University of Virginia Library




Comfort, ye ministers of grace,
Comfort the people of your Lord;
O! lift ye up the fallen race,
And cheer them by the gospel-word.
Go, into every nation, go!
Speak to their trembling hearts, and cry,
Glad tidings unto all we show;
Jerusalem, thy God is nigh.
Accomplish'd is thy legal war,
The mantle o'er thy sins is spread;
Thy God the punishment hath bore,
Thy God the debt hath more than paid.
Punish'd thou art, for He hath died,
(The merit of His death is thine,)
Absolved, and freely justified,
And clothed in righteousness Divine.


Hark! in the wilderness a cry,
A voice that loudly calls, Prepare!
Prepare your hearts, for God is nigh,
And means to make His entrance there.
The Lord your God shall quickly come:
Sinners, repent, the call obey;
Open your hearts to make Him room;
Ye desert souls, prepare His way.
The Lord shall clear His way through all;
Whate'er obstructs, obstructs in vain:
The vale shall rise, the mountain fall,
Crooked be straight, and rugged plain.
Nature, perverse and rough, shall yield,
The' aspiring droop, the abject dare;
Alike by sovereign grace compell'd,
Despair shall hope, and pride despair.
When all, into subjection brought,
Level shall lie, and humbly low,
Who captivated every thought,
His glory then the Lord shall show.
The glory of the Lord display'd
Together all mankind shall view;
And what His mouth in truth hath said,
His own almighty hand shall do.


Withering as grass is humankind,
And fleeting as the short-lived flower;
The goodliness to-day we find
To-morrow fades, and is no more.


Man, foolish man, his virtue shows,
Which for a moment charms our eyes;
The sin-convincing Spirit blows,
Withers the flower, and fades, and dies.
Die the gay flower of human pride:
The word of God shall stand secure;
The word of God shall still abide,
And firm from age to age endure.
Sion, ascend the mountain-top;
Jerusalem, the grace proclaim;
Herald of God, thy voice lift up,
And strongly shout the Saviour's name.
Good tidings show to Judah's race;
Publish throughout the earth abroad
Good tidings of redeeming grace,
And cry to all, Behold your God!
Behold, the Lord your God shall come,
And bow the world to His command:
His outstretch'd arm shall make Him room:
Who can His outstretch'd arm withstand?
Lo! an exceeding great reward,
Himself, to humbled souls He gives;
He fills whom first He hath prepared,
And All in All for ever lives.
Shepherd of Souls, His tender care
Shall kindly for His flock provide;
The lambs He in His arms shall bear,
And sweetly in His bosom hide.


His sheep He shall protect, and feed,
Bind up the maim'd, support the weak;
The great with young shall gently lead,
And seek the lost, and heal the sick.


Nor doth His love eclipse His might,
Or lessen His majestic powers,
Though stooping from His glory's height;
Who is so great a God as ours?
He in the hollow of His hand
Measured the vast unbounded main;
The wide-extended heavens He spann'd;
Infinity His arms contain.
He meted out the earth, and poised
The mountains, hung on empty space,
When all the morning stars rejoiced,
And shouted their Creator's praise.
Creation's line His wisdom laid,
He grasp'd the chaos with His fist;
Sea, air, and earth, and heaven He weigh'd,
And bad the' exact machine consist.
Who with the great Omniscient God,
Angel or man, in council join'd;
To Him the way of judgment show'd,
Or taught that all-informing Mind?
He, high enthroned above all height,
A partner in His work disdains;
In power and knowledge infinite
The self-directed Spirit reigns.


See the vast tribes that crowd the face
Of earth, the islands scatter'd wide;
Survey the whole of human race,
Their wealth, their number, and their pride!
Light as the balance-dust, and small
To Him as the minutest grain,
Their millions into nothing fall,
Or “swell to be discern'd in vain.”
The nations with their God compare,
(A drop with the unfathom'd sea,)
They vanish all, dissolved in air,
And lost in His immensity.
Lighter than vanity, and less
Than nothing, He on all looks down;
Nor can their services appease
His wrath, or mitigate His frown.
Lebanon brings her stores in vain;
Nor all her cedars can afford,
Not all her beasts for sinners slain,
An offering worthy of their Lord.
Nothing the creature adds to Him
From whom their borrow'd being flow'd;
Who self-sufficient and supreme
Exists, the One Eternal God.


Say, then, ye worms of earth, to whom
Will ye your glorious God compare?
Vainly through all His works ye roam,
To find Jehovah's likeness there.


The vile idolater belies
His image with a golden shrine;
To counterfeit the Godhead tries;
And stocks and stones become Divine.
Man his own deity reveres
By self-delight, and self-esteem;
Whate'er the sinner hopes, or fears,
Desires, or loves, is God to him.
But have ye not His being known,
And clearly seen by nature's light;
Have not the ancient fathers shown,
And you confess'd the Infinite?
The heavens His glorious power proclaim,
The' Invisible on earth is show'd,
Nature is written with His name,
And all things speak their builder God.
Creation to His law submits,
His rule He over all maintains;
High on the globe of heaven He sits,
And undisturb'd for ever reigns.
The' inhabitants of earth from thence,
As grasshoppers, His eye beholds:
His hand, and power, and providence
The curtain of the heavens unfolds.
'Tis He who stretch'd them out, 'tis He
Who still the wide pavilion spreads,
That blue ethereal canopy,
And draws it o'er His creatures' heads.


Princes, and kings, that dare withstand
Their uncontroll'd Creator's sway,
Shall sink beneath His mighty hand,
And fall, and fade, and die away.
Planted awhile, or sown below,
Their stock accurst shall ne'er take root;
The Lord upon their pride shall blow,
Wither the flower, and blast the fruit.
Say, then, ye abject worms, to whom
Will ye your glorious God compare?
Who shall His holiness presume
To match, or who His power shall dare?
Lift up your eyes to things on high,
Nor fix on earth your groveling thought:
Who built yon azure vaulted sky?
Who spoke those beauteous orbs from nought?
God only wise, and great, and strong,
Made them to run their heavenly race.
(Knowledge and might to God belong,
Honour, and majesty, and praise.)
Their radiant hosts He marshals right,
Their nature, names, and number knows:
He bids them in their courses fight,
And blast their great Creator's foes.
They hear; and each His will performs;
And, lo! to man they ever call,
“Lift up your eyes, ye abject worms;
Adore the glorious Cause of all!”



The world He made He still sustains.
Why then dost thou, O Israel, say,
“My God forgets His people's pains,
His Jacob is a castaway?”
Repent thee of thy peevish haste;
Recall the rash desponding word;
No more complain, “The hour is past,
And I have wearied out my Lord.”
Hast thou not heard, hast thou not known
The everlasting God, that laid
The earth's foundations, rules alone,
Nor faints to bear the world He made?
Jehovah is unchangeable,
His ways, and thoughts, are not as ours;
He cheers the languid souls that fail,
And quickens all their drooping powers.
Gently He lifts the fallen up,
He gives them faith, and faith's increase,
Revives their feeble, dying hope,
And fills with love, and joy, and peace.
Blasted, the vigour of the young
Shall fade, and suddenly decay;
The bold, and confident, and strong
Shall fear, despair, and die away.
But they who wait upon the Lord
Shall surely find His promise true,
Receive the quickening powerful word,
And, born of God, their strength renew.


Their willing souls, from sin set free,
Shall swiftly in His statutes move,
Shall walk in glorious liberty,
Shall fly upon the wings of love.
With eagle's wings their souls shall rise,
Steady and strong to heaven soar,
Regain on earth their native skies,
And faint, and fall, and sin no more.



The first part appears in vol. I, p.118.


I too will magnify the Lord,
And emulate the angels' lays,
His loving-kindnesses record,
In sounds of everlasting praise.
For all He hath on us bestow'd
This only tribute can I bring,
Extol the mercies of my God,
His multitude of mercies sing.
How good to Israel's chosen race!
Who, who can all His goodness tell?
So rich in unexhausted grace;
His riches are unsearchable.
Surely, He said, Mine own they are;
My people will not faithless prove;
My children will not slight My care,
Or disappoint a Father's love.


Sweetly He strove their hearts to gain,
He woo'd them to embrace His will.
They never ask'd His help in vain,
But found a present Saviour still.
Dear as the apple of His eye
In all their griefs He kindly grieved;
The angel of His presence nigh
From all the favourite nation saved.
He rescued when to evil sold,
He snatch'd them from impending harms,
Carried them all the days of old
Safe in His everlasting arms.
He magnified His saving power,
Call'd them His utmost grace to prove;
With infinite compassion bore
The objects of His tenderest love.
But O! they soon forsook their God;
The faithless and rebellious race
In devious paths of evil trod,
And grieved the Spirit of His grace.
They vex'd; and forced His wrath to rise:
His vengeance fell, so long delay'd:
Constrain'd the rebels to chastise,
He pour'd His judgments on their head.
His mercy then He call'd to mind;
He call'd to mind the ancient days
When, only merciful and kind,
He smiled on the peculiar race.


Where is He now—their God, their Guide!
(He taught their hearts the powerful plea;)
Where is He now, their hearts replied,
Who brought His people from the sea?
Who placed a shepherd o'er the rest,
And gave him wisdom from above,
And breathed into his peaceful breast
The meek, mild spirit of His love.
Them by the hand of Moses led,
His power and goodness to proclaim,
Beyond the bounds of time to spread
Jehovah's everlasting name.
The Lord of Hosts in all appear'd,
He smote the sea with Moses' rod,
His glorious arm aloft He rear'd:
The parting sea confess'd its God.
He brought them through the wondrous way;
The deep was dry at His command;
Secure they march'd in firm array,
Nor stumbled, till they reach'd the land.
Smooth as the generous-nurtured beast
Into the verdant vale goes down,
To bring them to that promised rest,
His Spirit gently led them on.
Thus didst Thou guide Thy chosen race,
That every tongue might speak Thy fame,
And earth and heaven conspire to praise
The God of Israel's glorious Name.



God of eternal Majesty,
High as Thou art, from heaven look down;
Holy and Just, we cry to Thee;
Behold us from Thy glorious throne!
Where is Thy strength to conquer sin?
Thy zeal to save a fallen race?
Thy bowels sounding from within?
Thy mercies, and Thy pardoning grace?
Thy pity, and paternal care,
The tender yearnings of Thy heart,
Are they restrain'd? Is fury there?
Ah, no! Thou still our Father art.
Doubtless Thou art our Father still,
Though Abraham his seed disowns
Debased by sin, though Israel
Renounces his degenerate sons.
Our Lord, and our Redeemer now
Thou art, and wilt be still the same;
Our everlasting Father Thou;
Jehovah is Thy glorious name.
Why, then, O Lord, if ours Thou art,
Why hast Thou suffer'd us to rove?
Withdrawn Thy Spirit from our heart,
And left us to our want of love?
Why hast Thou hid Thy lovely face,
And caused us from Thy paths to err?
Abandon'd by restraining grace,
Our hearts were harden'd from Thy fear.


Yet, Lord, for Thee again we mourn:
Now let our prayers Thine aid engage,
Now for Thy servant's sake return,
And cheer Thy drooping heritage.
The land we fondly deem'd our own
(Alas! how short a time enjoy'd!)
Our adversaries have o'erthrown,
And trampled on the house of God.
Yet we are Thine, though dispossest,
And outcasts from the promised land;
They never have Thy sway confess'd,
Or yielded to Thy just command.
We, we are call'd by Thy great name;
Accept our plea, Thine ear incline;
Thine, Lord, we are; renew Thy claim;
Receive, and seal us ever Thine.


From the German.

High on His everlasting throne,
The King of saints His works surveys,
Marks the dear souls He calls His own,
And smiles on the peculiar race.
He rests well-pleased their toil to see;
Beneath His easy yoke they move,
With all their heart and strength agree
In the sweet labour of His love.


His eye the world at once looks through,
A vast uncultivated field!
Mountains and vales, in ghastly show,
A barren uncouth prospect yield.
Clear'd of the thorns by human care,
A few less hideous wastes are seen;
Yet still they all continue bare,
And not one spot of earth is green.
See where the servants of their God,
A busy multitude, appear;
For Jesus day and night employ'd,
His heritage they toil to clear.
The love of Christ their hearts constrains,
And strengthens their unwearied hands;
They spend their sweat, and blood, and pains,
To cultivate Immanuel's land.
Alarm'd at their successful toil,
Satan and his wild spirits rage;
They labour to tear up and spoil,
And blast the rising heritage.
In every wilderness they sow
The seed of death, the carnal mind;
They would not let one virtue grow,
Or leave one seed of good behind.
Yet still the servants of their Lord
Look up, and calmly persevere;
Supported by the Master's word,
The adverse powers they scorn to fear;
Gladly their happy work pursue:
The labour of their hands is seen,
Their hands the face of earth renew,
Diversified with cheerful green.


