eyes,
In every nook and corner prying,
Now handling this—now into that
With childish laughs and chatter peeping,
I did not care to stay their chat,
But silent sat, as I'd been sleeping.


What would they do? quick, every one
Found every moment new employment;
They paused at last; well, now what fun
Would yield their smallships fresh enjoyment?
My scrap-book lay before me there;
One saw and straightway courage mustered,
Helped by five more, the prize to bear
To where all close around it clustered.
Swift, over, leaf on leaf was turned;
Small praise, each sketch, while passing under
Those tiny curious quick eyes, earned,
Till, ah, at last, one waked their wonder;
My pencil there had vainly tried,
How vainly! as it oft had striven,
To do that, unto it denied,
Image the beauty to you given.
Yet passion there, to labouring art,
A strength beyond its own had granted;
Enough was there to make them start,
However much of you was wanted;
Eyes—dimples—hair—those peeping pearls,
As those red lips so archly show them,
They saw them and, O flower of girls,
How strange! at once, they seemed to know them.
O what a storm of pretty noise,
Of cries and clappings straight I heard then,
Of little feet that stamped the joys,
Enough their small tongues couldn't word then;
What with delight could thrill them so?
Hardly my wonder I could smother,
Till, listening, soon I laughed to know
They, in your likeness, saw their mother.