![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |
Martyres Directly for Christs Truth
The fourth of February out they take
Little John Rogers forth from old Newgate
The Pious Vicar of Sepulchers, just
To lead the Van, in Smithfield burnd to dust
The Eight day Saunders bright Alhallows glory
At Coventry is made a fiery Story
The ninth Grave Hooper, that bright Angell fell
Who did his fire to Bullinger foretell
Who Ceremonies and Church Trinckets could
Not brook, yet when he did accept Christs Food
An Harould then of Arms was giv'n him thus,
An harmless Lamb within a fiery Bush
And sunbeams falling on the Lamb, which spake
Out what befell him for his Masters sake,
Who in most Cruell fire Cruelly
In Glocester frying for more fire did Cry.
Now Doctor Taylor Hadlies Champion stout
On Oldnam Plain burnt, had his Brains dasht out
------ Smithfield March the sixteenth day
---er the twenty sixt at Burntwood lay.
This day they burn at Hornden on the hill
One Mr. Higbed and at Rayly spill
The blood of Mr. Causton by their fire
Wherein these Pious Gentlemen Expire.
The twenty Eight, Pigot at Braintree Stake
Was burnt, and Knight at Maudlin for Christs sake.
The twenty ninth Laurence a Minister
While Children prayde they burnt at Colechester.
The thirtieth day Farrar, St. Davids Starr,
Stood Up at Carmarthan in this hot war.
About this time good Father Rawlins White
Whose Countenance and person at the sight
Of his own stake seemd Angellike well nigh
He was so Chang'de as he the same did spy,
Where at Cardiffe he bathd his hands i'th' Flame
As it him burnt to dust, judgd, with small paine.
The twenty fourth of Aprill flames devour
At Westminster the Zealous Priest calld Flower,
Who in his Zeale a mumming Priest as he,
O Wafer God, was Idolizing thee
Smote, that his blood upon thee falling lay
In Margrets Westminster on Easter day
For which wherefore, and for Christs truth displayde,
Rightly avoucht he's Bonners bonfire made.
And on this day Langtons bright shining star
George Marsh, that Holy man of God, this War
By Cotes, Chester, thy pocky bishop wagde
Do burn at Chester in the fire that ragde.
The thirtieth day of May, John Cardmaker,
Otherwise calld Taylor, a Partaker
Of Christs good Doctrine to dispence in Pauls,
Was Wells his Prebend too, who at Christ Calls
With good John Warn, whom at the very stake
He took by th'hand and hearty Comfort spake
Whereat the People gave a shout for joy
Past through the Fire in Smithfield upon high.
About the tenth of June John Simson were
At Rochford burnt, Ardly at Rayly, there.
This tenth John Hawks a Gentleman whose name
O Croxhall is thy Glory and thy flame
Consumde to Ashes for Christs glorious Cause,
Who when his fingers were burnt off, skin draws
All up, he mindfull of his Promise were
Unto his Friend, his Arms he up doth reare
Over his head to God, all a light fire
Clapping them thrice together in desire
To shew these pains did not disturb his mind
Which made the people shout this sight to finde.
And Thomas Wats a man of Byllerica
Was burnt at Chelmsford on the self same day
The fourteenth day at Colechester red flame
Was made a Winding sheet for Chamberlain.
The fifteenth day Osmond at Manningtree
Bamford at Harwich burnd for Heresie.
Little John Rogers forth from old Newgate
The Pious Vicar of Sepulchers, just
To lead the Van, in Smithfield burnd to dust
The Eight day Saunders bright Alhallows glory
At Coventry is made a fiery Story
The ninth Grave Hooper, that bright Angell fell
Who did his fire to Bullinger foretell
Who Ceremonies and Church Trinckets could
Not brook, yet when he did accept Christs Food
An Harould then of Arms was giv'n him thus,
An harmless Lamb within a fiery Bush
And sunbeams falling on the Lamb, which spake
Out what befell him for his Masters sake,
Who in most Cruell fire Cruelly
In Glocester frying for more fire did Cry.
Now Doctor Taylor Hadlies Champion stout
On Oldnam Plain burnt, had his Brains dasht out
---er the twenty sixt at Burntwood lay.
This day they burn at Hornden on the hill
One Mr. Higbed and at Rayly spill
The blood of Mr. Causton by their fire
Wherein these Pious Gentlemen Expire.
The twenty Eight, Pigot at Braintree Stake
Was burnt, and Knight at Maudlin for Christs sake.
The twenty ninth Laurence a Minister
While Children prayde they burnt at Colechester.
The thirtieth day Farrar, St. Davids Starr,
Stood Up at Carmarthan in this hot war.
About this time good Father Rawlins White
Whose Countenance and person at the sight
Of his own stake seemd Angellike well nigh
He was so Chang'de as he the same did spy,
Where at Cardiffe he bathd his hands i'th' Flame
As it him burnt to dust, judgd, with small paine.
The twenty fourth of Aprill flames devour
At Westminster the Zealous Priest calld Flower,
Who in his Zeale a mumming Priest as he,
O Wafer God, was Idolizing thee
Smote, that his blood upon thee falling lay
In Margrets Westminster on Easter day
For which wherefore, and for Christs truth displayde,
Rightly avoucht he's Bonners bonfire made.
And on this day Langtons bright shining star
George Marsh, that Holy man of God, this War
By Cotes, Chester, thy pocky bishop wagde
Do burn at Chester in the fire that ragde.
The thirtieth day of May, John Cardmaker,
Otherwise calld Taylor, a Partaker
Of Christs good Doctrine to dispence in Pauls,
Was Wells his Prebend too, who at Christ Calls
With good John Warn, whom at the very stake
He took by th'hand and hearty Comfort spake
Whereat the People gave a shout for joy
Past through the Fire in Smithfield upon high.
About the tenth of June John Simson were
At Rochford burnt, Ardly at Rayly, there.
This tenth John Hawks a Gentleman whose name
O Croxhall is thy Glory and thy flame
Consumde to Ashes for Christs glorious Cause,
Who when his fingers were burnt off, skin draws
All up, he mindfull of his Promise were
Unto his Friend, his Arms he up doth reare
Over his head to God, all a light fire
Clapping them thrice together in desire
To shew these pains did not disturb his mind
Which made the people shout this sight to finde.
Was burnt at Chelmsford on the self same day
The fourteenth day at Colechester red flame
Was made a Winding sheet for Chamberlain.
The fifteenth day Osmond at Manningtree
Bamford at Harwich burnd for Heresie.
July begins with Curling flames which stood
On Smithfield stain'd by Holy Bradfords blood.
Who though an harmless lamb, bare like was bate
With all these Cursed Mastifs as at stake,
And Worried Gardener once and again
The blood hounde Bonner follows him amain.
Then Willerton ran on him, th'ring them view,
Then Chiswell fierce, then Harding with a Crew
Then Harpsfield, bloody Wretch, Chiswell again
Then Harding and then Harpsfield spite of shame
Then Heath, Yorks Arch-B., Day Chichesters B
Or Bitships rather fall on him, yea see.
The Kings Confessor a kurst Spanish Frier
Fell foul upon him, but Cast all in fire,
Then Weston at him ran, Westmesters Dean,
Then turncoate Pendleton, Westen again.
He was on severall Dayes bate with, but they
Went with hard Gripes or broken ribs away
But still their rage doth bate him to the fire
Where his blest soule did With young Leafe's Expire
Crying out thus, O England, England
Repent thee of thy sins, holding up his hands.
And day the twelfth sweet Bland and Frankesh then
Choice Ministers with twice brave Shetterden
And Middleton laid for Christs truth their head
At Canterbury in one fiery Bed.