Where'er the faithful workers turn,
The steps of industry appear;
They labour the dry wood to burn,
They labour with unwearied care
The fruits of Sodom to tread down,
To root up each accursed seed,
By Satan and his servants sown,
And plant the Gospel in its stead.
To dig the ground, they all bestow
Their lives; from every soften'd clod
They gather out the stones, and sow
The' immortal seed, the Word of God.
They water it with tears and prayers,
They long for the returning word;
Happy, if all their pains and cares
Can bring forth fruit to please their Lord.
Jesus their toil delighted sees,
Their industry vouchsafes to crown;
He kindly gives the wish'd increase,
And sends the promised blessing down:
The sap of life, the Spirit's powers
He rains incessant from above,
He all His gracious fulness showers,
To perfect their great work of love.
He prospers all His servants' toils:
But of peculiar grace has chose
A flock, on whom His kindest smiles
And choicest blessings He bestows;
Devoted to their common Lord,
True followers of the bleeding Lamb,
By God beloved, by men abhorr'd;—
And Hernhuth is the favourite name!


Here many a faithful soul is found,
With mystic powers of love endued,
Full of the light of life, and crown'd
A king and priest to serve his God.
With flaming zeal for Christ they shine,
Their body, soul, and spirit give,
To Christ their goods and blood resign,
For Christ they freely die and live.
What can we offer our good Lord
(Poor nothings!) for His boundless grace?
Fain would we His great name record,
And worthily set forth His praise.
Dear Object of our growing love,
To whom our more than all we owe,
Open the Fountain from above,
And let it our full soul o'erflow.
So shall our lives Thy power proclaim,
Thy grace for every sinner free,
'Till all mankind shall learn Thy name,
Shall all stretch out their hands to Thee.
Open a door which earth and hell
May strive to shut, but strive in vain:
Let Thy word richly in us dwell,
And let our gracious fruit remain.
O, multiply Thy sower's seed!
And fruit we every hour shall bear,
Throughout the world Thy Gospel spread,
Thine everlasting truth declare:
We all, in perfect love renew'd,
Shall know the greatness of Thy power;
Stand in the temple of our God
As pillars, and go out no more.



Psalm lxxvii. 10. [P. B. V.]

Have mercy, Lord, Thy wrath remove,
Nor let Thy judgments weigh me down:
I cannot live without Thy love,
I cannot stand beneath Thy frown.
Wilt Thou not once Thy face display,
And dart a ray of heavenly light?
Still must I urge my cheerless way,
And mourn throughout my long-lived night?
Lo! in my prayer I ever mourn,
Vext with the sad remains of sin,
Broken, and bruised, and rack'd and torn,
How shall I bear this hell within?
This unbelief, these cruel fears,
Distracting doubts, and torturing pain?
While Thou art silent at my tears;
Thou seest them ever flow in vain.
And must I yield to black despair?
In vain on Thee for mercy call,
Tempted above what I can bear?
And wilt Thou suffer me to fall?
Never again disclose Thy face,
Or show me the atoning blood?
Have I exhausted all Thy grace?
Hath God forgotten to be good?
For ever is Thy mercy gone,
Thy truth, and faithfulness, and love?
Doth angry Justice rule alone?
Have I no Advocate above?


Then pour Thy vengeance on my head,
And quench the smoking flax in me;
Break (if Thou canst) a bruised reed,
And cast me out who come to Thee.
Jesu, I come my doom to meet,
A sinner whom Thou wilt not spare:
But I will perish at Thy feet,
The first that ever perish'd there.


“I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed,” &c.

God of Truth, and Power and Love,
Father, Friend of all mankind,
Let on me Thy Spirit move,
Influence my feeble mind;
'Twixt the serpent's seed and me
Prevalently interpose,
Break the fatal amity,
Make us everlasting foes.
Sin hath poison'd all my soul,
Sin, the serpent's cursed seed:
No one part in me is whole;
Yet will I the promise plead,—
Promise of all-saving grace,
Promise of an inward power,
Able to redeem the race,
Me, and all men, to restore.


Breathe the breath of simple life,
O! be Abel born in me,
(Previous to the legal strife,)
Innocent simplicity:
Give me childishness to' oppose
To the subtle serpent's art;
Childishness no evil knows,
Give me, Lord, a simple heart!
Or, if pride hath this destroy'd,
Turn'd into self-righteousness,
Let the law supply the void,
Seth succeed in Abel's place.
Deeply root Thy law within,
Parent of the wretched man:
Check my forwardness to sin,
Forcibly by fear restrain.
Bind in me the strong man, bind
With the fetters of the law;
Curb and thwart the carnal mind,
Keep the Man of Sin in awe:
Enemy to all that's good,
Never will he quite give place;
He can only be subdued
By the sense of pardoning grace.
Tell me, Jesus died for me;
Show some token of His love:
Love and sin can ne'er agree,
Love shall still the stronger prove.
Love in the first measure give,
Sin shall then no longer sway;
Flesh may for a season strive,
I the Spirit shall obey.


Patiently I then shall wait
For the woman's noblest Seed,
Jesus Christ the Mighty Hate,
Bruiser of the serpent's head:
O, reveal Thy Son in me,
Bring the perfect nature in,
Now destroy the enmity,
Now consume the Man of Sin.
Adam, flesh, and self, and pride,
Antichrist, Perdition's son,
Let him not in me abide,
Cast him out, and reign alone;
Slay the dragon in the sea;
Make my soul Thy pure abode,
Fill'd with all the Deity,
Swallow'd up and lost in God.


Let me die that I may see Thee!

O Thou, who know'st what is in man,
Who searchest out the reins and heart,
Me, Jesu, to myself explain,
A ray of heavenly light impart;
Impart Thyself, Thou real Light,
And manifest my nature's night.
Cause me, O God, myself to know,
The depth of wickedness within;
Show me, my inmost substance show,
The' exceeding sinfulness of sin:


Such power belongs to Thee alone;
Show me, that sin and I are one.
Senseless alike of sin and Thee
My unawaken'd soul remains;
Fast bound in sin and misery,
I slumber on, nor feel my chains,
Nor taste nor see how good Thou art,
For still the veil is on my heart.
O, might my heart at least relent,
And feel the guilty mountain-load!
O, that Thy powerful word might rent
The veil, and let me into God;
The glories of Thy face display,
The brightness of eternal day!
I know the terms: I cannot see
Thy blissful face, and live—in sin:
A flaming sword preserves the tree
Of life, lest self should enter in;
It keeps out self, and every way
It turns, the Man of Sin to slay.
Be it according to Thy word,
Ready to meet my doom I am.
O, let me rush upon that sword,
And feel the sin-consuming flame!
Live only Christ in me, not I;
O, let me see Thy face and die!
Die all of self to live no more,
Die the old man no more to rise;
Me to Thine image here restore,
Receive me to Thy paradise,
(Whence I may never more remove,)
The paradise of perfect love.



Ye that pass by, behold the Man!
The Man of Griefs, condemn'd for you!
The Lamb of God, for sinners slain,
Weeping to Calvary pursue.
See how His back the scourges tear,
While to the bloody pillar bound!
The ploughers make long furrows there,
Till all His body is one wound.
The abjects spit upon that face
Which prophets wish'd in vain to see,
On which the angels loved to gaze,
Pleased with His milder majesty.
Adored by angels, mock'd by men,
Speechless the form of guilt He wears;
Reviled, He answers not again,
But meekly all their insults bears.
Nor can He thus their hate assuage;
His innocence, to death pursued,
Must fully glut their utmost rage:
Hark! how they clamour for His blood!
“To us our own Barabbas give!
Away with Him,” (they loudly cry,)
“Away with Him, not fit to live,
The vile Seducer crucify!”
Against his God the creature calls:
Accused and sentenced by the breath
Himself inspired, their Maker falls;
The Lord of Life is doom'd to death.


His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear,
With nails they fasten to the wood;
His sacred limbs—exposed, and bare,
Or only cover'd with His blood.
See there! His temples crown'd with thorns!
His bleeding hands extended wide,
His streaming feet, transfixt and torn!
The fountain gushing from His side!
Where is the King of Glory now!
The everlasting Son of God!
The' Immortal hangs His languid brow,
The' Almighty faints beneath His load!
Beneath my load He faints, and dies:
I fill'd His soul with pangs unknown;
I caused those mortal groans and cries,
I kill'd the Father's only Son.
O, Thou dear suffering Son of God,
How doth Thy heart to sinners move!
Help me to catch Thy precious blood,
Help me to taste Thy dying love.
Give me to feel Thy agonies,
One drop of Thy sad cup afford:
I fain with Thee would sympathise,
And share the sufferings of my Lord.
The earth could to her centre quake,
Convulsed, while her Creator died:
O, let my inmost nature shake,
And die with Jesus crucified!
At Thy last gasp the graves display'd
Their horrors to the upper skies:
O that my soul might burst the shade,
And, quicken'd by Thy death, arise!


The rocks could feel Thy powerful death,
And tremble, and asunder part:
O, rend with Thine expiring breath
The harder marble of my heart!
My stony heart Thy voice shall rent,
Thou wilt, I trust, the veil remove,
My inmost bowels shall resent
The yearnings of Thy dying love.
The grace I surely shall receive,
Thy death hath bought the grace for me:
This is my whole desire, to live;
To live, and then to die in Thee.


What shall I do my God to love,
My Saviour, and the world's, to praise?
Whose bowels of compassion move
To me, and all the fallen race;
Whose mercy is divinely free
For all the fallen race, and me.
I long to know, and to make known,
The height and depth of love Divine,
The kindness Thou to me hast shown,
Whose every sin was counted Thine:
My God for me resign'd His breath,
He died to save my soul from death.
All souls are Thine: and Thou for all
The ransom of Thy life hast given;
To raise the sinner from his fall,
And bring him back to God and heaven;


Thou all the world hast died to save,
And all may Thy salvation have.
How shall I thank Thee for the grace,
On me, and all mankind bestow'd?
O that my every breath were praise!
O that my heart were fill'd with God!
My heart would then with love o'erflow,
And all my life Thy glory show.
See me, O Lord, athirst and faint,
Me weary of forbearing see;
And let me feel Thy love's constraint,
And freely give up all for Thee;
True in the fiery trial prove,
And pay Thee back Thy dying love.


[O Love, I languish at Thy stay]

O Love, I languish at Thy stay,
I pine for Thee with lingering smart,
Weary and faint through long delay:
When wilt Thou come into my heart?
From sin and sorrow set me free,
And swallow up my soul in Thee!
Come, O Thou universal Good!
Balm of the wounded conscience, come!
The hungry, dying spirit's food,
The weary, wandering pilgrim's home,
Haven to take the shipwreck'd in,
My everlasting rest from sin.


Be Thou, O Love, whate'er I want;
Support my feebleness of mind,
Relieve the thirsty soul, the faint
Revive, illuminate the blind,
The mournful cheer, the drooping lead,
And heal the sick, and raise the dead.
Come, O my comfort and delight,
My strength and health, my shield and sun,
My boast, and confidence, and might,
My joy, my glory, and my crown,
My gospel-hope, my calling's prize,
My tree of life, my paradise.
The secret of the Lord Thou art,
The mystery so long unknown,
Christ in a pure and perfect heart,
The name inscribed in the white stone,
The Life Divine, the little leaven,
My precious pearl, my present heaven.


[O Love Divine, what hast Thou done!]

O Love Divine, what hast Thou done!
The' immortal God hath died for me!
The Father's co-eternal Son
Bore all my sins upon the tree;
The' immortal God for me hath died!
My Lord, my Love is crucified!
Behold Him, all ye that pass by,
The bleeding Prince of Life and Peace!
Come, see, ye worms, your Maker die,
And say, was ever grief like His?
Come, feel with me His blood applied:
My Lord, my Love is crucified!


Is crucified for me and you,
To bring us rebels near to God;
Believe, believe the record true:
We all are bought with Jesu's blood;
Pardon for all flows from His side;
My Lord, my Love is crucified!
Then let us sit beneath His cross,
And gladly catch the healing stream,
All things for Him account but loss,
And give up all our hearts to Him;
Of nothing speak or think beside,
“My Lord, my Love is crucified!”


Jesu, Great Redeemer, hear
A feeble sinner's cry;
Thou in my behalf appear,
And bring salvation nigh:
To my Lord what shall I say?
Saviour, I of Thee have need;
Take, O, take my sins away,
And make me free indeed.
Thee, all-lovely as Thou art,
Should I profess to love,
Surely my rebellious heart
The falsehood would disprove:
Thee my heart cannot obey
Till from every evil freed:
Take, O, take, &c.


Should I say, that aught in me
Of good doth now abide,
Self-condemn'd I now should be;
My all is self and pride.
Guilty, guilty, must I say,
Nothing, Lord, have I to plead:
Take, O, take, &c.
No desire or will have I
Thy mercy to embrace;
From Thine arms of love I fly,
And slight Thy proffer'd grace:
But Thou didst my ransom pay,
But Thy blood for me was shed:
Take, O, take, &c.
Thy salvation to obtain,
Out of myself I go;
Freely Thou must heal my pain,
Thy unbought mercy show;
For myself I cannot pray;
Let Thy Spirit intercede:
Take, O, take, &c.
Not because I willing am,
On me this grace be show'd;
But Thou art the' Atoning Lamb,
Therefore apply Thy blood:
Therefore, Lord, no more delay,
Therefore heal my soul, and lead;
Take, O, take my sins away,
And make me free indeed.



