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The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun

printed on parallel pages from the Cottonian and Wemyss mss., with the variants of the other texts: Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by F. J. Amours

expand sectionII, III, IV, V, VI. 


Off King Dauid þe Bruss bering,
And of King Edwardis presonyng.
A thousand iiic. and xx. ȝere
And þarto thre to rekin cleire
Eftir þe Incarnatioun,
Be evinlike computatioun,
As þe clergy of Scotland
Comptis þe ȝeris concurrand,
Off þe moneth of Marche suthly,
The King Robertis sone Davy
Wes borne in to Dunfermelyne,
That regnyt eftir his fader syne.
And þat ilk ȝere eftirwart
King of Scotland þe Bruss Robert
Send ambassatouris in France,
To trete and ferme þe allyance


Betuix þai mychti kingis twa,
Off France and Scotland were þai;
That allyance to lest alhaill
All tyme fra þin perpetuall.
Than ambassatouris were chargeit sa
Fra þin to þe court to ga,
Thare þe pape for till amese;
For [þai] said he muffit wes
Agane Robert our king with crovne
Be felloune fals suggestioun,
That wes maid him mony wyss
Be oure capitall innemyss.
Thai ambassatouris did rycht weill
All þare chargis ilk deill;
And ferme maid þe pece and allyance
Baith at þe court and in to France.
A thousand and thre hundreth ȝere
The sext to þai withoutin weire,
Dame Eliȝabeth quene of Ingland,
Off gret tressoure haboundand,
For wage and for large feis
Gaderit wageouris in seire cuntreis.
Edward callit of Carnaverane,
That hir spousit lord wes þan,
Takin scho gert be rycht sone,
And gert him be in presone done.
Schire Hew Spensare scho gert alsua
And his fader be tane, þai twa,


And gert þaim on gallowis hangit be,
That þar freyndis þaron mycht se
The fader and þe sone alsua;
Scho gert demembrit be þai twa.
And in þe causs of þare vpset,
That scho thocht violent and gret,
The bischop of Lundone scho gert be
Hangit als on a gallow tre.
Erllis als and gret baronis,
Mychti lordis of possessionis,
Scho gert condampnyt be to dede,
But ony fauour or remeid.
A haryage he mycht say he had gud,
That had sic xii. to stand in stude.
And quhen scho had gert þis be done,
Edward of Windissore þan hir sone,
(He wes callit Edward of Windissore,
For he wes borne þarin befor),
Xv. ȝeris of eild or mare,
Saw how þe statis demanit ware,
His fader beand in presoune,
Gert set vpone his heid þe crovne;
Vpone þe Purificatioun day
He gert him be vnctit king verray.
In all landis þat ilk ȝere
Wittall in haboundans were.
King Robert þat ȝere semblit syne
At Camskynnele, neire Striuelyne,


Erllis, bischopis and baronis,
Prelatis and oþer gret personis
To þe King Robertis sone Davy
Homage and fewte þai maid suthly,
And till his sister sone Robert,
That callit be surname wes Stewart;
In caiss gif his eme Davy
Deit but aire of his body,
This Robert Stewart his aire suld be
To succeid nixt in rialte.