The nineteenth day, Hells fiery serpents burnd
Halls clay at Rochester, to ashes turnd,
At Tumbridge Widdow Polly burning laide
At Darford, fire reverberated Waide.
The two and twentieth Carver---ry burnd
At Lewis where his ashes up are urnde.
The following day Saunder at Stenning's Stake
Papistick fire doth him to fewell make
And now about Lueson[?] the Carpenter
Was burnt to ashes small at Colechester.
And to shut up this month grim Death for shame
In Reading Jayle savde Aleworth from the flame.
On Smithfield stain'd by Holy Bradfords blood.
Who though an harmless lamb, bare like was bate
With all these Cursed Mastifs as at stake,
And Worried Gardener once and again
The blood hounde Bonner follows him amain.
Then Willerton ran on him, th'ring them view,
Then Chiswell fierce, then Harding with a Crew
Then Harpsfield, bloody Wretch, Chiswell again
Then Harding and then Harpsfield spite of shame
Then Heath, Yorks Arch-B., Day Chichesters B
Or Bitships rather fall on him, yea see.
The Kings Confessor a kurst Spanish Frier
Fell foul upon him, but Cast all in fire,
Then Weston at him ran, Westmesters Dean,
Then turncoate Pendleton, Westen again.
He was on severall Dayes bate with, but they
Went with hard Gripes or broken ribs away
But still their rage doth bate him to the fire
Where his blest soule did With young Leafe's Expire
Crying out thus, O England, England
Repent thee of thy sins, holding up his hands.
And day the twelfth sweet Bland and Frankesh then
Choice Ministers with twice brave Shetterden
And Middleton laid for Christs truth their head
At Canterbury in one fiery Bed.
The nineteenth day, Hells fiery serpents burnd
Halls clay at Rochester, to ashes turnd,
At Tumbridge Widdow Polly burning laide
At Darford, fire reverberated Waide.
The two and twentieth Carver---ry burnd
At Lewis where his ashes up are urnde.
The following day Saunder at Stenning's Stake
Papistick fire doth him to fewell make
And now about Lueson[?] the Carpenter
Was burnt to ashes small at Colechester.
And to shut up this month grim Death for shame
In Reading Jayle savde Aleworth from the flame.
August comes in: its second day doth Burn
Poor Abbes at Bery greivd for his falling turn.
The Eight day Mr. Denly who did sing
A Plain in Uxbridge-flames where at they fling
A Fagot in his face; at which when flung
Vile story said, he mard a good old song,
But then this holy Man resumde again
His Holy song while burning in red flame.
Poor Abbes at Bery greivd for his falling turn.
The Eight day Mr. Denly who did sing
A Plain in Uxbridge-flames where at they fling
A Fagot in his face; at which when flung
Vile story said, he mard a good old song,
But then this holy Man resumde again
His Holy song while burning in red flame.
--- sixt ---nt Albons Tankerfield
--- now about at Ware First strongly steeld.
At Burnet Hale, at Stratford, Harwood sage,
And Warns brave Widdow martyrde all in rage.
King, Wade and Leyes had burnt in such red flame
If Lollards Towre sickness had not stopt the same.
And William Andrews too had death but staide
Whose bodies dead in open fields they layde.
Brave Robert Smith half burnt lamp like Contract
Rose up and stumped arms together clapt.
The twenti'th eight at Uxburge Packingham
Is martyrizde for Christ truth, faithfull man.
And now at Canterbury burnt there were
White, Coker, Collier, Hopper, Laurence, Stere.
To close this month, Newman for not Deniall
At Saffron Walden's burnt i'th' Firy Tryall.
And on this day Ipswiches shining Light
That man of God brave Robert Samuel bright
After by Hopton and his Dunning were
Chaind bolt upright that he his weight might beare
Onely on tip toes, onely also fed
With spoonfulls two of Water and with bread
Two or three bits a day, that gladly he
Would, had he any made, dranke 's urin, see.
But oh his body was so dried up
He was not able for to make a drop.
Yet oh behold! after thus famished
He in a slumber was replenished
By one that seemd clad all in White stand by
Who for his Consolation thus did Cry
O Samuel! Samuel! be of Good Cheer, take
Good heart for after this dayes o're (poor snake)
Thou'st never hungry be nor thirsty more
And from that time the thirst and hunger sore
He felt no more he said that all might know
The Wondrous work of God that he doth show
This Holy man of God this shining light
Was burnt at Ipswich then who to the sight
Of those that saw did in the fire appeare
As White and shining as tride silver Cleare.
--- now about at Ware First strongly steeld.
At Burnet Hale, at Stratford, Harwood sage,
And Warns brave Widdow martyrde all in rage.
King, Wade and Leyes had burnt in such red flame
If Lollards Towre sickness had not stopt the same.
And William Andrews too had death but staide
Whose bodies dead in open fields they layde.
Brave Robert Smith half burnt lamp like Contract
Rose up and stumped arms together clapt.
The twenti'th eight at Uxburge Packingham
Is martyrizde for Christ truth, faithfull man.
And now at Canterbury burnt there were
White, Coker, Collier, Hopper, Laurence, Stere.
To close this month, Newman for not Deniall
At Saffron Walden's burnt i'th' Firy Tryall.
And on this day Ipswiches shining Light
That man of God brave Robert Samuel bright
After by Hopton and his Dunning were
Chaind bolt upright that he his weight might beare
Onely on tip toes, onely also fed
With spoonfulls two of Water and with bread
Two or three bits a day, that gladly he
Would, had he any made, dranke 's urin, see.
But oh his body was so dried up
He was not able for to make a drop.
Yet oh behold! after thus famished
He in a slumber was replenished
By one that seemd clad all in White stand by
Who for his Consolation thus did Cry
O Samuel! Samuel! be of Good Cheer, take
Good heart for after this dayes o're (poor snake)
Thou'st never hungry be nor thirsty more
And from that time the thirst and hunger sore
He felt no more he said that all might know
The Wondrous work of God that he doth show
This Holy man of God this shining light
Was burnt at Ipswich then who to the sight
Of those that saw did in the fire appeare
As White and shining as tride silver Cleare.
September peeps in now when Allen burnd
At Wolsingham; Cob hath his Ashes Urnd
At Thetford[,] Coo, at Yexford too did fall
To ashes for Christ pretious Gospell Call.
The sixt were burnt at Canterbury's Theater
Brodbridge and Burwood, Tutty, Catmer, Streaten
At Litchfield now about, John Goreway there
And Hayward for Christs sake Calcined were
The twenti'th day Bongey of Coventry
And Mr. Robert Glover of Baxterly,
Who in the Prison teares of Joy let fall
That Christ should him unto such honour call.
In stead of John his brother had the stake
The sight of which revivde him that he spake
As rapt with joy, Austen, He's come, he's Come
Clapping his hands, All Clouds away did run.
At Coventry their Ashes stayd behinde
As they were for the Cause of Christ Calcinde
Mr. John Glover, he of Manciter
Aggrieved greatly would have venterd far
Had friends permitted it, he for his brother
Would tendered himself one for the other,
But being not permitted, grief so deep
And sickness Caught by trouble wrought his sleep
Went quietly unto his Grave, its said,
At Manciter but there was martyre made
As William Glover Dead at Weme too were
A Holy Martyre made upon his Biere.
At Wolsingham; Cob hath his Ashes Urnd
At Thetford[,] Coo, at Yexford too did fall
To ashes for Christ pretious Gospell Call.
The sixt were burnt at Canterbury's Theater
Brodbridge and Burwood, Tutty, Catmer, Streaten
At Litchfield now about, John Goreway there
And Hayward for Christs sake Calcined were
The twenti'th day Bongey of Coventry
And Mr. Robert Glover of Baxterly,
Who in the Prison teares of Joy let fall
That Christ should him unto such honour call.