Glory to God, whose gracious care
Doth all my steps attend,
Throughout the way my weakness bear,
And bring me to the end.
Thou, Lord, hast saved both man and beast;
How excellent Thy name!
While underneath Thy wings I rest,
Thy goodness I proclaim.
Still (for I put my trust in Thee)
All evil turn aside,
Cover my helpless head, and be
Mine everlasting Guide.
Lead me, till my few evil years
Of pilgrimage are o'er;
But ere I leave this vale of tears,
O, bid me sin no more.

PSALM LI. 10. [P. B. V.]

“Make me a clean heart, O God.”

O for an heart to praise my God,
An heart from sin set free!
An heart that always feels Thy blood,
So freely spilt for me!
An heart resign'd, submissive, meek,
My dear Redeemer's throne,
Where only Christ is heard to speak,
Where Jesus reigns alone.


An humble, lowly, contrite heart,
Believing, true, and clean,
Which neither life nor death can part
From Him that dwells within.
An heart in every thought renew'd,
And full of love Divine,
Perfect, and right, and pure, and good,
A copy, Lord, of Thine.
Thy tender heart is still the same,
And melts at human woe:
Jesu, for Thee distrest I am,
I want Thy love to know.
My heart, Thou know'st, can never rest,
Till Thou create my peace;
Till, of my Eden repossest,
From self and sin I cease.
Fruit of Thy gracious lips, on me
Bestow that peace unknown,
The hidden manna, and the tree
Of life, and the white stone.
Thy nature, dearest Lord, impart;
Come quickly from above;
Write Thy new name upon my heart,
Thy new, best name of Love.


O my heart, what must I do!
Shall the self-admiring fiend
Still my helplessness pursue?
Shall his malice never end?


Still the stubborn sin remains,
Still the thorn is in my side,
Still I groan to feel my chains,
Sorely buffeted by pride.
Vanity, the serpent-seed,
Poisoning all my good I find;
Stealing on with silent tread
Vanity lurks close behind;
As the substance by the shade,
Grace I find by pride pursued:
Grace is pride's occasion made,
Evil ever cleaves to good.
Pleased in borrow'd plumes to shine,
Nature arrogates a share,
Mixes in the work Divine,
Bold the Godhead's form to wear;
Proudly in her beauty trusts,
Heavenly charms as hers displays,
Falsely, blasphemously boasts,
Varnish'd, deck'd, and hid by grace.
When the boasted grace is gone,
Humbled in the dust I lie;
Poor, forsaken, and alone,
From the deep on God I cry.
Seeing there my loss of God,
Proud I am my loss to see,
Proud to find that I am proud,
Proud of my humility.
O the strength of inbred sin!
Who can vanity subdue?
From a creature all unclean
Who can bring a creature new?


Jesu, Lord, all power is Thine,
Nothing is too hard for Thee;
Greater than this heart of mine,
Surely Thou canst humble me.
O, begin; the way prepare:
Pride and unbelief confound:
Far away my fig-leaves tear,
Throughly search my spirit's wound:
Cast me down, and keep me poor,
All my weak supports remove,
Lay the deep foundation sure,
Humble me by faith and love.
Take my broken reeds away,
Every vain fallacious rest,
All on which my soul I stay,
All that keeps me from Thy breast:
Strip me, empty me of all;
Joyless, cheerless would I be,
So I might on Jesus fall,
Fall, and lose myself in Thee.

PSALM LV. 6. [P. B. V.]

“O that I had wings like a dove! for then would I flee away, and be at rest.”

O that I had the silver wings
Of the mild, holy dove,
To bear me far from earthly things,
And every creature-love!


Then would I swiftly fly away
To Christ, and be at rest;
On Him my fluttering spirit stay,
And hide me in His breast.
Jesu, my hiding-place, to Thee
I know not how to fly;
Long have I struggled to be free,
Nor found deliverance nigh.
Full oft in fruitless, fond desire
I to the desert ran;
But could not from myself retire,
Or 'scape the inner man.
I took the morning's wings, and fled
For rest to worlds unknown;
Sin found me in the secret shade,
And claim'd me for its own.
O, who shall bid this self depart,
This world of sin exclude;
Empty, and make my peaceful heart
An holy solitude?
'Tis not the desert, or the cell,
Can hide me from my pain;
I carry with me my own hell,
While self and pride remain.
Baffled, o'ercome, I yield at last,
I yield to self-despair;
My unavailing strife is past,
And void returns my prayer.
I cannot pray, I cannot praise,
For grace I cannot call,
I cannot feel my want of grace,
My soul is stript of all.


A vile, unworthy worm, my eyes
I dare not lift to heaven;
Let Him who sees me from the skies
Speak if I am forgiven.
Or let my Lord still hold His peace,
And do as seems Him good,
Forsake me in my last distress,
And leave me in my blood.
If He can find it in His heart,
His fury let Him pour
On me, and from my soul depart,
And never love me more.
I leave it all to Him alone;
It lies within His breast;
His will, His only will be done,
Let me be curst or blest.


[Omniscient God, whose eyelids try]

Omniscient God, whose eyelids try
The self-deceiving sons of men,
To Thee how shall I dare draw nigh,
A man of lips and heart unclean!
Thou know'st I mean not what I say,
Thou know'st I only seem to pray.
Doubtless Thou art of purer eyes
Than to behold iniquity;
And all my nature naked lies,
And all my thoughts appear to Thee;
No fig-leaves from Thy sight can hide
My filthiness of self and pride.


O my abominable heart!
Its secrets all to Thee are known;
The sin from which I cannot part,
The sin that claims me for its own;
Thou seest it all; my nature's shame;
Thou seest, what I should die to name.
The foul reproach I groan to bear,
And vainly struggle to get free:
Yet still I breathe a tainted air,
(Tainted, alas! by sin and me,)
And wish for wings to flee away,
And ever in the desert stay.
O that I had a cottage there
To lodge a poor wayfaring man!
Far from the world of noise and care,
Of grief, anxiety, and pain,
O, could I from my people roam,
And be where none but God could come!
Me as a bowl if now He turn,
To foreign climes with violence toss,
I would not for a moment mourn
My kindred, or my country's loss;
A voluntary exile, I
Would there consent to live and die.
O, might I have my one request,
My fond and foolish heart's desire,
And get me hence, and be at rest,
Into the deepest shades retire,
Be clean forgot, and out of mind!—
O, where shall I the desert find?


Can earth afford that secret place?
Long have I sought it out in vain,
And fled before the human face,
And dragg'd to distant worlds my chain;
Yet still I found the carnal mind,
I could not leave myself behind.
'Tis vain, I find, from self to flee
For rest, to earth's remotest bound:
The deep cries out, 'Tis not in me!
Happiness is not to be found,
Save only, Jesus, in Thy breast:
Thou art the soul's eternal rest.
But how shall I to Thee attain,
Thee, whom I sinfully pursue;
Unprofitable I, and vain!
Thy glory is not in my view:
What shall I say Thy grace to win?
My very prayer is turn'd to sin.
Nothing in me Thy grace can move,
A wretched man of sin I am;
But Thou art good, but Thou art love,
And Jesus is Thy healing name:
O, for Thy name and mercy's sake,
The sinner to Thy bosom take!
Do as Thou findest in Thy heart;
Reject me, Saviour, or receive;
Bid me from Thee to hell depart,
Or bid me come to Thee, and live:
I trust my soul to this alone,
Let all Thy will on me be done.



How happy is the man
Who sees his misery,
Who ever feels his nature's chain,
Nor murmurs to be free!
Who waits in patient hope,
And, languishing for home,
With cheerful confidence looks up,
And says, “My Lord will come.”
He neither hopes nor fears
Evil or good below;
But sighs for God, and lets his tears
In secret silence flow.
Stript of his joy, he grieves
Quiet, and meek, and still;
The matter to his Father leaves,
And bids Him work His will.
In calm, submissive grief
He suffers his distress;
He cannot snatch undue relief,
Or wish his misery less:
“My Father's will is good,”
(The patient mourner cries,)
“He never gives a stone for food,
Or slights His children's sighs.”
O that I thus resign'd
Might bear my nature's load!
O that in me were such a mind
To leave the whole to God!


With Him to trust my cause,
And quietly endure
Till He remove the hallow'd cross,
And all my sickness cure.
I would, (but Thou canst tell,)
I would be humble, Lord,
My burden every moment feel,
And tremble at Thy word:
I would be stript of all,
And calmly wait Thy stay;
Poor at Thy feet, and helpless fall,
And weep my life away.
I would be truly still,
Nor set a time to Thee,
But act according to Thy will,
And speak, and think, and be.
I would with Thee be one;
And till the grace is given,
Incessant pray, Thy will be done
In earth, as 'tis in heaven.


“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”

O my false, deceitful heart,
Desperately false thou art,
Foul as hell, when fair in show;
Who can all the mazes know?


He the stars may reckon o'er,
Tell the sands that bound the shore,
Count the drops that make the sea,
Comprehend eternity.
Foolish heart, unjust and vain!
Pride was never made for man;
Glory dost thou still pursue;
Glory all to God is due.
What hast thou whereof to boast?
God alone is good and just;
Only His be all the praise;
What we are, we are by grace.
Wretched heart, with woes opprest!
Ever roving after rest:
Wilt thou still pretend to own
Bliss is found in God alone?
While thy foolish wishes go
After empty joys below,
False imaginary ease,
Dreams of creature happiness.
Stony heart, which nought can move!
Thou canst neither fear nor love:
Threats and promises are vain,
Give thee neither joy nor pain:
All alike, it seems, to thee
Perfect bliss or misery,
Joys or woes unspeakable,
Life or death, and heaven or hell.
Wavering, frail, inconstant heart,
O, how blind and weak thou art!
Weak as helpless infancy,
Blind thy helplessness to see,


To thine own corruptions blind,
More inconstant than the wind,
Wavering as a shaken reed,
Cold, and dark, and doubly dead.
Stubborn heart, ungrateful, hard,
With a red-hot iron sear'd!
Carnal heart, immersed in sin,
All a cage of birds unclean!
Downward all thy motions tend;
Lust, the beast, or pride, the fiend,
Show thee, since thy total fall,
Earthly, sensual, devilish all.
Faithless heart! be this thy grief,
Groan beneath thine unbelief:
Unbelief, the damning sin,
Keeps thee all unclean, unclean,
Aggravates thy heavy load,
Will not let thee come to God,
Suffers not His grace to move,
Robs Him of His truth and love.
Faithless heart! to Jesus bow,
Suffer Him to save thee now.
No—thou wilt not now believe,
Wilt not take what God would give:
Thou refusest to be free,
All the hindrance is in thee;
Through thy own rebellious will,
Bound thou art and faithless still.
O my Lord, what must I do?
Only Thou the way canst show,
Thou canst save me in this hour,
I have neither will nor power:


God if over all Thou art,
Greater than the sinful heart,
Let it now on me be shown,
Take away the heart of stone.
Take away my darling sin,
Make me willing to be clean;
Make me willing to receive
What Thy goodness waits to give;
Force me, Lord, with all to part;
Tear these idols from my heart;
All Thy power on me be shown,
Take away the heart of stone.
Jesu, mighty to renew,
Work in me to will and do;
Turn my nature's rapid tide,
Stem the torrent of my pride,
Stop the whirlwind of my will,
Speak, and bid the sun stand still;
Now Thy love almighty show,
Make even me a creature new.
Arm of God, Thy strength put on;
Bow the heavens, and come down,
All mine unbelief o'erthrow,
Lay the' aspiring mountain low;
Conquer Thy worst foe in me,
Get Thyself the victory;
Save the vilest of the race,
Force me to be saved by grace.



“Wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”

Rich, and increased with goods, I was,
Abundant in my virtuous store;
In wisdom rich, and strength and grace;
So rich I needed nothing more:
Alas! my God, I could not see
That still I needed all in Thee.
Thanks to Thy grace, if I begin
My wretchedness at length to know;
If now, in part convinced of sin,
I groan beneath my weight of woe;
Surely at last I more than see
That sin is perfect misery.
Stript of my boasted gifts, I fall
A beggar at Thy mercy's door:
I ask an alms; for grace I call;
Poor, beyond all expression poor:
If one good thought Thy heaven could buy,
Alas! not one good thought have I.
How dark and dreary is my heart!
Dark as the chambers of the grave;
So blind, till Thou Thy light impart,
I cannot see Thy power to save;
Or know, till Thou the veil remove,
That I am sin, and God is love.
My fig-leaves now are cast aside,
The rags of my self-righteousness:


From Thee my shame I cannot hide,
My spirit sinks in deep distress:
How shall I in Thy sight appear?
Or bear myself when Thou art near?
A monster to myself I am,
Self-loathing at Thy feet I lie:
How shall I bear this load of shame?
How shall I meet Thy piercing eye?
I faint and sink, and die away
At Thy insufferable day.
Mountains and rocks, on you I call,
My nakedness of soul to screen;
Fall, on my guilty nature fall,
And hide me from the hell of sin!
Alas! my soul, it cannot be:
The hell of sin remains in thee.
O God! (but shall I dare to pray?)
O Jesus! Son of God and man,
Pity a sinful worm, and stay
My grief, and mitigate my pain;
Cover my shame, remove my load
Of sin, for Thou hast blush'd in blood.
Or rather, if it be Thy will,
Conform me fully to Thy death;
Now let me all my vileness feel,
Now let me render up my breath,
And bow my head, and die with Thee,
For shame that Thou hast died for me.



