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Don't you know “Wicked Bet”
With her forehead of brass,
And her sturdy
Loud wordy
Delight in a “wet”
And a bibulous yarn to each sociable glass,
At the neighbouring tavern,
With a mouth like a cavern?
And with red rheumy eyes
Now in rollicking leer,
Now in savage surprise,
Blinking over her beer.
You must mark “Wicked Bet”
And the shadow we shun
Past enduring,
Sweet souls that are let,
And her black coruscations of crapulous fun;
Ah, I think Adam's apple
Came back to Whitechapel;
While she by her art,
With a living to make,
Plays the infamous part
Of the damnable Snake.
Just observe “Wicked Bet”
As she watches her prey,
Like a spider
Beside her
Pretending to pet;
If girls fall in her clutches, all hopeless are they;
For she carefully angles
And traps them in tangles
Of promises fair,
If they fidget or pout;
Till they find in despair
That they cannot get out.


Though she is “Wicked Bet,”
A noctivagous curse,
With her easy
And greasy
Devices to get
Her serpent constrictions round person and purse;
If she certainly trundles
Her feminine bundles,
Soul, body, to hell;
Yet she offers good pay,
She goes with them as well
And makes pleasant the way.