The sight of which revivde him that he spake
As rapt with joy, Austen, He's come, he's Come
Clapping his hands, All Clouds away did run.
At Coventry their Ashes stayd behinde
As they were for the Cause of Christ Calcinde
Mr. John Glover, he of Manciter
Aggrieved greatly would have venterd far
Had friends permitted it, he for his brother
Would tendered himself one for the other,
But being not permitted, grief so deep
And sickness Caught by trouble wrought his sleep
Went quietly unto his Grave, its said,
At Manciter but there was martyre made
As William Glover Dead at Weme too were
A Holy Martyre made upon his Biere.
October sixteenth day in Ely flame
Wolsy and Pigot burnt with books of Fame
And on this day Truths Golden Pillers brave
Two flaming Candles burnt at Oxford, Grave
Thy Champion, London, Bishop Ridly Who
A mighty Bulworke was against the Foe
Who once refused Hooper to abate
The Surplice, that flap of th'Harlots shape
Which now in's troubles he with other jings
Calls Foolish, and Abominable things,
Moov'd not his Cap at Roams Authority
Its therefore plucked off, doth sadly fry
In Oxford fire that was not rightly made
Burnt off his Legs before his Life did fade.
He burnt indeed With Father Latimer
Stamfords sweet Preacher, Gospell Minister,
Yea Englands Prophet, usd this saying rife
Preaching the Gospell cost him would his Life,
And Winchester in London Tower was kept
To do the deed, by whom it took effect,
He said he never in the Word could finde
The Masses Marrowbones at all definde,
Who at the stake bespake brave Ridly there
Be of good Comfort Mr. Ridly here
And play the man, We by Gods Grace today
Shall such a Candle light in England, nay,
As shall I trust be never put out again
And so he left himselfe unto the flame,
And now his Pray're was granted at the stake
That he might spend his heart bloode for Christs sake
For falling down soon in the fire their came
His heart bloode gushing from his mouth a main.
And now about in Canterbury flame
Burnt Mr. Web, Park, Roper for Christs name.
------ comes in whose Seventh day
------ from Colechester Jayle James Gore away
By Deaths back Doore. Wiseman the thirteenth day
Left prisoner in Lollards Tower his Clay
The eighteenth day Philpot the glory bright
Of Winchesters Archdeaconry, a right
Sweet Pot fild up of Pretious ointment Sweet
A mighty Piller, Sharp Disputer, Weep
He often would to finde his foes greate Shame
Grow Shameless, Payde his Vows in Smithfield Flame.
Wolsy and Pigot burnt with books of Fame
And on this day Truths Golden Pillers brave
Two flaming Candles burnt at Oxford, Grave
Thy Champion, London, Bishop Ridly Who
A mighty Bulworke was against the Foe
Who once refused Hooper to abate
The Surplice, that flap of th'Harlots shape
Which now in's troubles he with other jings
Calls Foolish, and Abominable things,
Moov'd not his Cap at Roams Authority
Its therefore plucked off, doth sadly fry
In Oxford fire that was not rightly made
Burnt off his Legs before his Life did fade.
He burnt indeed With Father Latimer
Stamfords sweet Preacher, Gospell Minister,
Yea Englands Prophet, usd this saying rife
Preaching the Gospell cost him would his Life,
And Winchester in London Tower was kept
To do the deed, by whom it took effect,
He said he never in the Word could finde
The Masses Marrowbones at all definde,
Who at the stake bespake brave Ridly there
Be of good Comfort Mr. Ridly here
And play the man, We by Gods Grace today
Shall such a Candle light in England, nay,
As shall I trust be never put out again
And so he left himselfe unto the flame,
And now his Pray're was granted at the stake
That he might spend his heart bloode for Christs sake
For falling down soon in the fire their came
His heart bloode gushing from his mouth a main.
And now about in Canterbury flame
Burnt Mr. Web, Park, Roper for Christs name.
------ from Colechester Jayle James Gore away
By Deaths back Doore. Wiseman the thirteenth day
Left prisoner in Lollards Tower his Clay
The eighteenth day Philpot the glory bright
Of Winchesters Archdeaconry, a right
Sweet Pot fild up of Pretious ointment Sweet
A mighty Piller, Sharp Disputer, Weep
He often would to finde his foes greate Shame
Grow Shameless, Payde his Vows in Smithfield Flame.
Now January it seems leads a new yeare.
Whose twenty Seventh day Red flames appeare
In Smithfield as a firy Chariot blown
Whirling these Martyres up to Glories Throne.
First Mr. Whittle a good Minister
Who though at first his mettall gave a jar
He having set thereby his Soule i'th'Stocks
His Flesh's Keyes suite not the Spirits Locks
Hence hell and Divells torture him that night
Till he his name out of that Snare did Strike.
Then God returns, and in Christs Shine he Stands
Till by these flames his glass had run its Sands.
With Holy Mr. Green a Gentleman
And Lawyer brave, and Martyre in the Van.
With Tudson, Brown, Went, Goodwy, Foster, and
Joan Lashford Virgin, burnt by Bonners hand.
The thirty first, John Lom--- Agnes Snoth
Ann Alebright, with Joan Catmer of Choice worth
Joan Sole also in Canterbury flame
Were burnt all Singing Psalms as voide of Pain.
Now February as more kinde retires,
And doth not burn a Martyre in its fires
But Boystrous March comes in whose twenty first
Makes Cranmer Choice her Hale block burnt as curst
Brave, Grave Archbishop, Canterburies Glory
A Mighty Pillar, Read his Oxford Story.
One of those Worthies three that did not tire
In all the War: yet gugglde by a frier
Once to recant upon Stoute promising
To gain a Pardon of the Queen for him.
But oh! the Pritty juggle, and the Art
Makes joy, and Sorrow jumble in the heart
To got the Upper hand, the Queen now gains
His Recantation: yet Designe remains
To make him Rost meate. And a Scaffold's made
In Oxford's Mary, and by him assai'de.
As for a Pardon to recant thereon
The which when done, he must from thence begone,
To Coles hot Fire therein to be Calcinde
To Cinders while he's Orthodox in minde
Its Charity. He 'Scends the Stage and Weeps
Repenting Tears trig down his aged Cheeks
The Sermon done he to his Worke, doth lay
An Exhortation on them there, and pray.
Shews what he'de done, Recants his Recantation.
The Bloodhounds rage, and barke with indignation
Do hall him from the Scaffold to the fire
He While that Crowde Stand by him with Jack Frier
Burns off his Right hand in revenge the first,
Which Signing his recanting he held worst
And having it refinde therein to dust
Not Shrinking, he his body then in't thrust,
But in his Ashes there was found his Heart
Untouch't, as being th'Orthodox, Sound part.
Now Agnes Potten, and Joan Trunchfield burn
At Ipswich rather than from Christ to turn
Upon the twenty fourth day to the Flame
Raisd tween Salisbury, and Wilton came
John Maunderell, a Brave Disciple Stoute,
Will Coberly, John Spicer who breathd out
Their Pretious Soules not flinching to the End
While in the firy Chariot they ascend.
Whose twenty Seventh day Red flames appeare
In Smithfield as a firy Chariot blown
Whirling these Martyres up to Glories Throne.
First Mr. Whittle a good Minister
Who though at first his mettall gave a jar
He having set thereby his Soule i'th'Stocks
His Flesh's Keyes suite not the Spirits Locks
Hence hell and Divells torture him that night
Till he his name out of that Snare did Strike.
Then God returns, and in Christs Shine he Stands
Till by these flames his glass had run its Sands.
With Holy Mr. Green a Gentleman
And Lawyer brave, and Martyre in the Van.
With Tudson, Brown, Went, Goodwy, Foster, and
Joan Lashford Virgin, burnt by Bonners hand.