[Wretched, helpless, and distrest]

Wretched, helpless, and distrest,
Ah! whither shall I fly?
Ever gasping after rest,
I cannot find it nigh:
Naked, sick, and poor, and blind,
Fast bound in sin and misery,
Friend of sinners, let me find
My help, my all in Thee.
Who my misery can relate,
My depth of woe reveal?
I have left my first estate,
In hapless Adam fell;
Driven out of my abode,
I now have lost my perfect bliss,
Fallen, fallen out of God,
And banish'd paradise.
I am all unclean, unclean,
Thy purity I want;
My whole heart is sick of sin,
And my whole head is faint:
Full of putrefying sores,
Of bruises, and of wounds, my soul
Looks to Jesus, help implores,
And gasps to be made whole.


In the wilderness I stray;
My foolish heart is blind;
Nothing do I know; the way
Of peace I cannot find:
Jesu, Lord, restore my sight,
And take, O, take the veil away;
Turn my darkness into light,
My midnight into day.
Naked of thine image, Lord,
Forsaken and alone,
Unrenew'd and unrestored
I have not Thee put on:
Over me Thy mantle spread,
Send down Thy likeness from above,
Let Thy goodness be display'd,
And wrap me in Thy love.
Poor, alas! Thou know'st I am,
And would be poorer still,
See my nakedness and shame,
And all my vileness feel:
No good thing in me resides,
My soul is all an aching void
Till Thy Spirit here abides,
And I am fill'd with God.
Jesus, full of truth and grace,
In Thee is all I want;
Be the wanderer's resting-place,
A cordial to the faint.
Make me rich, for I am poor;
In Thee may I my Eden find;
To the dying health restore,
And eyesight to the blind.


Clothe me with Thy holiness,
Thy meek humility;
Put on me my glorious dress,
Endue my soul with Thee.
Let Thine image be restored,
Thy name and nature let me prove;
With Thy fulness fill me, Lord,
And perfect me in love.


All hail the Saviour's hallow'd cross,
By which I daily die within!
All things for Thee I count but loss:
Enter my soul, and work out sin;
Here let Thy mortal virtue move,
And crucify my creature-love.
Wither my strength, destroy my will,
Stain all the glory of my pride,
My appetites and passions kill,
Be to my whole of self applied,
Implunge me in the depth beneath,
And speak to all my nature death.
O that I now with all could part,
Cut off the hand, pluck out the eye!
Jesus, Thou greater than my heart,
Thine efficacious death apply;
Now for Thyself prepare the way;
Breathe, and the sinful Adam slay.


Thou know'st what keeps me out of Thee,
Naked I in Thine eyes appear:
Reveal the thing I would not see,
The' accursed thing that harbours here;
O, tear it hence, although the smart,
The killing anguish break my heart.
Thou seest, alas! I am not dead,
My nature's life in me is whole;
Again the rebel lifts his head,
And self bears down my struggling soul;
This thorn, I feel it in my side,
The' unconquerable strength of pride.
Still do I live, not Christ, but I;
The inbred sin I groan to bear;
Jesu, with Thee I long to die,
The suffering of Thy cross to share,
Sweet fellowship with Thee to have:
Bury me, Saviour, in Thy grave.
There let me lay my burden down
In sweet forgetfulness of care:
The cross shall bring me to the crown,
The dead Thy praises shall declare;
When all renew'd in love I shine,
Partaker of a life Divine.


Jesu, hear a sinner's prayer;
Lo! I flee Unto Thee,
Cast on Thee my care.


If, O Lord, I have found favour
In Thy sight, Be my might,
Be my loving Saviour.
To my soul in sore temptation
Let Thine aid Be convey'd,
Show me Thy salvation.
Christ the tempted, hear my crying;
Sinner's Friend, Succour send,
See, my soul is dying.
Lord, I cannot cease from sinning,
Till Thou art In my heart,
Ending as beginning.
Every moment am I falling
Into hell, Till Thou seal
My effectual calling.
Alpha and Omega, save me;
Enter in, Bid my sin,
Bid my nature leave me.
Jesu, for Thy love I languish;
Only love Can remove
All my grief and anguish.
I shall all in Thee inherit;
Thirst no more, If Thou pour
Into me Thy Spirit.
Jesu's love than sin is stronger;
When I prove Jesu's love,
I shall sin no longer.
Faithful to Thy Spirit's leading,
I shall rest On Thy breast,
Find my long-sought Eden.


Neither life nor death shall sever;
When Thou art In my heart,
Thou art there for ever.


[Jesu, gentle, loving Lamb]

Jesu, gentle, loving Lamb,
Let me call Thee by Thy name:
Saviour, I have need of Thee;
As Thou art so may I be.
Save me, Lord, from sin and fear,
Bring the great salvation near;
Bring into my soul Thy peace,
Everlasting righteousness.
Me to save if Thou hast died,
Save me from this self and pride;
All the plague of sin remove,
Cast it out by perfect love.
See me the reverse of Thee,
Only sin and misery;
Make me willing to receive
All the grace Thou hast to give.
O, supply my every want;
Feed a tender sickly plant;
Day and night my Keeper be,
Every moment water me.


Hide me, dearest Saviour, hide;
Let me never leave Thy side:
O, 'tis hell from Thee to part;
Press me closer to Thy heart.
When Thy love is my defence,
Sin shall never pluck me thence;
When my heart with love runs o'er,
Sin can never enter more.
Only love can end the strife;
Give me love, and take my life:
Do not, Lord, my suit deny;
Give me love, and let me die.


Lamb of God for sinners slain,
To Thee I feebly pray:
Heal me of my grief and pain,
O, take my sins away!
From this bondage, Lord, release;
No longer let me be opprest:
Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
And take me to Thy breast.
Hast Thou not invited all
Who groan beneath their sin?
Weary, I obey Thy call,
And come to be made clean:
Give my burden'd conscience ease;
O, grant me now the promised rest:
Jesus, Master, &c.


Wilt Thou cast a sinner out
Who humbly comes to Thee?
No, my God, I cannot doubt
Thy mercy is for me.
Let me then obtain the grace
And be of paradise possest:
Jesus, Master, &c.
Full of pain and sin am I,
I ever bear my shame,
Waiting till my Lord pass by,
And call me by my name:
Surely now my pain He sees,
And I shall quickly be released!
Jesus, Master, &c.
Worldly good I do not want,
Be that to others given;
Only for Thy love I pant,
My all in earth and heaven;
This the crown I fain would seize,
The good wherewith I would be blest:
Jesus, Master, &c.
This delight I fain would prove,
And then resign my breath;
Join the happy few, whose love
Was mightier than death:
Let it not my Lord displease,
That I would die to be Thy guest;
Jesus, Master, seal my peace,
And take me to Thy breast.



The children to the birth are come;
But, O! they have not might
To burst the barriers of the womb,
And struggle into light.
My feeble soul gives o'er the strife,
Just as it sees the skies;
Fails in the very gate of life,
Sinks back again, and dies.
I saw the port of Jesu's breast;
But, while I enter'd in,
A whirlwind swept me from my rest,
And plunged me into sin.
What shall I do, or whither turn?
Despairing of relief,
I only can my ruin mourn
With unavailing grief.
Ah, woe is me! to evil sold,
And fallen back from grace!
I never, never shall behold
The dear Redeemer's face.
Better that I had never felt
My Saviour's blood applied;
Less aggravated were my guilt,
Had I in Egypt died.
Better that I had never known
The way of righteousness,
Than to break off the course begun,
And leave the' unfinish'd race.


Ah! wherefore did I ever take,
If I must quit the field;
Must shamefully at last turn back,
And cast away my shield?
But shall I throw on God the blame?
Or daringly complain
Because I most unfaithful am,
And make His mercies vain?
No, Lord, Thy truth and grace I clear;
For years Thy Spirit strove,
Faithful to me Thy mercies were,
And infinite Thy love.
Far be it from my wretched heart
To charge my death on Thee;
To save me now Thou ready art,
If saved I now would be.
Whether or no my heart of stone
Will yield to be renew'd,
Sufficient is Thy grace I own,
I justify my God.
This record do I leave behind,
Whether I stand or fall:
Sinners, ye all His grace may find,
His grace is free for all.


What shall I do to 'scape the hell
That burns me up within?
Satan, and all his hosts, I feel
In this indwelling sin.


It mocks my strength, prevents my flight,
Still intimately nigh:
Impossible it is to fight,
Impossible to fly.
One only refuge there remains;
But that I cannot find,
So fast these grievous, fleshly chains
My slothful spirit bind.
Monster of sin! How can it be
That I should still delay?
Jesus I know would set me free,
Would I to Jesus pray.
He bids me ask, and I shall have:
I know it, and forbear;
Assured He would the sinner save,
In answer to my prayer.
He pities now my sad estate,
And gladly would relieve;
But, O! I cannot—will not—wait
Till He the blessing give.
He waits that He may gracious be,
To all His bowels move:
Fury, O God, is not in Thee,
But all Thy heart is love.
Then help me to receive Thy word,
Help me on Thee to call;
Have patience with me, dearest Lord,
And I will pay Thee all.


On me for good this token show,
Pronounce the Ephphatha,
And let my heart in prayer o'erflow,
And let me always pray.
A time to Thee I will not set,
Nor charge Thee with delay;
Do with me, Lord, as seems Thee meet,
But let me always pray.
Thou art not slack touching Thy word;
Content I am to stay,
To wait the leisure of my Lord,
But let me always pray.
Though in my flesh I feel the thorn,
No more will I complain,
Let me but in Thy bosom mourn,
And tell Thee all my pain.
Come joy or grief, come life or death,
For this I take no care;
But when I render up my breath,
Let my last breath be prayer.


O! but must I, Lord, return
Into the dreadful fight?
Bear what is not to be borne,
Again dragg'd out to light?
I, a weak and helpless worm,
Only shall Thy cause betray;
Perish in temptation's storm,
A final castaway.


Didst Thou only bid me leap
Into a burning fire,
Cast me down the threatening steep,
Or now my soul require;
Gladly would I now comply,
Plunge into the depths beneath,
Rush into the flames, and die
To escape the second death.
O Almighty God of Love,
Thy holy arm display;
Send me succour from above
In this my evil day;
Arm my weakness with Thy power;
Woman's Seed, appear within;
Be my safeguard, and my tower
Against the face of sin.
Could I of Thy strength take hold,
And always feel Thee near,
Steadfastly, divinely bold,
My soul would scorn to fear:
Nothing should my firmness shock:
Though the gates of hell assail,
Were I built upon the Rock,
They never could prevail.
Rock of my salvation, haste,
Extend Thy ample shade;
Let it over me be cast,
And screen my naked head:
Save me from the trying hour,
Thou my sure protection be,
Shelter me from Satan's power,
Till I am fix'd on Thee.


Set upon Thyself my feet,
And make me surely stand;
From temptation's rage and heat
Cover me with Thy hand:
Let me in the cleft be placed,
Never from my fence remove,
In Thine arms of love embraced,
Of everlasting love.


Woe is me! that wretched man
More than my God I prize!
Well I know them void and vain,
Yet pant for earthly joys:
Downward still my wishes move,
Though fairer than earth's sons Thou art:
Touch me, Jesus, with Thy love,
And vindicate my heart.
“Happiness is not in me,”
Though every creature cry,
Still the airy form I see
Where'er I turn mine eye;
After shadows still I rove,
Nor can I with my idols part:
Touch me, Jesus, &c.
Burning with unhallow'd fires,
Thou seest, my tortured breast
Pines away with low desires,
Stranger to joy and rest:


How shall I this death remove?
How tear away the' inrooted dart?
Touch me, Jesus, &c.
Poison now o'erflows my cup,
Fills me with thrilling pain,
Drinks my blood and spirits up,
And throbs in every vein;
Yet I fear Thy grace to prove,
I dread for Thee with all to part:
Touch me, Jesus, &c.
God, arise, Thou jealous God,
And all Thy foes subdue;
Claim the purchase of Thy blood,
Create my soul anew;
Let it now no longer rove,
Now let me taste how good Thou art:
Touch me, Jesus, &c.
Saviour, purify my soul,
As Thou my God art pure;
Make my wounded spirit whole,
And all my sickness cure;
From Thee never let me move,
Thou my sufficient portion art:
Touch me, Jesus, &c.
From all filthiness of flesh
And spirit make me clean;
Stamp Thine image, Lord, afresh,
And purge me from all sin:
Thee my God, my all I prove;
Ah! never more from me depart;
Fill, O Jesu, with Thy love
My vindicated heart.



[Judges xvi. 30.]

