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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De septimo principali, propter quid missus est, quod propter sex causas missus est: primo ad consolandam mestos, Secundo ad viuificandum mortuos, Tercio ad mundandum & sanctificandum immundos, Quarto ad confirmandum Amorem inter discordes, Quinto ad saluandum iustos, Sexto Ad docendum ignaros.

Now gode is for to knaw oryȝt
wherto þe Holy Gost wos sent,
ffor sex causes As I haue tyȝt
to tell takes now entent.


Primo ad consolandum mestos.

The fyrst to comfort men in wo,
And þat preues bi this word here,
ffor comfortour is cald so
The Holy Gost with-owten wer.

De emissione spiritus sancti. Paraclitus autem spiritus sanctus.

Paraclitus is as mych to say
As comfortour in this case,
which comfortour he send þis day
the Holy Gost all full of grace.
Gregory tretes opon this,
whi he ys cald comfortour,
& says, ‘whill gode hope in his hert is,
þai ben forgyfen monnes errour.
‘Of þinges þat he has don Amys,
Sodanly comes þat saueour
And preue wo in hert I-wis
wayues & sendes sum socour.’

Consolator spiritus dicitur, dum spem venie sperat, Ab omni afflictione mentem leuat, &c. Gregorius.

Secundo ad viuificandum mortuos.

The secund cause querfor & whi
The Holy Gost to mon wos sent
wos for to quyken dede in hie,
þat preues þis word gost verament.
Quen A gost here nomet is,
ffor gost wykenes þat is dede,
by holy wrytt I preue wele this,
þat lyfe is none quen gost is lede.


Spiritus enim, qui viuificat. Item Ezechiel xxxjo: Ossa arida audite verbum domini. Ecce ego mittam in vos spiritum domini & viuetis.

ffor thurgh gostes, As rede we
Bi Esechiel prophecie,
All þe world shall dee & wykent be
At domesday þrugh his mercy.

Tercio ad mundandum & sanctificandum immundos.

That preues þis word þat I shall mynne,
ffor holy quen I specify
ffrom no holy nedely most twynne,
Elles þe Holy Gost gos by.
& ryȝt As holy cald is
þat wyckutnes to ryde & go,
So holy hit may be cald I-wis
þat makes mon clene of soro & wo.
Þerfor A verse of þe Sauter
ys gloset her, As I shall say,
& lyknes to þe water cler
þe Holy Gost, As men wele may;
Þat makes clene ay hym befor,
So dos þe Holy Gost oryȝt,
makes clene befor hym euermor,
non vnclennes þer he will lyȝt.

ffluminis impetus, id est, mundus & habundans gracia spiritus sancti letificat ciuitatem dei, id est ecclesiam dei & per istud flumen sanctificauit tabernaculum suum altissimus. Psalmus.

Quarto ad confirmandum Amorem inter discordes.

The furth cause whi Goddis gost
wos sent to erthe, as ȝe schyn se,
ffor he had myȝt & pouer most
to conferme luf & charite


Betwene hom þat weren at debate,
& þat schewes þat þis wort her,
in Als mech as Algate
he callis God fader of All pouer.
ffor fader most kyndely
luffs his childer, for so did he,
As Iohn in his euangely
beris wytnes, ȝe schyn se.

Nota Iohannis xiijo: Ipse enim amat [n]os.

Then if þat he our fader be,
we ben his sons sykurly
& brethir All in vnite
to-geder made þrugh his mercy.

Quinto, Ad saluandum iustos.

Also þe Holy Gost wos sent
to saue men þat ryȝtwis wer,
& þat shewes verament
by oon word þat sayd is her,
That hele wele mon call may
the Holy Gost from heuen bliss
in-to erthe wos send this day,
In his nome þat Ihesu is
to saue all men þat dyden not mys
Bot wolden Amend hor lyfe for ay,
þus wytnes Gregory I-wis
be A worde þat I shall say:

In nomine Ihesu, id est salutis, pater misit spiritum, vt ostenderet, quod ad saluandas gentes venit.

The Holy Gost wos send Also
to teche þos þat vnconnyng wer,
As preues by þat Crist sayd [þ]o
er he stegh to heuen cler;


Sexto Ad docendum ignaros.

ffor Cryst sayd þat his comfortour
the Holy Gost þat sothefast is,
þe quyche his fader heuen flour
ffrom heghest see wold send I-wis,
Shulden tech hom all maner thyng,
The son saueour to hom before
shuld make wyse of connyng
& sad in sothenes seke & sore.

Paraclitus autem spiritus sanctus, quem mittet pater in nomine meo, ille vos docebit omnia. Iohannis xxijo.

Nota de octauo ad vltinum per quid missus est

Now by what thyng he wos sent
gode is þat we all see,
ffyrst, As I fynd verament,
he wos send by thynges thre:
One wos deuoute orisoun;
ffor whill þe Apostils wer praying,
ffrom heuen to hom hit lyȝt Adovn,
As we in holy chirche con syng:
Orantibus Apostolis deum venisse nunciat.
Item Lucas iijo: Orante Ihesu descendit spiritus sanctus, &c.