The thirty first, John Lom--- Agnes Snoth
Ann Alebright, with Joan Catmer of Choice worth
Joan Sole also in Canterbury flame
Were burnt all Singing Psalms as voide of Pain.
Now February as more kinde retires,
And doth not burn a Martyre in its fires
But Boystrous March comes in whose twenty first
Makes Cranmer Choice her Hale block burnt as curst
Brave, Grave Archbishop, Canterburies Glory
A Mighty Pillar, Read his Oxford Story.
One of those Worthies three that did not tire
In all the War: yet gugglde by a frier
Once to recant upon Stoute promising
To gain a Pardon of the Queen for him.
But oh! the Pritty juggle, and the Art
Makes joy, and Sorrow jumble in the heart
To got the Upper hand, the Queen now gains
His Recantation: yet Designe remains
To make him Rost meate. And a Scaffold's made
In Oxford's Mary, and by him assai'de.
As for a Pardon to recant thereon
The which when done, he must from thence begone,
To Cinders while he's Orthodox in minde
Its Charity. He 'Scends the Stage and Weeps
Repenting Tears trig down his aged Cheeks
The Sermon done he to his Worke, doth lay
An Exhortation on them there, and pray.
Shews what he'de done, Recants his Recantation.
The Bloodhounds rage, and barke with indignation
Do hall him from the Scaffold to the fire
He While that Crowde Stand by him with Jack Frier
Burns off his Right hand in revenge the first,
Which Signing his recanting he held worst
And having it refinde therein to dust
Not Shrinking, he his body then in't thrust,
But in his Ashes there was found his Heart
Untouch't, as being th'Orthodox, Sound part.
Now Agnes Potten, and Joan Trunchfield burn
At Ipswich rather than from Christ to turn
Upon the twenty fourth day to the Flame
Raisd tween Salisbury, and Wilton came
John Maunderell, a Brave Disciple Stoute,
Will Coberly, John Spicer who breathd out
Their Pretious Soules not flinching to the End
While in the firy Chariot they ascend.
The twenty fourth of Aprile Sets fire
In Smithfield upon Robert Drakes, in ire
And William Tymis, two Ministers of Christ
With Richard Spurge, and Thomas, much rejoyc't.
John Cavill, and George Ambrose who in Summ
All in one fire finish their Martyredome[.]
The first day raisd at Rochester that fire
Wherein John Harpole, and Joan Beach expire[.]
The Second Mr. Hullier Minister
In Cambridge flames did Wage his holy War.
The twenti'th eight were burnt a[t] Colechester
John Mace Christopher Lyster, and John Spencer
John Hamond, Richard Nichols Symon Joyne
Cleaving most Cheerfully to Christ the Vine.
In Smithfield upon Robert Drakes, in ire
And William Tymis, two Ministers of Christ
With Richard Spurge, and Thomas, much rejoyc't.
John Cavill, and George Ambrose who in Summ
All in one fire finish their Martyredome[.]
The first day raisd at Rochester that fire
Wherein John Harpole, and Joan Beach expire[.]
The Second Mr. Hullier Minister
In Cambridge flames did Wage his holy War.
The twenti'th eight were burnt a[t] Colechester
John Mace Christopher Lyster, and John Spencer
John Hamond, Richard Nichols Symon Joyne
Cleaving most Cheerfully to Christ the Vine.
May doth rush in, upon whose fifteenth day
Devouring flames in Stratford Bow Convay
Old lame Hugh Laverick, John Apprice blinde
To Christ their Lord, leaving their Dust behinde[.]
Kate Hut, and Betty Thackvill t'Martvrize,
Joan Horns, and't had Peg Ellis too i'th'end
Had not kinde Death in New Gate been her friend[.]
---at Colechester there dy with joy
Croker, and Thomas Drowry the blinde boy
Who gravely told his judge he learnd of him
But could not leave't as he had done for Sin.
The twenty first there burn at Beckles do
John Drury, Edmond Poole, Thom: Spicer too.
Devouring flames in Stratford Bow Convay
Old lame Hugh Laverick, John Apprice blinde
To Christ their Lord, leaving their Dust behinde[.]
Kate Hut, and Betty Thackvill t'Martvrize,
Joan Horns, and't had Peg Ellis too i'th'end
Had not kinde Death in New Gate been her friend[.]
Croker, and Thomas Drowry the blinde boy
Who gravely told his judge he learnd of him
But could not leave't as he had done for Sin.
The twenty first there burn at Beckles do
John Drury, Edmond Poole, Thom: Spicer too.
June buckles to her worke: at Lewis where
Incinerated first John Oswald were
Three Thoms to wit Avington, Harland, Read
All in one fire that Christ might be obeyde.
On June the Sixt, after the last of May
When Death fetcht from the Kings bench Sletch away,
The twenti'th first at Lewis Mr. Wood
A Minister and Mills laid down their blood.
The twenty fourth good Mr. Adberall
In Kings Bench Death Delivered from their thrall.
The twenty fifth John Clement too there dy'de
And all were hid in Dung on the back side.
The twenty Sixt at Leicester there fell
A Merchants Servant by this fire from Hell.
The twenty Seventh too at Stratford Bow
They burn at once Stakt at three Stakes also
George Searles Thom: Bowyer, William Hallywell
Ralfe Jackson Edmond Hurst, John Routh, as well,
John Derifall, and Henry Adlington
And Laurence Purnam, Henry Wye each one,
With Lyon Cowch 'Beth Pepper, Agnes George
All gulphed up in Bonners firy Gorge
And this day Parret in the Kings Bench dide
Norice, and Hunt the twenty ninth beside
The thirty first at Edmondsbury fry
Both Bernard, Foster, Lawson filld with joy.
John Fortune now about in this hot fray
Hopton, for Choosing Christ did make away.
Incinerated first John Oswald were
Three Thoms to wit Avington, Harland, Read
All in one fire that Christ might be obeyde.
On June the Sixt, after the last of May
When Death fetcht from the Kings bench Sletch away,
The twenti'th first at Lewis Mr. Wood
A Minister and Mills laid down their blood.
The twenty fourth good Mr. Adberall
In Kings Bench Death Delivered from their thrall.
The twenty fifth John Clement too there dy'de
And all were hid in Dung on the back side.
The twenty Sixt at Leicester there fell
A Merchants Servant by this fire from Hell.
The twenty Seventh too at Stratford Bow
They burn at once Stakt at three Stakes also
George Searles Thom: Bowyer, William Hallywell
Ralfe Jackson Edmond Hurst, John Routh, as well,
John Derifall, and Henry Adlington
And Laurence Purnam, Henry Wye each one,
With Lyon Cowch 'Beth Pepper, Agnes George
All gulphed up in Bonners firy Gorge
And this day Parret in the Kings Bench dide
Norice, and Hunt the twenty ninth beside
The thirty first at Edmondsbury fry
Both Bernard, Foster, Lawson filld with joy.
John Fortune now about in this hot fray
Hopton, for Choosing Christ did make away.
July the first, thy glory, Coventry,
For Christ John Careless did i'th' Kings Bench dy.
The Sixteenth day Julius Palmer came
(A Twig which thou too, Coventry, mayst claim
A Sparke of Oxfords Magdalen, whose glory
Doth for all Ages Stand i'th' Martyres Story)
And with John Owen, and Thom Askdin fry
In flaming Fire for Christ at Newbery
The eighteenth day Kathe Cawthes, Guillemine
Her Daughter, and the other Perotine
And Grandchild that from Perotine did breake
As she lay frying in the firy heate
Tooke up, and yet hurld in again to broyle
With them and burnt to Death in Gernsy ile.