Where is my strength, my faith, my God,
My confidence of boasting now?
Borne down by sin's revolting load,
Beneath its iron yoke I bow,
Again indignantly I groan;
My strength, my faith, my God is gone.
Departed is the Lord from me,
Weak as another man I am;
Spoil'd of my power and liberty,
I bear my punishment and shame;
The world their feeble foe despise,
Their god hath put out both mine eyes.
Into their hands by sin betray'd,
(The sin I cherish'd in my breast,)
Low in the deepest dungeon laid,
Fetter'd in brass, by guilt opprest,
A slave to Satan I remain,
And bite, but cannot burst, my chain.
Now to their idol's temple brought,
A sport I am to fiends and men;
They set my helplessness at nought,
They triumph in my toil and pain;
The' uncircumcised lift up their voice,
And Dagon's worshippers rejoice.
Remember me, O Lord, my God,
If ever I could call Thee mine;
Though now I perish in my blood,
And all my hopes of heaven resign,


Yet listen to my latest call,
Nor suffer me alone to fall.
O, cast not out my dying prayer!
Strengthen me with Thy Spirit's might
This only once: I pray Thee, hear;
Avenge me for my loss of sight;
Avenge it on mine enemies,
For they have put out both mine eyes.
Blind as I am, with both my hands
The pillars let me feel, and seize,
On which the house of Dagon stands,
The pillars of self-righteousness:
'Tis done; with all my might I bow:
Help me, O God, and help me now.
Now let the ponderous ruin fall,
And crush the world, and Satan's head;
O, let it now o'erwhelm us all:
Since I must sink among the dead,
Since I can neither fight nor fly,
Let me with the Philistines die!


Jesu, wherewith shall I draw near,
What shall I for acceptance bring?
How in my Judge's sight appear
A rebel 'gainst my God and King?
Loudly my sins for vengeance cry,
And justice wills that I should die.


Summon'd to answer at Thy bar,
I come, but “Guilty, guilty” plead!
Did I not all Thy judgments dare?
On all Thy tender mercies tread?
Death's sentence justly I receive;
I am not worthy, Lord, to live.
Then let me every good resign,
And give my forfeit blessings back;
My gifts and blessings were not mine;
Thou, only Thou, the glory take:
I might have heard Thy frequent call;
I might have stood, though now I fall.
Long did Thy loving Spirit strive
To win me over to my good;
The spark of grace was kept alive
For years amidst temptation's flood:
I now have sinn'd it all away,
And ended is my gracious day.
An alien from the life Divine,
The covenant of promised grace,
Saviour, no more I call Thee mine;
An outcast from Thy blissful face,
Without or faith, or joy, or hope,
I give (but must I give) Thee up?
Yes: with my shield of faith I part;
My hope is lost in just despair;
Love is not in my stony heart,
It cannot be, while sin is there;
My vain pretensions sin disproves;
He cannot sin who Jesus loves.


No choice, endeavour, or desire,
Motion, or will have I to turn;
Extinguish'd is the trembling fire
Which once in me began to burn:
What have I now whereof to boast?
My all is gone, my God is lost.
See then the sinner stript of all,
A foe, and hater of his God;
Despairing, self-condemn'd I fall,
Of every spark of goodness void;
I cannot now for mercy groan,
Or offer Thee an heart of stone.
My mouth is stopp'd, and guilty now
Before my Judge I am become:
Lo! at Thy judgment-seat I bow;
O God of love, pronounce my doom;
And, if Thy yearning heart permit,
Now, Saviour, slay me at Thy feet.


Surely in the Lord we have
Both strength and righteousness;
Jesus mighty is to save
The sinner in distress.
Jesu's blood, on which we stay,
Cleanses us from every stain;
Takes the guilt of sin away,
Nor lets the power remain.


Why then, O my Saviour, why
(If mine indeed Thou art)
Am I thus? a sinner I,
And still unclean of heart?
Why doth sin my heart divide?
Whence this grievous tyranny,
All this hell of self and pride,
If Thou hast sprinkled me?
Did I not believe and feel
Through faith my sins forgiven?
Was I not caught up from hell,
And strangely raised to heaven?
Yes! I once could call Thee mine,
Felt my Saviour's blood applied;
Clothed in righteousness Divine,
I once was justified.
What, alas! I once have been
Nothing avails me now;
I the servant am of sin,
While to its yoke I bow:
While the love of sin remains,
Christ in me can never dwell;
Christ with Belial never reigns,
Nor mixes heaven with hell.
Can unholy actions suit
With one that is in Thee?
Jesu, Thou hast said, the fruit
Must answer to the tree:
If the tree (the heart) were good,
Evil thoughts it could not bear;
Could not be by sin subdued,
If Thou, my God, wert there.


Can the self-same fountain yield
Both bitter streams and sweet?
In a soul by Jesus fill'd
Can Satan find a seat?
No, my Lord, I am not clean,
Am not inwardly renew'd,
Am not, (for I still can sin,)
I am not born of God.
See, I give up all at last,
My boasted gifts disclaim;
Trust no more in graces past,
But now condemn'd I am:
Nothing do I bring to Thee,
That I may Thy mercy move;
No one spark remains in me
Of faith, or hope, or love.
If but one good thought could buy
Thy grace, and heaven win,
Lord, not one good thought have I;
My all is self, and sin:
Full of guilt and misery,
Saviour, at Thy feet I fall;
See, the unbeliever see,
The sinner stript of all!
Let me never, never more
My wretched soul deceive;
Dream that I have life, before
I hear Thy voice and live:
Let me, humbled in the dust,
Wait to taste how good Thou art;
See, and feel, but never trust
My own deceitful heart.


O that I could truly wait
The dictates of Thy will;
Calmly mourn my sinful state,
Till Thou shalt say, “Be still!
The lost sheep to save I came,
The backslider to restore;
Sinners I do not condemn;
Depart, and sin no more.”


[O, the dire effects of sin!]

O, the dire effects of sin!
What tongue can fully tell
All that I have felt within,
Since first from grace I fell?
Still Thou seest my stormy breast;
My soul is as the troubled sea;
Never, never can I rest,
Till I believe in Thee.
O, the load my spirit bears,
The mountain of my grief!
Full of cruel doubts and fears,
Of racking unbelief:
Did I ever Thee behold?
Thee did I ever truly know?
I can neither keep my hold,
Nor let my Saviour go.
Did I not my soul deceive
With groundless hopes of heaven?
Did I, Lord, indeed believe,
And was I once forgiven?


Still I ask, but no reply:
O, bid me, bid me come to Thee;
Son of David, hear my cry,
If mercy is for me.
Hear me still myself bemoan,
A bullock to the yoke
Unaccustom'd I rush on;—
O that my heart were broke!
Long I after Thee have mourn'd,
And still unpitied I complain;
Turn me, and I shall be turn'd,
And never sin again.
Me Thou wouldst not disregard,
Were I indeed sincere;
But my heart, alas! is hard,
And void of love and fear;
Seldom can I lift mine eyes,
Or offer Thee an hearty groan:
Take, if Thou wouldst have me rise,
O, take away the stone.


[Ah! my dear, loving Lord]



Ah! my dear, loving Lord,
To Thee what shall I say?
Behold, I tremble at Thy word,
And scarce presume to pray:
Ten thousand wants have I;
Alas! I all things want;
And Thou hast bid me always cry,
And never, never faint.



Yet now, Thou know'st, I fear,
I fear to ask Thy grace;
So often have I, Lord, drawn near,
And mock'd Thee to Thy face:
With all pollutions stain'd,
Thy hallow'd courts I trod,
Thy name and temple I profaned,
And dared to call Thee God.


Nigh with my lips I drew,
My lips were all unclean;
Thee with my heart I never knew,
My heart was full of sin:
Far from the living God,
As far as hell from heaven,
Thy purity I still abhorr'd,
Nor look'd to be forgiven.


My nature I obey'd,
My own desire pursued;
And still a den of thieves I made
The hallow'd house of God:
The worship He approves,
To Him I would not pay;
My selfish ends, and creature-loves,
Had stole my heart away.


My sin and nakedness
I studied to disguise;
Spoke to my soul a flattering peace,
And put out mine own eyes:


In fig-leaves I appear'd,
Nor with my form would part;
But still retain'd a conscience sear'd,
An hard, deceitful heart.


A goodly, formal saint
I long appear'd in sight;
By self and Satan taught to paint
My tomb, my nature, white:
The Pharisee within
Still undisturb'd remain'd;
The strong man, arm'd with guilt of sin,
Safe in his palace reign'd.


But, O! the jealous God
In my behalf came down;
Jesus Himself the stronger show'd,
And claim'd me for His own:
My spirit He alarm'd,
And brought into distress;
He shook and bound the strong man, arm'd
In his self-righteousness.


Faded my virtuous show,
My form without the power;
The sin-convincing Spirit blew,
And blasted every flower:
My mouth was stopp'd, and shame
Cover'd my guilty face;
I fell on the Atoning Lamb,
And I was saved by grace.




Yet soon my wretched heart
To folly turn'd again.
How could I, Lord, from Thee depart,
And make Thy mercy vain?
'Twas pride my soul betray'd;
I lost my poverty,
An idol of Thy gifts I made,
And loved them more than Thee.


Thy perfect comeliness,
In which my soul did shine,
Dazzled my eyes; Thy glorious dress
I fondly counted mine:
With sacrilegious boast
I spread mine own renown,
And in Thy beauty put my trust,
And call'd it all my own.


I thought not of my God,
Nor call'd to mind the day
When naked, foul, and in my blood,
And loathed of all, I lay:
None cast a pitying eye,
None could assistance give,
Till Jesus graciously pass'd by,
And bade the sinner live.


Why did I this forget,
So soon return to sin?
How weak my heart that could submit,
And let the mischief in!


I fell, alas! through pride;
I needed not Thy blood,
As when I felt it first, and cried,
“Thou art my Lord, my God!”


O that I once again
“My Lord, my God” could cry!
Dost Thou not on my sin and pain
Still cast a pitying eye?
Thy mercy still is free;
For aggravated guilt,
For sinners foul and black as me
Thy precious blood was spilt.


Thou seest me lost in shame,
But Thou canst still forgive;
Polluted in my blood I am,
But Thou canst bid me live.
O, speak the gracious word,
Thy mercy let me prove;
Stand still, and look upon me, Lord,
Make this the time of love.


Jesu, if Thou hast died
My worthless soul to win,
Spread over me Thy skirt, and hide
My nakedness and sin:
Impute Thy righteousness,
Wash away all my blood,
Adorn me now with every grace,
And feed, and fill with God.



Jesu, Friend of sinners, hear,
Yet once again I pray;
From my debt of sin set clear,
For I have nought to pay:
Speak, O, speak the kind release,
A poor, backsliding soul restore;
Love me freely, seal my peace,
And bid me sin no more.
For my selfishness and pride,
Thou hast withdrawn Thy grace;
Left me long to wander wide,
An outcast from Thy face;
But I now my sins confess,
And mercy, mercy I implore:
Love me freely, &c.
Though my sins as mountains rise,
And swell and reach to heaven,
Mercy is above the skies,
I may be still forgiven:
Infinite my sins' increase,
But greater is Thy mercy's store:
Love me freely, &c.
Sin's deceitfulness hath spread
An hardness o'er my heart;
But if Thou Thy Spirit shed,
The stony shall depart:
Shed Thy love, Thy tenderness,
And let me feel the softening power:
Love me freely, &c.


From the' oppressive power of sin
My struggling spirit free;
Perfect righteousness bring in,
Unspotted purity:
Speak, and all this war shall cease,
And sin shall give its raging o'er:
Love me freely, &c.
For this only thing I pray,
And this will I require,
Take the power of sin away,
Fill me with chaste desire;
Perfect me in holiness;
Thine image to my soul restore:
Love me freely, seal my peace,
And bid me sin no more.


[O that I was as heretofore]

O that I was as heretofore,
When, warm in my first love,
I only lived my Lord to' adore,
And seek the things above!
Upon my head His candle shone;
And, lavish of His grace,
With cords of love He drew me on,
And half unveil'd His face.
Butter and honey did I eat;
And, lifted up on high,
I saw the clouds beneath my feet,
And rode upon the sky.


Far, far above all earthly things
Triumphantly I rode;
I soar'd to heaven on eagle's wings,
And found, and talk'd with God.
Where am I now? from what a height
Of happiness cast down!
The glory swallow'd up in night,
And faded is the crown.
My first estate I could not keep;
Fallen through pride I am;
Implunged in sin's profoundest deep,
And lost in guilty shame.
Forlorn, forsaken, and alone,
Naked and void of God,
My feeble soul can scarcely groan
A dying Ichabod!
Ah! woe is me! my joy is fled,
Vanish'd my glorious boast,
My hope cut off, my life is dead,
My paradise is lost!
Through the wide world of sin and woe,
A banish'd man, I roam;
But cannot find my rest below,
But cannot wander home.
O God, Thou art my home, my rest,
For which I sigh in pain:
How shall I 'scape into Thy breast?
My Eden how regain?
Vengeance Divine is always near;
Where'er my steps I turn,
I see the Cherubim appear,
I see Thine anger burn.


When, longing oft to be restored,
I would to Eden flee,
Thine anger, as a flaming sword,
Preserves the sacred tree.
What shall I do? 'Tis worse than death
To live without Thy grace;
I yield, I yield Thee up my breath,
So I may see Thy face.
A sinner in Thine hands I am;
No farther let me fly,
But rush upon that sword of flame,
And in Thy presence die.
Nothing, alas! have I to plead,
I am not fit to live:
Yet if Thy justice strike me dead,
Thy mercy shall revive.
This is the way to find my Lord;
Thyself hast made it known:
Be it according to Thy word:
On me Thy will be done.
Slay me, and I shall live indeed,
With Thy dead men arise,
From all the life of nature freed,
In love's sweet paradise.
Now, Lord, Thy death, Thy life bring in,
While at Thy feet I bow;
Enter at once, and cast out sin,
Destroy, and save me now.



Lord, and is Thine anger gone,
And art Thou pacified?
After all that I have done,
Dost Thou no longer chide?
Infinite Thy mercies are;
Beneath the weight I cannot move:
O! 'tis more than I can bear,
The sense of pardoning love!
Let it still my heart constrain,
And all my passions sway;
Keep me, lest I turn again
Out of the narrow way;
Force my violence to be still,
Captivate my every thought;
Charm, and melt, and change my will,
And bring me down to nought.
If I have begun once more
Thy sweet return to feel,
If even now I find Thy power
Present my soul to heal,—
Still and quiet may I lie,
Nor struggle out of Thine embrace,
Never more resist or fly
From Thy pursuing grace.
To Thy cross, Thine altar, bind
Me with the cords of love;
Freedom let me never find
From my dear Lord to move:


That I never, never more
May with my much-loved Master part,
To the posts of mercy's door,
O, nail my willing heart.
See my utter helplessness,
And leave me not alone;
O, preserve in perfect peace,
And seal me for Thine own;
More and more Thyself reveal,
Thy presence let me always find;
Comfort, and confirm, and heal
My feeble, sin-sick mind.
As the apple of an eye
Thy weakest servant keep;
Help me at Thy feet to lie,
And there for ever weep:
Tears of joy mine eyes o'erflow,
That I have any hope of heaven;
Much of love I ought to know,
For I have much forgiven.
Now I seem to taste Thy love
As for a moment's space;
But I cannot faithful prove
To Thy restoring grace;
Cannot in temptation stand,
My own frail soul I cannot keep,
If Thou once withdraw Thine hand
I sink into the deep.
Now, this instant now, if sin
Were knocking at my heart,
I should let the tempter in,
And bid my Lord depart;


But Thou wilt not let me fall,
Thou wilt not from my weakness move,
Till I more than conquer all
Through Thy redeeming love.


[Son of God, if Thy free grace]

Son of God, if Thy free grace
Again hath raised me up,
Call'd me still to seek Thy face,
And gave me back my hope:
Still Thy gracious help afford,
And all Thy lovingkindness show;
Keep me, keep me, dearest Lord,
And never let me go.
Feebly if I now begin
After my fall to rise,
Save me from my bosom sin,
My worst of enemies;
Let me fully be restored,
And cause me all Thy power to know;
Keep me, keep me, &c.
By me, O my Saviour, stand
In sore temptation's hour;
Save me with Thine outstretch'd hand,
And show forth all Thy power:
O, be mindful of Thy word,
Thine all-sufficient grace bestow;
Keep me, keep me, &c.
Give me, Lord, a holy fear,
And fix it in my heart,
That I may from evil near
With timely care depart:


Sin be more than hell abhorr'd,
Till Thou destroy the tyrant foe;
Keep me, keep me, &c.
Never let me leave Thy breast,
From Thee, my Saviour, stray;
Thou art my Support, and Rest,
My true and living Way;
My exceeding great Reward,
In heaven above, and earth below:
Keep me, keep me, &c.
Never let me go, till I,
Upborne on wings of love,
Gain the regions of the sky,
And take my seat above;
See Thee by all heaven adored,
And all Thy glorious fulness know:
Keep me, keep me, dearest Lord,
And never let me go.



O Jesu, still, still shall I groan
Beneath the galling yoke of sin?
Wilt Thou not claim me for Thine own,
And speak the word, and make me clean?
My load is more than I can bear:
Where is the Friend of sinners? where?
Is there no balm in Thee to heal
The anguish of a sin-sick soul?
Dost Thou not know the pangs I feel?
Dost Thou not see the billows roll?


My soul is all a troubled sea,
I cannot find my rest in Thee.
But wilt Thou let Thy foe devour
And take me as his lawful prey?
But must I sink beneath the power
Of sin, and fall a castaway?
Forbid it Love! and save, (if Thou
Art Love indeed,) O, save me now!
'Tis not the punishment I dread;
Harden'd I seem, and cannot fear
Thy wrath abiding on my head,
Or deprecate Thy judgments near:
But rescue me from Satan's power;
Save me from sin, I ask no more.
I ask not sensible delight,
The joy and comfort of Thy grace;
Still let me want Thy blissful sight,
Let me go mourning all my days;
With trembling awe Thy ways adore;
But save me, that I sin no more.
Rather than suffer me to sin,
Now, Lord, my spotted soul require:
I know that I am all unclean,
And Thou a sin-consuming fire;
I cannot now in heaven appear;
Nothing unclean shall enter there.
Yet now I choose to breathe my last,
Rather than turn to sin again:
On Thee my soul unchanged I cast,
And, foul with every sinful stain,
I plunge me in a sea unknown,
Without Thine utmost grace—undone!


Thou canst cut short the work, and heal
The sinner in a moment's space;
Be it according to Thy will;
I leave it to Thy secret grace;
I venture all on this last hour,
And die, that I may sin no more.


Jesu, Thou know'st my simpleness,
My faults are not conceal'd from Thee:
A sinner in my last distress,
To Thy dear wounds I fain would flee,
And never, never thence depart,
Close shelter'd in Thy loving heart.
How shall I find the living way,
Lost, and confused, and dark, and blind?
Ah! Lord, my soul is gone astray;
Ah! Shepherd, seek my soul, and find,
And in Thine arms of mercy take,
And bring the weary wanderer back.
Weary and sick of sin I am;
I hate it, Lord, and yet I love:
When wilt Thou rid me of my shame?
When wilt Thou all my load remove?
Destroy the fiend of inbred sin,
And speak the word of power, “Be clean”?
My Jesus, why dost Thou delay
An helpless dying soul to heal?
What shall I to my Jesus say?
Dost Thou not all my sufferings feel?
Ah! tell me if unmoved Thou art:
How dost Thou find it in Thy heart?


What means this struggling in my breast,
If Thine is steel'd against my prayer?
If Thou art deaf to my request,
Why do I groan my sin to bear?
Surely it is Thy Spirit's groan;
I do not grieve, or weep, alone.
I feel that Thou wouldst have me live,
And waitest now Thy grace to show:
When I am willing to receive
The grace, I all Thy life shall know;
And Thou art striving now with me,
To get Thyself the victory.
O Lord, if I at last discern
That I am sin, and Thou art love,
If now o'er me Thy bowels yearn,
Give me a token from above,
And conquer my rebellious will,
And bid my murmuring heart “Be still.”
Sin only let me not commit;
(Sin never can advance Thy praise;)
And lo! I lay me at Thy feet,
And wait unwearied all my days,
Till my appointed time shall come,
And Thou shalt call Thine exile home.
Ah! tell me that I shall not sin;
Assured of this, I ask no more;
The kingdom, when Thou wilt, bring in;
Thine image, as Thou wilt, restore;
But do not suffer sin to reign;
Tell me I ne'er shall sin again.


Or if I ask I know not what,
The knowledge of a future grace;
If this can only then be wrought,
When pure in heart I see Thy face,
O pierce, and fill me now with fear
Of sin, and hell, for ever near.
O put Thy fear within my heart,
That I may tremble at Thy word,
Nor ever from Thy paths depart,
Or dare to sin against the Lord;
Till I the promised Seed receive,
Let Ishmael before Thee live.
I ask according to Thy will;
O keep me till the grace is given,
Till I Thy holy law fulfil
On earth, as angels do in heaven,
Thine uttermost salvation prove,
Made perfect in almighty love.


Break, stubborn heart; and sigh no more
To mock me with a show of good,
To make me think the conflict o'er,
The strength of inbred sin subdued:
Or let me cease from every ill,
Or bear the nether mill-stone still.
Away my flattering hopes and fears,
The transports of my short-lived grief;
Away my unavailing tears,
Nor mock me with your vain relief!
Dissembling tears, 'tis past your art
To melt the marble of my heart.


My heart, which now to God aspires,
The following moment cleaves to dust;
My firm resolves, my good desires,
My holy frames—no more I trust,
Poor, feeble, broken reeds, to you;
My goodness melts as morning dew.
Hardly convinced, I own at last
No will to good abides in me;
My latest rag away I cast,
The rag of my sincerity:
I bear my double sin, and shame;
Beast, beast, and legion is my name.
Full of concupiscence and pride,
Fit fuel for eternal fire,
With virtuous show I strive to hide
The baseness of impure desire;
Conceal'd it lies, yet not supprest:
The devil blushes for the beast.
I start from the contempt of men,
But shameless in His sight appear
By whom my every thought is seen;
My heart is harden'd from His fear,
Nor care I from His view to hide
My foulest filthiness of pride.
O what a loathsome hypocrite
Am I! A child of wrath and sin,
An heir of hell, a son of night,
An outward saint, a fiend within,
A painted tomb, a whited wall,
A worm, a sinner stript of all!


Lay to Thine hand, O God of grace;
O God, the work is worthy Thee;
See at Thy feet of all our race
The chief, the vilest sinner see,
And let me all Thy mercy prove,
Thine utmost miracle of love.
Speak; and an holy thing and clean
Shall strangely be brought out of me;
My Ethiop soul shall change her skin;
Redeem'd from all iniquity,
I, even I, shall then proclaim
The wonders wrought by Jesu's name.
Thee I shall then for ever praise,
In spirit and in truth adore,
While all I am declares Thy grace,
And, born of God, I sin no more;
The pure and heavenly nature share,
And fruit unto perfection bear.


Saviour from sin, I wait to prove
That Jesus is Thy healing name,
To lose, when perfected in love,
Whate'er I have, or can, or am;
I stay me on Thy faithful word,
The servant shall be as his Lord.
Answer that gracious end in me
For which Thy precious life was given;
Redeem from all iniquity,
Restore, and make me meet for heaven;


Unless Thou purge my every stain,
Thy suffering, and my faith, is vain.
'Tis not a bare release from sin,
Its guilt and pain, my soul requires;
I want a Spirit of power within;
Thee, Jesus, Thee my heart desires,
And pants, and breaks to be renew'd,
And wash'd in Thine all-cleansing blood.
Didst Thou not in the flesh appear,
Sin to condemn, and man to save?
That perfect love might cast out fear,
That I Thy mind in me might have,
In holiness show forth Thy praise,
And serve Thee all my sinless days?
Didst Thou not die, that I might live
No longer to myself, but Thee?
Might body, soul, and spirit give
To Him who gave Himself for me?
Come, then, my Master and my God,
Take the dear purchase of Thy blood.
Thine own peculiar servant claim,
For Thine own truth and mercy's sake;
Hallow in me Thy glorious name,
Me for Thine own this moment take,
And change, and throughly purify:
Thine only may I live, and die.



“We have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities,” &c.

O compassionate High-Priest,
Full of truth and grace for me,
Mark the heavings of my breast,
See my sin and misery!
Surely all to Thee is known,
Though Thou dost not yet appear;
Noted is my every groan,
Counted is my every tear.
I have not a priest unmoved
With the feeling of my woe,
Who himself was never proved,
Who my sufferings cannot know:
Touch'd most sensibly Thou art
With my soul's infirmities,
Still the Saviour's gentle heart
Doth with sinners sympathise.
Though He now triumphant reigns,
Still, as in His days of flesh,
All His agonies and pains
In our souls He feels afresh:
Though exalted to a throne,
Thou dost in our sorrows share,
Thou hast not forgot Thine own,
Thine own flesh and blood we are.
Friend of Sinners, in Thy heart,
Tell me, doth there not remain
One unarm'd and tender part,
Sensible of human pain?


Lord, I wait for the reply:
Groan an answer from within;
Tell me, Comforter, that I,
I shall be redeem'd from sin.
Hoping against hope, I wait
For redemption in Thy blood;
Help me in my lost estate,
Take away my heavy load.
Save me from this tyranny,
O bring near the joyful hour;
From all sin my spirit free,
All the guilt, and all the power.
Grant, O grant my last request;
Nothing do I ask beside,
Only give my spirit rest,
Rest from self, and rest from pride:
Bring into Thy perfect peace,
Give me faith to enter in,
Let me with Thy people cease
From my own dead works of sin.
Power I want, a constant power
My own evil to eschew,
Till my heart can sin no more,
Till I am a creature new;
Let me in Thy wounds abide
Till the perfect grace is given;
Give me this, I ask beside
Nothing or in earth or heaven.




Try us, O God, and search the ground
Of every sinful heart;
Whate'er of sin in us is found,
O bid it all depart.
When to the right or left we stray,
Leave us not comfortless,
But guide our feet into the way
Of everlasting peace.
Help us to help each other, Lord,
Each other's cross to bear;
Let each his friendly aid afford,
And feel his brother's care.
Help us to build each other up,
Our little stock improve;
Increase our faith, confirm our hope,
And perfect us in love.
Up into Thee, our living Head,
Let us in all things grow,
Till Thou hast made us free indeed
And sinless here below.
Then, when the mighty work is wrought,
Receive Thy ready bride,
Give us in heaven an happy lot
With all the sanctified.


Jesu, all power is given to Thee;
Command our inward parts;
Turn, as the rivers of the sea,
Our hard unyielding hearts.