John Foreman now, Thom: Dougate ------
At Greenstead then in Sussex burnt all three,
At Leicester poore Thom: Moore the twenty Sixt
Was burnt not owning Christ was there empixt[.]
For Christ John Careless did i'th' Kings Bench dy.
The Sixteenth day Julius Palmer came
(A Twig which thou too, Coventry, mayst claim
A Sparke of Oxfords Magdalen, whose glory
Doth for all Ages Stand i'th' Martyres Story)
And with John Owen, and Thom Askdin fry
In flaming Fire for Christ at Newbery
The eighteenth day Kathe Cawthes, Guillemine
Her Daughter, and the other Perotine
And Grandchild that from Perotine did breake
As she lay frying in the firy heate
Tooke up, and yet hurld in again to broyle
With them and burnt to Death in Gernsy ile.
At Greenstead then in Sussex burnt all three,
At Leicester poore Thom: Moore the twenty Sixt
Was burnt not owning Christ was there empixt[.]
August the first Joan Wast a poor blinde maide
At Darby She the Fire for Christ assayde.
At Darby She the Fire for Christ assayde.
September th'eight One Edward Sharpe they thrust
At Bristall in the fire and Burnt to dust[.]
The twenty fourth Mayfield in Sussex makes
Her Sacrifice, burnt wholy for Christs Sake
John Hart, and Thomas Ravensdale beside
A Shoomaker, and Currier with them fri'de
The twenty fift Bristall again doth rise
And burn a young man for Christ's Sacrifice
And now about were burnt John Hayne in pledge
A Woman too at Wotton Underhedge.
In whom God wrought his Comforts graciously
Their Faith as they lay burning flourisht high[.]
At Bristall in the fire and Burnt to dust[.]
The twenty fourth Mayfield in Sussex makes
Her Sacrifice, burnt wholy for Christs Sake
John Hart, and Thomas Ravensdale beside
A Shoomaker, and Currier with them fri'de
The twenty fift Bristall again doth rise
And burn a young man for Christ's Sacrifice
And now about were burnt John Hayne in pledge
A Woman too at Wotton Underhedge.
In whom God wrought his Comforts graciously
Their Faith as they lay burning flourisht high[.]
But to Shut up this yeare you Still may eye
How Romes Curst Curs, and Blood hounds boyle and fry
At Wotton Underhedge Poore Dangerfield
To Scape their hands, doth Shun his home and yield
To keeps abroad: But when his Pious Wife
Lay in he Visits her: this cost his life.
For being caught he's into prison thrown
Till irons almost had fret through his bones.
Then being Snar'de by Circumventing Lies
That did the Sweet peace of his Soule disguise
Which made him pray, Let me not live Lord till
I call what's Evill, Good and what Good, ill
And Shortly after even as he pray'de
His Soul departure from his body made.
His Wife and Infant Small fourteen dayes old
With roagues imprison'd were, pin'de, Starv'd with cold
The Babe thus martyre made did pining ly
In Prison till past help hence needs must dy
And after it the Pious mother, nay
And aged Grandam, thus for want decay.
This yeare they did at Chester rost John Hooke
That Faithfull Saint intangled in their Crooke
And in Chechester Jayle three Choice ones lay
Whom for Christs Cause damnd Papists made away
They famished to death these pious men
John Clarke, Will Foster, Danston, Chittenden
John Archer, yea, and mother Potkins too
In Canterbury Castle they did rue.
How Romes Curst Curs, and Blood hounds boyle and fry
At Wotton Underhedge Poore Dangerfield
To Scape their hands, doth Shun his home and yield
To keeps abroad: But when his Pious Wife
Lay in he Visits her: this cost his life.
For being caught he's into prison thrown
Till irons almost had fret through his bones.
Then being Snar'de by Circumventing Lies
That did the Sweet peace of his Soule disguise
Which made him pray, Let me not live Lord till
I call what's Evill, Good and what Good, ill
And Shortly after even as he pray'de
His Soul departure from his body made.
His Wife and Infant Small fourteen dayes old
With roagues imprison'd were, pin'de, Starv'd with cold
The Babe thus martyre made did pining ly
In Prison till past help hence needs must dy
And after it the Pious mother, nay
And aged Grandam, thus for want decay.
This yeare they did at Chester rost John Hooke
That Faithfull Saint intangled in their Crooke
And in Chechester Jayle three Choice ones lay
Whom for Christs Cause damnd Papists made away
They famished to death these pious men
John Clarke, Will Foster, Danston, Chittenden
John Archer, yea, and mother Potkins too
In Canterbury Castle they did rue.
Now Sir John Cheek King Edwards tite Schoolmaster
Tooke with Sir Peter Carew (Sad Disaster)
Bound body legs and arms with halters to
The Body of a Cart, Shipt blindfold so
------ had to London Tower
Where being Wheedled by the Crafty power
Of Hellish Serpents to recant, and then
Sat with them while Christs Martyres they Condemn
Whence inward Storms arose that for reliefe
Repentingly he left his Turfe through Griefe.
Tooke with Sir Peter Carew (Sad Disaster)
Bound body legs and arms with halters to
The Body of a Cart, Shipt blindfold so
Where being Wheedled by the Crafty power
Of Hellish Serpents to recant, and then
Sat with them while Christs Martyres they Condemn
Whence inward Storms arose that for reliefe
Repentingly he left his Turfe through Griefe.
Oh! Monstrous Elves! Curst Papists! Bloody Fry!
Shall Malice Stifle all Humanity?
Oh! Firy Serpents! Hellish Crew! nere Cloi'de
With Blood, and Fire! Venom Unsatisfide.
Those Sparks that fly from Martyring flame will fall
In burning flakes from Hell upon you all
Unless you do repent. Repent then well,
Or else you must be burnd, and plagude in Hell.
Shall Malice Stifle all Humanity?
Oh! Firy Serpents! Hellish Crew! nere Cloi'de
With Blood, and Fire! Venom Unsatisfide.
Those Sparks that fly from Martyring flame will fall
In burning flakes from Hell upon you all
Unless you do repent. Repent then well,
Or else you must be burnd, and plagude in Hell.
Now January th'new Yeare briske lets in
Cardinall Pool begins new Puppetting,
At Cambridge day the eighth he calls his Knaves
Into a Court that Summons from their Graves
The Bones of Bucer, and Paul Fagius 'fore 'em,
And Spend the month upon the Case in Coram.
Then Cuthbert Scot the Dead Bones Judge (brave tricks)
Doth Sentence them to burn for Hereticks.
Then up they're dug, degraded, had away
And February Sixth are burnt. (Oh play)
Oxford doth blush to be behind (What Strife)
Hence draws this geer with Peter Martyre's Wife.
Whom though they proov'd not guilty they dug up
Without all Law, and in a Dunghell put.
The fifteenth day they 'gin their firy play
And then at Canterbery burning lay.
One William Waterer of Bedingden
And Stephen Kent of Norgate holy men.
Will Hay of Hithe, With Thomas Hudson, and
Prowting of Thornham, Cranbrook's Lowick fand
By Whiffling Flames from Chuffiness, and trust
The Fire for its refining of their Dust.
The Sixteenth day Finall, and Bradbridge then
Were burnt at Ashford, both of Tenterden,
Stephens of Bedingden was burnt at Wye
Philpot of Tenterden this month did fry.
Cardinall Pool begins new Puppetting,
At Cambridge day the eighth he calls his Knaves
Into a Court that Summons from their Graves
The Bones of Bucer, and Paul Fagius 'fore 'em,
And Spend the month upon the Case in Coram.
Then Cuthbert Scot the Dead Bones Judge (brave tricks)
Doth Sentence them to burn for Hereticks.
Then up they're dug, degraded, had away
And February Sixth are burnt. (Oh play)
Oxford doth blush to be behind (What Strife)
Hence draws this geer with Peter Martyre's Wife.