Our hearts are to ourselves unknown,
Till Thou the veil remove;
Open, enlarge, and melt them down
By Thy victorious love.
Thee, at Thy word, we come to meet,
And humbly to confess,
While lowly prostrate at Thy feet,
Our utter sinfulness.
O let us faithfully obey
The counsel of Thy will,
And each to each our faults display,
Our every thought reveal.
Our fig-leaves all be cast aside;
Let no self-soothing art
Conceal the lust, to' indulge the pride
Of a foul hellish heart.
Open a window in our breast,
That each our heart may see,
And let no secret be supprest,
Since all are known to Thee.
Remove the sins which we declare,
The burden of our soul,
And hear the mutual faithful prayer,
Which makes the sinner whole.
To all, through faith which is in Thee,
A perfect soundness give,
And let us, from all sin set free,
The life of Jesus live.



God of our life, at Thy command
We now our sins confess,
In nakedness of spirit stand,
And show our sore disease.
God of our health, in Thy great name
We now perform Thy will;
Regard our prayer, admit our claim,
Our sin-sick spirits heal.
Forgive the sins through which we groan,
Which we no longer hide;
Our filthiness of flesh we own,
Our filthiness of pride.
The devilish and the brutal lust
To Thee we now confess;
Cleanse us, O faithful God and just,
From all unrighteousness.
Then shall we to Thine only name
The praise and glory give,
The greatness of Thy power proclaim
To us-ward who believe.
Then let or earth or hell oppose,
We will assert Thy power,
And witness to a world of foes
That we can sin no more.


Jesu, united by Thy grace,
And each to each endear'd,
With confidence we seek Thy face,
And know our prayer is heard.


Still let us own our common Lord,
And bear Thine easy yoke—
A band of love, a threefold cord
Which never can be broke.
Make us into one spirit drink,
Baptize into Thy Name,
And let us always kindly think,
And sweetly speak the same.
Touch'd by the loadstone of Thy love,
Let all our hearts agree,
And ever towards each other move,
And ever move towards Thee.
To Thee inseparably join'd,
Let all our spirits cleave;
O may we all the loving mind
That was in Thee receive:
This is the bond of perfectness,
Thy spotless charity;
O let us (still we pray) possess
The mind that was in Thee.
Grant this, and then from all below
Insensibly remove;
Our souls their change shall scarcely know,
Made perfect first in love.
With ease our souls through death shall glide
Into their paradise,
And thence on wings of angels ride
Triumphant through the skies.


Yet when the fullest joy is given
The same delight we prove;
In earth, in paradise, in heaven,
Our all in all is love.


Giver and Guardian of my sleep,
To praise Thy name I wake:
Still, Lord, Thy helpless servant keep,
For Thy own mercy's sake.
The blessing of another day
I thankfully receive:
O may I only Thee obey,
And to Thy glory live.
Vouchsafe to keep my soul from sin;
Its cruel power suspend,
Till all this strife and war within
In perfect peace shall end.
O respite me from self and pride,
Curb and keep down my will,
My appetites and passions chide,
And bid the sea be still.
Upon me lay Thy mighty hand,
My words and thoughts restrain,
Bow my whole soul to Thy command,
Nor let my faith be vain.
Prisoner of hope, I wait the hour
Which shall salvation bring;
When all I am shall own Thy power
And call my Jesus King.


Thou wilt, I steadfastly believe
Thou wilt, the captive free,
Freedom, full perfect freedom, give,
And more than victory.
Though now to every sin inclined,
I shall be as Thou art;
Lowly as Thine shall be my mind,
And meek and pure my heart.
Anger and lust Thou wilt expel,
And pride, by stronger grace;
They can in me no longer dwell,
When Jesus fills the place.
Thy presence, Lord, the place shall fill,
My heart shall be Thy throne,
Thy holy, just, and perfect will
Shall in my flesh be done.
I thank Thee for the future grace,
And now in hope rejoice,
In confidence to see Thy face
And always hear Thy voice:
I have the things I ask of Thee;
What shall I more require?
That still my soul may restless be,
And only Thee desire.
Or let me (if I more would have)
This last desire submit,
And lie, till Thou seest good to save,
Expecting, at Thy feet.


Thy only will be done, not mine;
But make me, Lord, Thy home:
Come when Thou wilt, I that resign;
But, O my Jesus, come!


The Lord unto my Lord hath said,
Sit Thou, in glory sit,
Till I Thine enemies have made
To bow beneath Thy feet.
Jesu, my Lord, mighty to save,
What can my hopes withstand,
When Thee my Advocate I have,
Enthroned at God's right hand?
I fear nor earth, nor sin, nor hell,
And death hath lost his sting;
In vain awhile Thy foes rebel,
Thou, Jesus, art my King.
Nature is subject to Thy word,
All power to Thee is given,
The uncontroll'd almighty Lord
Of hell, and earth, and heaven.
And shall my sins Thy will oppose?
Jesu, Thy right maintain;
O let not Thine usurping foes
In me Thy servant reign.
Master, on Thee my soul is stay'd;
Thou wilt not quit Thy claim;
Thou only hast my ransom paid,
And only Thine I am.


Come then, and claim me for Thine own;
Saviour, Thy right assert;
Come, gracious Lord, set up Thy throne,
And reign within my heart.
The day of Thy great power I feel,
And pant for liberty;
I loathe myself, deny my will,
And give up all for Thee.
I hate my sins, no longer mine,
For I renounce them too;
My weakness with Thy strength I join,
Thy strength shall all subdue.
Our common foes, who Thee defied
And would not own Thy sway,
Envy, and sloth, desire, and pride,
And hate, and anger slay.
Thy enemies destroy in mine;
Pronounce their speedy doom;
In vengeance speak, in brightness shine,
The Man of Sin consume.
So shall I bless Thy pleasing sway,
And, sitting at Thy feet,
Thy laws with all my heart obey,
With all my soul submit.
So shall I do Thy will below,
As angels do above,
The virtue of Thy passion show,
The triumphs of Thy love.


Thy love the conquest more than gains:
To all I shall proclaim,—
Jesus the King, the Conqueror reigns,
Bow down to Jesu's name.
To Thee shall earth and hell submit,
And every foe shall fall,
Till death expires beneath Thy feet,
And God is all in all!


“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

O that my load of sin were gone!
O that I could at last submit
At Jesu's feet to lay it down,
To lay my soul at Jesu's feet!
When shall mine eyes behold the Lamb,
The God of my salvation see?
Weary, O Lord, Thou know'st I am;
Yet still I cannot come to Thee.
Mark the hard travail of my soul,
With pity view my labouring breast;
O give me faith to make me whole,
And speak my misery into rest.
Rest for my soul I long to find;
Saviour of all, if mine Thou art,
Give me Thy meek and lowly mind,
And stamp Thine image on my heart.


Break off the yoke of inbred sin,
And fully set my spirit free;
I cannot rest, till pure within,
Till I am wholly lost in Thee.
Fain would I learn of Thee, my God,
Thy light and easy burden prove,
The cross all stain'd with hallow'd blood,
The labour of Thy dying love;
This moment would I take it up,
And after my dear Master bear,
With Thee ascend to Calvary's top,
And bow my head and suffer there.
I would: but Thou must give the power,
My heart from every sin release;
Bring near, bring near the joyful hour,
And fill me with Thy perfect peace.
Come, Lord, the drooping sinner cheer,
Nor let Thy chariot-wheels delay;
Appear in my poor heart, appear;
My God, my Saviour, come away.
One deep unto another cries,
My misery, Lord, implores Thy grace:
When wilt Thou hear, and bow the skies?
When shall I see my Jesu's face?
The hireling longeth for his hire—
But only punishment is mine;
My merits are eternal fire—
But heaven and happiness are Thine.


Give me Thy life; for Thou my death
Hast swallow'd up in victory,
Quicken'd me with Thy latest breath,
And died that I might live to Thee.
This, only this, is all my hope,
And doth my sinking soul sustain;
Thy faithful mercies hold me up,
My Saviour did not die in vain.
Answer Thy death's design in me;
The guilt and power of sin remove,
Redeem from all iniquity,
Renew, and perfect me in love.


“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

Jesu, Sin-atoning Lamb,
Jesu, Lover of Thy foe,
Let me feel Thy sovereign name,
Let me all its virtue know;
Hear my cry out of the deep,
Haste and help a friendless soul,
Seek and save a wandering sheep,
Make a sin-sick sinner whole.
Burden'd am I, and opprest,
Till Thou dost remove my load;
Weary, till Thou give me rest;
Guilty, till I feel Thy blood.


See me, a mere sinner see,
Miserable, poor, and blind,
Till I lose my all in Thee,
Till in Thee my all I find.
What have I Thy grace to move?
Beast and devil is my name;
God I hate, and sin I love,
Sin I love, and sin I am:
Yet I mean Thy grace to try;
Sinners if Thou canst receive,
Here I am, their captain I;
Wouldst Thou have me die or live?
Thou the Potter, I the clay,
Nothing have I, Lord, to plead,
Nothing have I, Lord, to say:
Bid me live, or strike me dead.
I cannot in judgment stand:
Raise; or slay me with Thy breath;
Guilty, I shall feel Thine hand,
Guilty of eternal death.
Trembling I expect my fate,
If Thou as my Judge appear;
If Thou art my Advocate,
Jesus, what have I to fear?
Jesus is the Sinners' Friend,
Sinners Jesus came to save;
Jesus, I on Thee depend,
Peace and power in Thee I have.
I the golden sceptre see,
(Self-despairing as I was,)
Now, even now, reach'd out to me;
I receive Thy pardoning grace.


Of Thy grace I cannot doubt;
Sinners to Thy wounds who fly
Thou in no wise wilt cast out:
Lo! I come, the sinner I!
Thou shalt make me white as snow,
Though my soul be black as hell;
Never from Thy cross I go,
Safe within Thy wounds I dwell.
Other refuge have I none,
None do I desire beside;
Friend of Sinners, I am one;
Save me, who for me hast died.


“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”

What shall I do, my God, my God?
I ask in Jesu's name;
Unsanctified and unrenew'd,
I still remain the same.
Sin, only sin, in me I find;
I cannot subject be
To Thy command; my carnal mind
Is enmity to Thee.
But Thou canst wash the leper clean,
The stone to flesh convert,
Canst make the Ethiop change his skin,
And purify my heart.


Then only, when by grace renew'd,
My will with Thine shall suit:
O make the tree of nature good,
And good shall be its fruit.
I strive in all I do to please,
With endless grief and pain,
But cannot, Lord, from sinning cease,
Till I am born again.
With Thee my virtue is but vice,
My good is specious ill;
'Tis self, 'tis nature in disguise,
And I am carnal still.
No work of mine, or word, or thought
Thy judgment can abide;
Thy glory, Lord, I never sought,
For all my soul is pride.
What have I then wherein to trust?
How must I come to Thee?
Foul as I am, condemn'd and lost,
Thy Son hath died for me.
Jesus hath died that I might live,
Might live to God alone,
In Him eternal life receive,
And be in spirit one.
Saviour, I thank Thee for the grace,
The gift unspeakable,
And wait, with arms of faith to' embrace,
And all Thy love to feel.


My soul breaks out in strong desire
The perfect bliss to prove,
My longing soul is all on fire
To be dissolved in love.
Give me Thyself, from every boast,
From every wish set free:
Let all I am in Thee be lost;
But give Thyself to me.
Thy gifts, alas! cannot suffice,
Unless Thyself be given;
Thy presence makes my paradise,
And where Thou art is heaven.


[Matthew xv. 22, &c.]

Lord, regard my earnest cry,
A potsherd of the earth;
A poor guilty worm am I,
A Canaanite by birth:
Save me from this tyranny,
From all the power of Satan save;
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
Still Thou answerest not a word
To my repeated prayer;
Hear Thine own disciples, Lord,
Who in my sorrows share;


O let them prevail with Thee
To grant the blessing which I crave:
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
Send, O send me now away
By granting my request;
Still I follow Thee, and pray,
And will not let Thee rest;
Ever crying after Thee,
Till Thou my helplessness relieve:
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
To the sheep of Israel's fold
Thou in Thy flesh wast sent,
But the Gentiles now behold
In Thee their Covenant:
See me then, with pity see,
A sinner whom Thou camest to save;
Mercy, mercy upon me,
Thou Son of David, have.
Still to Thee, my God, I come,
And mercy I implore;
Thee, (but how shall I presume,)
Thee trembling I adore,
Dare not stand before Thy face,
But lowly at Thy feet I fall;
Help me, Jesu; show Thy grace,
Thy grace is free for all.
Still I cannot part with Thee,
I will not let Thee go;
Mercy, mercy unto me,
O Son of David, show;


Vilest of the sinful race,
On Thee importunate I call;
Help me, Jesu; show Thy grace,
Thy grace is free for all.
Nothing am I in Thy sight,
Nothing have I to plead;
Unto dogs it is not right
To cast the children's bread:
Yet the dogs the crumbs may eat,
That from their master's table fall;
Let the fragments be my meat,
Thy grace is free for all.
Give me, Lord, the victory,
My heart's desire fulfil;
Let it now be done to me
According to my will;
Give me living bread to eat,
And say, in answer to my call,
Canaanite, thy faith is great,
My grace is free for all.”
If Thy grace for all is free,
Thy call now let me hear,
Show this token upon me,
And bring salvation near;
Now the gracious word repeat,
The word of healing to my soul,
Canaanite, thy faith is great,
Thy faith hath made thee whole.”



[John v. 2, &c.]