Whom though they proov'd not guilty they dug up
Without all Law, and in a Dunghell put.
The fifteenth day they 'gin their firy play
And then at Canterbery burning lay.
One William Waterer of Bedingden
And Stephen Kent of Norgate holy men.
Will Hay of Hithe, With Thomas Hudson, and
Prowting of Thornham, Cranbrook's Lowick fand
By Whiffling Flames from Chuffiness, and trust
The Fire for its refining of their Dust.
The Sixteenth day Finall, and Bradbridge then
Were burnt at Ashford, both of Tenterden,
Stephens of Bedingden was burnt at Wye
Philpot of Tenterden this month did fry.
Chill February Shaking brings more Laws
Upon its Eighth to persecute Christs Cause
Hence two and twenty ti'de all in one String
To Boner up from Colechester they bring
Whose fingers itcht to rost them in the fire
But Pool forbad't, (though both Whelps of one Sire)
Upon its Eighth to persecute Christs Cause
Hence two and twenty ti'de all in one String
To Boner up from Colechester they bring
Whose fingers itcht to rost them in the fire
But Pool forbad't, (though both Whelps of one Sire)
The twelfth of April in Smith fiery ---
Both Thomas Loseby, Margret Hide (Marn ---)
With Denny, Ramsey, Thomas Thirtell and
One Agnes Stanly for the Lords Command.
Both Thomas Loseby, Margret Hide (Marn ---)
With Denny, Ramsey, Thomas Thirtell and
One Agnes Stanly for the Lords Command.
May's fag end Strikes her firy Sting into
King, Morant, Gratwick at George-Southwark so
As that their Souls flames bore to Christ, their rest
They left behinde them in a firy nest.
King, Morant, Gratwick at George-Southwark so
As that their Souls flames bore to Christ, their rest
They left behinde them in a firy nest.
June Creepeth in whose eighteenth day display'de
Joan Bradbridge, Mrs. Manning, and a Maid
That could not See, Math Appleby and's Wife
With Edmond Allen, laying down their life.
For Christ their Saviour, in his glorious Cause
At Maidstone in the red fire 'gainst wicked Laws.
The ninteenth day at Canterbury were
Consum'd to ashes in the flames (Oh! Deare)
John Fishcock, Nich'las White, and Nich Pardue
With Widdow Finall, Widdow Bradbridge, true,
And Goody Wilson, Goody Benden Who
By her Vile Husband Caught her over throw.
Now Mathew Plaise did bravely play his part
Against the Romish bats, and there black Art,
But whether in the fire, or Jayle he fell
Or was released History could not tell.
The twenty Second they at Lewis burn
Brave Richard Woodman like a Sprite did Spurn
Their filth away, and in his answers Strong
Their own would give them to their faces home.
He by his Brethren, and his Father (Its said)
Hee Certainly did know he was betray'd.
George Stevens, William Maynard, and his man
His maid also do what the Romans can,
James Moris, and his Mother Margery,
Graves Wife, and Ashdons Wife, and Burgis dy
For Christ together in one fire through grace,
Eight of them were dispatcht in ten dayes Space.
And now about in Maidston jayle doth dy
One Ambrose through the Papish Cruelty
Brown B: of Bath, and Wells makes but a tush
To Damn to fire the Heretick Dick Bush.
Joan Bradbridge, Mrs. Manning, and a Maid
That could not See, Math Appleby and's Wife
With Edmond Allen, laying down their life.
For Christ their Saviour, in his glorious Cause
At Maidstone in the red fire 'gainst wicked Laws.
The ninteenth day at Canterbury were
Consum'd to ashes in the flames (Oh! Deare)
John Fishcock, Nich'las White, and Nich Pardue
With Widdow Finall, Widdow Bradbridge, true,
And Goody Wilson, Goody Benden Who
By her Vile Husband Caught her over throw.
Now Mathew Plaise did bravely play his part
Against the Romish bats, and there black Art,
But whether in the fire, or Jayle he fell
Or was released History could not tell.
The twenty Second they at Lewis burn
Brave Richard Woodman like a Sprite did Spurn
Their filth away, and in his answers Strong
Their own would give them to their faces home.
He by his Brethren, and his Father (Its said)
Hee Certainly did know he was betray'd.
George Stevens, William Maynard, and his man
His maid also do what the Romans can,
James Moris, and his Mother Margery,
Graves Wife, and Ashdons Wife, and Burgis dy
For Christ together in one fire through grace,
Eight of them were dispatcht in ten dayes Space.
And now about in Maidston jayle doth dy
One Ambrose through the Papish Cruelty
Brown B: of Bath, and Wells makes but a tush
To Damn to fire the Heretick Dick Bush.
July brings in her hand red fire also
To burn Christs Lambs for Hereticks, and loe
The thirteenth day at Norwich now there must
One Miller, Mrs. Cooper turn to dust.
To burn Christs Lambs for Hereticks, and loe
The thirteenth day at Norwich now there must
One Miller, Mrs. Cooper turn to dust.
August must do its part, whose Second day
Did build two fires at Colechester where lay
Bongeor, and Bendles, Purcas, burning there
Brave Betty Folks, (her Mother standing there)
And Helen Euring, Agnes Silverside
Whom when Staked fast Some thousands there thus Cri'de
------ Lord you Comfort Showre
------ his Mercyes down upon them poure.
Such words and prayer all almost then did reare
Then for them as was wonderfull to heare.
Then these the other fire did soon Consume
Father, and Mother Munt i'th' afternoon
And their Choice Daughter brave Rose Allen who
When Tyrrill Boners Cur, did take them, show
She did her Patience and firm Piety,
He burnt her wrist till nerves did Snap and fly
With Candle flame, then sayd he thus what Where
Wilt thou not Cry, and spake it ore and ore
To whom she blessed God, she had no Cause
But he had much would he the matter pause
At length he thrust her thence and said Strong Whore
Thou Shameless whore, thou beastly whore; therefore
She mildly said, Sir have you done your will
And so dismist; and now she doth fulfill
Her martyrdom, John Johnson, too with joy
Where at the people, as before do cry.
John Thurston who to Shun these monkies fire
At Colechester did in the jayle expire.
George Eagle, thou'st the Martyres Garland gain'd,
And Shalt it weare in Glory, and unstaind:
Although thy Martyrdom was not by flame,
But by an Hurdle, Halter, Hatchet came.
Thy Pains for Christ that thee Trudglover nam'd
Thy Spitefull Death of Shame thou hast Sustain'd
Will Stud thy Crown with glory, yea that ly
That fathereth thy Death of infamy
The fifth at Norwich burnt in Cruell flame
Young Richard Chrashfield for Christs glorious name.
The twenti'th Eagles Sister, and one Frier
Were burnt at Rothford by the Popish Fire.
About this time that Gentle woman brave
Of Manciter Joyce Lewis, who to Save
Christ truth in her, (when that her husbands hand
Out brought her 'fore he forfeit would his band
And lose an hundred pounds and in a touch
He said he would not by her lose so much)
Doth with a Chearfull Pleasant Lovely Face
At Litchfield burn for Christ in shining Grace.
Did build two fires at Colechester where lay
Bongeor, and Bendles, Purcas, burning there
Brave Betty Folks, (her Mother standing there)
And Helen Euring, Agnes Silverside
Whom when Staked fast Some thousands there thus Cri'de
------ his Mercyes down upon them poure.
Such words and prayer all almost then did reare
Then for them as was wonderfull to heare.
Then these the other fire did soon Consume
Father, and Mother Munt i'th' afternoon
And their Choice Daughter brave Rose Allen who
When Tyrrill Boners Cur, did take them, show
She did her Patience and firm Piety,
He burnt her wrist till nerves did Snap and fly
With Candle flame, then sayd he thus what Where
Wilt thou not Cry, and spake it ore and ore
To whom she blessed God, she had no Cause
But he had much would he the matter pause
At length he thrust her thence and said Strong Whore
Thou Shameless whore, thou beastly whore; therefore
She mildly said, Sir have you done your will
And so dismist; and now she doth fulfill
Her martyrdom, John Johnson, too with joy
Where at the people, as before do cry.
John Thurston who to Shun these monkies fire
At Colechester did in the jayle expire.
George Eagle, thou'st the Martyres Garland gain'd,
And Shalt it weare in Glory, and unstaind:
Although thy Martyrdom was not by flame,
But by an Hurdle, Halter, Hatchet came.
Thy Pains for Christ that thee Trudglover nam'd
Thy Spitefull Death of Shame thou hast Sustain'd
Will Stud thy Crown with glory, yea that ly
That fathereth thy Death of infamy
The fifth at Norwich burnt in Cruell flame
Young Richard Chrashfield for Christs glorious name.
The twenti'th Eagles Sister, and one Frier
Were burnt at Rothford by the Popish Fire.
About this time that Gentle woman brave
Of Manciter Joyce Lewis, who to Save
Christ truth in her, (when that her husbands hand
Out brought her 'fore he forfeit would his band
And lose an hundred pounds and in a touch
He said he would not by her lose so much)
Doth with a Chearfull Pleasant Lovely Face
At Litchfield burn for Christ in shining Grace.
September takes a Lot: its fires begin
The Seventeenth day at Illington, wherein
Ralfe Allerton, Dick Roth, James Austoo and
His Pious wife are burnt by Boners hand
Now also Margaret Thurston burned were
At Colechester, and Agnes Bongeor there:
Who being left behinde her mates she found
Herselfe in tears for want of fire nigh drownd:
The twenti'th day John Kurd was burnt to dust
In thee, Northampton, for Christs Cause most just.
And now about John ------
Consum'de to ashes thus in Laxfield flame
The twenty third Ci Orms at Norwich sit
By faith for Glory burnt in Lollards pit
John Warner too did feel this Firy Rod
And Mr. Thomas Athoth, (man of God)
John Ashdon Christian Grower, Holden too
Together by Chichesters firy Crew
Consumed were, though where and When they fell
And in What Sort the Story doth not tell.
The Seventeenth day at Illington, wherein
Ralfe Allerton, Dick Roth, James Austoo and
His Pious wife are burnt by Boners hand
Now also Margaret Thurston burned were
At Colechester, and Agnes Bongeor there:
Who being left behinde her mates she found
Herselfe in tears for want of fire nigh drownd:
The twenti'th day John Kurd was burnt to dust
In thee, Northampton, for Christs Cause most just.
Consum'de to ashes thus in Laxfield flame
The twenty third Ci Orms at Norwich sit
By faith for Glory burnt in Lollards pit
John Warner too did feel this Firy Rod
And Mr. Thomas Athoth, (man of God)
John Ashdon Christian Grower, Holden too
Together by Chichesters firy Crew
Consumed were, though where and When they fell
And in What Sort the Story doth not tell.
October Silent is, or else provides
But fewell for November and by Slides.
But fewell for November and by Slides.
November brings a fire Stick in its hand
And lights a fire at Bury by Comand
For Thomas Spurdance one that once had been
A Servant to this Firy Bloody Queen
The Eighteenth day in Smithfield Hallingdale
And Sparrow who his yielding did bewaile,
With Mr Gibson tall and proper who
Did tell his Pigmy parator and foe
That would pragmatically hall him like
A Jayle Bird through the market as a Sight,
And said he would Spite of his beard: poor ace
That was so low he scarce could Se his face,
That he if that he would not cease thus would.
Writh of his Neck, then frighted left his hold
Who when he came to Boner did assign
Unto him for an answer Queries nine,
For nine propounded to him. Now doth goe
With other two by fire to Glory so.
Thus with his fellows in Heroick wise
He's made to Christ a Whole Burnt Sacrifice.
And lights a fire at Bury by Comand
For Thomas Spurdance one that once had been
A Servant to this Firy Bloody Queen
The Eighteenth day in Smithfield Hallingdale
And Sparrow who his yielding did bewaile,
With Mr Gibson tall and proper who
Did tell his Pigmy parator and foe
That would pragmatically hall him like
A Jayle Bird through the market as a Sight,
And said he would Spite of his beard: poor ace
That was so low he scarce could Se his face,
That he if that he would not cease thus would.
Writh of his Neck, then frighted left his hold
Who when he came to Boner did assign
Unto him for an answer Queries nine,
For nine propounded to him. Now doth goe
With other two by fire to Glory so.
Thus with his fellows in Heroick wise
He's made to Christ a Whole Burnt Sacrifice.
In these Sad dayes there Were a Church Select
London's Choice Golden Candle Stick erect.
That Chose its Officers, for to dispense
The Word, Christs Discipline, and Sacraments
And did Elect the Worthy good Divine
Mr John Rough her Pastour at that time.
And Cuthbert Symson Deacon, and before
Their Grievious blow they did Shut out of doore
One Margret Mearing upon jealousy
She would enthrall the Whole Society
Now this Digression as a key before yee,
Seems needfull to unlock the present Story.
London's Choice Golden Candle Stick erect.
That Chose its Officers, for to dispense
The Word, Christs Discipline, and Sacraments
And did Elect the Worthy good Divine
Mr John Rough her Pastour at that time.
And Cuthbert Symson Deacon, and before
Their Grievious blow they did Shut out of doore
One Margret Mearing upon jealousy
She would enthrall the Whole Society
Now this Digression as a key before yee,
Seems needfull to unlock the present Story.
Mr John Rough for Sixteen years a Frier
After a Priest, at last a godly Crier
Of Christs Sound doctrine, which when he saw
Cast into fire as Heresy by Law
He fled to Norden then in Friezland
And livd by knitting with his Wife, by hand,
But coming thence to London yarn to buy
He soon was calld by Christs Society,
------ which he did accept.
------ Margaret Mearing was eject,
------ Secured as an Heretick
------ Boner now will Shew his Usuall trick
He Chargd with Saying he at Rome had ben
Had Seen the Pope on Pick pack, Man of Sin,
A Cardinall riding before his Whore
A Popes Bull too, that did express therefore
Licence for Stews and open Bawdery
Even by the Popes approovd authority
At which keen Boner flew in's face Cur like
Pluckt off a piece of's beard in rage and Spite
(Because he said't was true) To whom, Thou been
At Rome said he? our holy Father Seen?
And in the morn at Six a Clock next day
He burnt him did and did not make delay.
And so fulfilld the Vision Rough did see
Two dayes before he was Securde for hee
Dreamd then that he was forc't to Boner who
Pluckt off his Beard, and did't in's fire throw,
Then Saying, I may say, I've burnt here in
My house a piece of Heretick: Which thing
Thus Came to pass in part: by Boners ire.
Also Decembers twenti'th Seconds fire
Did burn with this Good man that Margret Mearing
They did exclude their Church as too much fearing
They Should be Snar'de by her, but now he's Caught
She when none could him visit soon forth Sought
Away Stiling herselfe his Sister so
She was admitted and she did bestow
Things needfull, and much Comfort too, and soon
Was Ceised herselfe, and did his Cup assume.
The twenty Eight that Faithfull Zealous Wise
Choice Deacon of this Church of Gospell Sise
And not prelatick, Cuthbert Symson who
Bestowd all Care to keep the Church from Woe
And Superstition, being at Islington
Surprizd with Mr Rough, away begone,
Unto the Tower: he hath two fingers tide
Together then, he did an arrow 'bide
Sawd swiftly through them till the blood out gusht
After he'd on an Iron Wrack been trust
Commonly Calld Scevingtons Gyves, and then
Twice stretcht upon an other Wrack by them
In all which torture, 'cause he would not Shew
Them Such Choice ones the Which they knew he knew
Thus Boner said, He was indeed a man
Of greatest patience that ere 'fore him came.