Jesu, take my sins away,
And make me know Thy name;
Thou art now as yesterday,
And evermore the same:
Thou my true Bethesda be;
I know within Thy arms is room,
All the world may unto Thee,
Their House of Mercy, come.
See the porches open wide!
Thy mercy all may prove,
All the world is justified
By universal love.
Halt and wither'd when they lie,
And sick, and impotent, and blind,
Sinners may in Thee espy
The Saviour of mankind.
See me lying at the pool,
And waiting for Thy grace;
O come down into my soul,
Disclose Thy angel-face!
If to me Thy bowels move,
If now Thou dost my sickness feel,
Let the Spirit of Thy love
The helpless sinner heal.
Sick of anger, pride, and lust,
And unbelief I am;
Yet in Thee for health I trust,
In Jesu's sovereign name.


Were I taken into Thee,
Could I but step into the pool,
I from every malady
Should be at once made whole.
Persons Thou dost not respect;
Whoe'er for mercy call
Thou in no wise wilt reject,
Thy mercy is for all;
Thou wouldst freely all restore,
(Would all the gracious season find,)
Fill with goodness, love, and power,
And with an healthful mind.
Mercy then there is for me,
(Away my doubts and fears!)
Plagued with an infirmity
For more than thirty years;
Jesu, cast a pitying eye;
Thou long hast known my desperate case,
Poor and helpless here I lie,
And wait the healing grace.
Long hath Thy good Spirit strove
With my distemper'd soul,
But I still refused Thy love
And would not be made whole:
Hardly now at last I yield,
I yield with all my sins to part;
Let my soul be fully heal'd,
And throughly cleansed my heart.
Sin is now my sore disease;
But though I would be free,
When the water troubled is
There is no help for me:


Others find a cure, not I;
In Thee they wash away their sin;
I, alas! have no man nigh,
To put my weakness in.
Pain and sickness, at Thy word,
And sin and sorrow flies;
Speak to me, Almighty Lord,
And bid my spirit rise;
Bid me take my burden up,
The bed on which Thyself didst lie,
When on Calvary's steep top
My Jesus deign'd to die.
Bid me bear the hallow'd cross
Which Thou hast borne before,
Walk in all Thy righteous laws,
And go and sin no more,
Lest the heaviest curse of all,
The vile apostate's curse, I prove:
To the hottest hell they fall
Who fall from pardoning love.
But Thou canst preserve from sin,
And stablish me with grace,
Keep my helpless soul within
Thy arms through all my days:
Jesu, I on Thee alone
For persevering grace depend;
Love me freely, love Thine own,
And love me to the end.



[Luke x. 30, &c.]

Woe is me! what tongue can tell
My sad afflicted state?
Who my anguish can reveal,
Or all my woe relate?
Fallen among thieves I am,
And they have robb'd me of my God,
Turn'd my glory into shame,
And left me in my blood.
God was once my glorious dress,
And I like Him did shine;
Satan of His righteousness
Hath spoil'd this soul of mine;
By the mortal wound of sin,
'Twixt God and me the parting made:
Dead in Adam, dead within,
My soul is wholly dead.
I have lost the life Divine,
And when this outward breath
To the Giver I resign,
Must die the second death.
Naked, helpless, stript of God,
And at the latest gasp I lie:
Who beholds me in my blood,
And saves me ere I die?
Lo! the priest comes down in vain,
And sees my sad distress,
Sees the state of fallen man,
But cannot give me ease:


Patriarchs and prophets old
Observe my wretched, desperate case;
Me expiring they behold,
But leave me as I was.
Lo! the Levite me espies,
And stops to view my grief,
Looks on me, and bids me rise,
But offers no relief.
All my wounds he open tears,
And searches them, alas! in vain;
Fill'd with anguish, griefs, and fears,
He leaves me in my pain.
O Thou Good Samaritan,
In Thee is all my hope;
Only Thou canst succour man,
And raise the fallen up.
Hearken to my dying cry,
My wounds compassionately see,
Me a sinner pass not by,
Who gasp for help to Thee.
Still Thou journey'st where I am,
And still Thy bowels move;
Pity is with Thee the same,
And all Thy heart is love.
Stoop to a poor sinner, stoop,
And let Thy healing grace abound;
Heal my bruises, and bind up
My spirit's every wound.
Saviour of my soul, draw nigh,
In mercy haste to me;
At the point of death I lie,
And cannot come to Thee.


Now Thy kind relief afford,
The wine and oil of grace pour in;
Good Physician, speak the word,
And heal my soul of sin.
Pity to my dying cries
Hath drawn Thee from above,
Hovering over me with eyes
Of tenderness and love:
Now, e'en now I see Thy face,
The balm of Gilead I receive;
Thou hast saved me by Thy grace,
And bade the sinner live.
Surely now the bitterness
Of second death is past:
O my Life, my Righteousness,
On Thee my soul is cast.
Thou hast brought me to Thine inn,
And I am of Thy promise sure;
Thou shalt cleanse me from all sin,
And all my sickness cure.
Perfect then the work begun,
And make the sinner whole;
All Thy will on me be done,
My body, spirit, soul.
Still preserve me safe from harms,
And kindly for Thy patient care;
Take me, Jesu, to Thine arms,
And keep me ever there.




Lord, I confess my sins to Thee,
My sins beyond expression great;
Fast bound in sin and misery,
My spirit faints beneath the weight,
And struggles to throw off the load,
But cannot, cannot come to God.
O how shall I the anguish bear
Of inbred sin's envenom'd dart?
The mischief hence I cannot tear;
'Tis enter'd deep into my heart,
Its poison drinks my spirits up,
And quenches my last spark of hope.
O wretched man, what must I do?
I neither can resist nor fly;
Hell, earth, and sin my soul pursue,
I cannot find my Saviour nigh;
Unhappy, I shall one day fall,
Shall perish by the hand of Saul.
Me from perdition what can save?
Justly my God His help denies:
No evil I abhor, and have
No fear of God before my eyes;
Self-harden'd in my lost estate,
All sin I love, all good I hate.
Whither, ah whither shall I go?
The snares of death my soul surround,
The floods of wickedness o'erflow,
And desperate is my spirit's wound;
The worm that never dies I feel,
Arrested by the pains of hell.


O could I but escape away,
And steal into the silent tomb,
Defraud the lion of his prey,
And at my latest hour o'ercome,
That hour I now would present have,
Would now rejoice to find a grave.
O God, behold my troubled breast:
Yet once again I Thee implore;
Indulge me in my last request,
And let me die, and sin no more;
Now, let me now lay down my head,
From pain and sin for ever freed.
O God, regard my bitter cry,
I groan to be redeem'd from sin;
To Thee I lift my weeping eye,
Open Thine arms and take me in;
To Thee my labouring soul I bow;
Require it, O require it now.
I know it is not now renew'd,
I am not fit Thy face to see,
But trust the virtue of Thy blood
In my last hour shall work on me
Some miracle of grace unknown,
Without a miracle undone.
My God, I cannot let Thee go
Without an answer to my prayer;
O tell me that it shall be so,
I soon shall lose in death my care,
Where fiends and sins no more molest,
And weary spirits are at rest.


I doubt not, Lord, but there remains
A rest from sin and sorrow here,
Thy people here are freed from pains,
From troubles, doubts, and guilt, and fear;
But let me hence this moment fly,
Save me from sin, and let me die.
I only wait for this glad hour,
'Tis all my business here below;
Send down into my soul the power,
And let me die Thy love to know;
Renew me, and withdraw my breath;
Give power o'er sin and instant death.


Forgive me, O long-suffering God,
The hurry of my peevish grief;
Though fainting underneath my load,
And staggering oft through unbelief,
Thee for my Lord I fain would own,
And say, Thine only will be done.
Forgive me then my follies past,
The fond impatience of my prayers,
My rash complaints and eager haste,
My faithless doubts and fruitless cares;
Thou know'st, till Thou Thy life bring in,
I cannot, cannot cease from sin.
The captive exile makes his moan,
And hastens to be loosed from pain,
The pain through which I ever groan,
The dread lest I should turn again,
Lest all my bread of life should fail,
And I sink down unchanged to hell.


That dreadful thought comes thundering back,
And falls a mountain on my head:
Nor can, nor will I comfort take
In hearing Satan's factors plead;
I cannot hug, like them, my chain,
Or rest, if sin in me remain.
In vain they bid me blindly fly,
And catch at Thy unknown decree;
In vain they bid me dream that I
Was chose from all eternity:
Alas! I want election's seal,
For I am all unholy still.
Tell me no more, ye carnal saints,
“The best must always strive with sin,
God will not answer all your wants,
God will not make you throughly clean,
Sin must have some unhallow'd part,
Christ cannot fill up all the heart.”
Can life and death together dwell?
Can Christ with Belial e'er agree,
Darkness with light, and heaven with hell?
Can both at once have place in me?
Can I be Christ's and sin's abode,
A den of thieves and house of God?
No, Jesus, no! Thou Holy One,
When Thou shalt come into my heart,
I know that Thou wilt reign alone,
And sin for ever shall depart;
Thy love shall cast out all my fear
Lest sin should come, when Thou art here.


In patient hope for this I wait,
Till all old things are past away,
Till Thou shalt all things new create,
And I behold Thy perfect day,
The mark of mine election show,
And be in Christ a creature new.


Omniscient, Omnipresent King,
The true, and merciful, and just,
To Thee my last distress I bring,
To Thee my desperate cause I trust;
I give my fond complainings o'er,
I set my God a time no more.
My time, O God, is in Thine hand,
Thou know'st my feebleness of soul;
Able Thou art to make me stand,
Thou canst this moment speak me whole,
Or keep me thus till my last hour,
To show forth all Thy saving power.
I leave it all to Thee alone,
Thy counsellor I cannot be;
To Thee Thy every work is known,
And secret things belong to Thee;
Thy manner, and Thy time is best:
But let me enter into rest.
The hireling longeth for his hire,
The watcher for the break of day;
But, O my restless heart's Desire,
Let me not murmur at Thy stay!
Be stopt my mouth, and fail my tongue,
But let Thy Spirit groan, How long?


The thing Thou dost I know not now,
But I shall know hereafter, Lord;
To Thy dread sovereign will I bow,
Thy will be done, Thy name adored;
Act for the glory of Thy name;
Lo! in Thy gracious hands I am.
Act for Thine own and Sion's sake,
And let Thy will in me be done;
If but one soul may comfort take
By hearing me so deeply groan,
Still let me all my burden feel,
And groan, and weep, and suffer still.
If but one tempted soul may find
Relief by my afflicted state,
I would be patient and resign'd,
Still in the iron furnace wait;
Still let the sin, the grief, the pain,
The thorn in my weak flesh remain.
Still let my bleeding heart be torn,
If other bleeding hearts it cheer;
Disconsolate for Thee I mourn,
My nature's cross consent to bear,
To languish for my Lord's delay
And weep a thousand lives away.


Behold, ye souls that mourn for God,
And take ye comfort from my grief,
Be strengthen'd by my grievous load,
Let my distress be your relief,
With mine your tears and sorrows join,
And lose by mixing them with mine


I am the man who long have known
The strength and rage of inbred sin;
My soul is dead, my heart is stone,
A cage of birds and beasts unclean,
A den of thieves, a dire abode
Of dragons, but no house of God.
I dare not speak, I cannot show
The depths of Satan harbour'd there,
The horrors of infernal woe,
The black and blasphemous despair;
Who can conceive, but those that feel
Indwelling sin, indwelling hell!
A stranger intermeddleth not
With our inexplicable grief;
'Tis past the reach of human thought,
The torture of this unbelief,
The struggling groan, the passion loud,
The heart that says, There is no God.
But will He not at last appear,
And make His power and Godhead known?
Surely He shall the mourner cheer,
And make the broken heart His throne;
Shall break it first, and then bind up:
In hope believe ye against hope.
Comfort, ye ministers of grace,
Comfort My people, saith our God!
Ye soon shall see His smiling face,
His golden sceptre, not His rod,
And own, when now the cloud's removed,
He only chasten'd whom He loved.


Who sow in tears in joy shall reap,
The Lord shall comfort all that mourn;
Who now go on our way and weep,
With joy we doubtless shall return
And bring our sheaves with vast increase,
And have our fruit to holiness.
Then let us patiently attend,
And wait the leisure of our Lord:
Surely we all shall in the end
Experience His abiding word,
Shall all His gracious power declare,
And fruit unto perfection bear.


[John xx. 28.]

O thou whom fain my soul would love,
Whom I would gladly die to know,
This veil of unbelief remove,
And show me, all Thy goodness show:
Jesu, Thyself in me reveal,
Tell me Thy name, Thy nature tell.
Hast Thou been with me, Lord, so long?
Yet Thee, my Lord, have I not known?
I claim Thee with a faltering tongue,
I pray Thee in a feeble groan:
Tell me, O tell me who Thou art,
And speak Thy name into my heart.


If now Thou talkest by the way
With such an abject worm as me,
Thy mysteries of grace display,
Open mine eyes that I may see,
That I may understand Thy word,
And now cry out, It is the Lord!
I know Him by those prints of love,
His bleeding wounds are open wide;
Through faith I handle Him, and prove,
I thrust my hand into His side,
I feel the sprinkling of His blood:
Jesu, Thou art my Lord, my God!