'Bout midnight 'fore he was condemn'd he Saw
Woman without a Candle to him draw
Full nigh, after he'd three doors op't, and dart
A Brightness, and a light that to his heart
Was Joyfull and most Comfortable, then
Said to him HAIL, and went away agen.
This Sight he Saw, and joy whom his ---
Did lively act when he the same exprest.
This Cuthbert, with John Devenesh, Hugh Fox
Also men pious, Choice, as firm as rocks
In Smithfield burn together joyously
Thanks be to God for Such, a rich Supply [.]
After a Priest, at last a godly Crier
Of Christs Sound doctrine, which when he saw
Cast into fire as Heresy by Law
He fled to Norden then in Friezland
And livd by knitting with his Wife, by hand,
But coming thence to London yarn to buy
He soon was calld by Christs Society,
------ Margaret Mearing was eject,
------ Secured as an Heretick
------ Boner now will Shew his Usuall trick
He Chargd with Saying he at Rome had ben
Had Seen the Pope on Pick pack, Man of Sin,
A Cardinall riding before his Whore
A Popes Bull too, that did express therefore
Licence for Stews and open Bawdery
Even by the Popes approovd authority
At which keen Boner flew in's face Cur like
Pluckt off a piece of's beard in rage and Spite
(Because he said't was true) To whom, Thou been
At Rome said he? our holy Father Seen?
And in the morn at Six a Clock next day
He burnt him did and did not make delay.
And so fulfilld the Vision Rough did see
Two dayes before he was Securde for hee
Dreamd then that he was forc't to Boner who
Pluckt off his Beard, and did't in's fire throw,
Then Saying, I may say, I've burnt here in
My house a piece of Heretick: Which thing
Thus Came to pass in part: by Boners ire.
Also Decembers twenti'th Seconds fire
Did burn with this Good man that Margret Mearing
They did exclude their Church as too much fearing
They Should be Snar'de by her, but now he's Caught
She when none could him visit soon forth Sought
Away Stiling herselfe his Sister so
She was admitted and she did bestow
Things needfull, and much Comfort too, and soon
Was Ceised herselfe, and did his Cup assume.
The twenty Eight that Faithfull Zealous Wise
Choice Deacon of this Church of Gospell Sise
And not prelatick, Cuthbert Symson who
Bestowd all Care to keep the Church from Woe
And Superstition, being at Islington
Surprizd with Mr Rough, away begone,
Unto the Tower: he hath two fingers tide
Together then, he did an arrow 'bide
Sawd swiftly through them till the blood out gusht
After he'd on an Iron Wrack been trust
Commonly Calld Scevingtons Gyves, and then
Twice stretcht upon an other Wrack by them
In all which torture, 'cause he would not Shew
Them Such Choice ones the Which they knew he knew
Thus Boner said, He was indeed a man
Of greatest patience that ere 'fore him came.
'Bout midnight 'fore he was condemn'd he Saw
Woman without a Candle to him draw
Full nigh, after he'd three doors op't, and dart
A Brightness, and a light that to his heart
Was Joyfull and most Comfortable, then
Said to him HAIL, and went away agen.
Did lively act when he the same exprest.
This Cuthbert, with John Devenesh, Hugh Fox
Also men pious, Choice, as firm as rocks
In Smithfield burn together joyously
Thanks be to God for Such, a rich Supply [.]
Aprill must on her ninth at Hereford
Kindle a Torch now in this fire unto'rd
And Poor Will Nicoll halfe a foole esteemd
Is made its Wick for Christ which now is teen'd.
Kindle a Torch now in this fire unto'rd
And Poor Will Nicoll halfe a foole esteemd
Is made its Wick for Christ which now is teen'd.
May also is attended on with flame
As if her Shining Sun did want the Same,
The ninteeth day therefore in Lollards pit
At Norwich Hopton doth inkindle it
And burns therein Will Seaman, Thomas Carman
Brave Christians, and Thom Hudson, (Heare his Sermon)
He first like pilgrim wander'd up and down
To Shun the Storm, then home returnd to th'town
Where 'mong his fagots halfe a yeare did Stay
And Spent in Pray're, and reading all the day
And being Sought for which he Saw, his Zeale
Did flame, in Singing Psalmes, He'd not Conseale
What he had met with: he Exhorted many
And went abroad, defam'de the mass to any.
And when he saw the Constables come to him
Mine hour is Come said hee, and wellcome showing
Said welcome, Friends now Welcome, You'st me bring
To life in Christ. I thank God then, let him,
For Mercy sake inable mee thereto
And in a joyous frame did onward go,
But at the Stake slipt out in Some strange Sort
That made his fellow Martyres him Exhort
For to hold on yea for Christ bowells Sake
And Chearfull bee. But 'twas not feare did make
Him slip his Chain, but Christ had hid his face
Hence on his knees, and vemently for Grace
Did pray, untill Christs Comfort in did throng,
Then rising up thankt God, said now I'm Strong.
Then to his Fellows went unto the Stake
Who gladly Sufferd burning for Christs Sake.
As if her Shining Sun did want the Same,
The ninteeth day therefore in Lollards pit
At Norwich Hopton doth inkindle it
And burns therein Will Seaman, Thomas Carman
Brave Christians, and Thom Hudson, (Heare his Sermon)
He first like pilgrim wander'd up and down
To Shun the Storm, then home returnd to th'town
Where 'mong his fagots halfe a yeare did Stay
And Spent in Pray're, and reading all the day
And being Sought for which he Saw, his Zeale
Did flame, in Singing Psalmes, He'd not Conseale
What he had met with: he Exhorted many
And went abroad, defam'de the mass to any.
And when he saw the Constables come to him
Mine hour is Come said hee, and wellcome showing
Said welcome, Friends now Welcome, You'st me bring
To life in Christ. I thank God then, let him,
For Mercy sake inable mee thereto
And in a joyous frame did onward go,
But at the Stake slipt out in Some strange Sort
That made his fellow Martyres him Exhort
For to hold on yea for Christ bowells Sake
And Chearfull bee. But 'twas not feare did make
Him slip his Chain, but Christ had hid his face
Hence on his knees, and vemently for Grace
Did pray, untill Christs Comfort in did throng,
Then rising up thankt God, said now I'm Strong.
Then to his Fellows went unto the Stake
Who gladly Sufferd burning for Christs Sake.
In Whitson week for Christ in Newgate die
Thom: Taylor, and Math Withers (Blood will Cry).
June though the turning Sun doth make her dayes
Full warm, yet brings a Fagot for a blaze
Now in her hand, as if not warm enough
Unless a Martyres fire she up do puff.
The fourteenth day in Smithfield burns she then.
John Floyd, and Matthew Richarby, good men
John Holiday with Robert Southam there
With Rainold Eastland, Henry Pond, (Oh Deare)
------ once a Stubborn Lad
------ to all thats bad
As Swearing, Dancing, Dicing, Games Excess
To fencing, Banquitting Laciviousness
Which he no bones of made, was Cocker'd in
By Priestly Pardons, thus he walkt in Sin
Till he had diced thirty pounds away.
One night of's Master's tooke before th'Day.
And at his Wits end now he thought therefore
To trust unto his heels, and fly, Wherefore
He in the morning, thus bespeake the maid
(That often on him grave Reproofe had laid)
Elizabeth, Oh would to God I'de took
Thy gentle treating, Friendly good rebuke
Then had I never to this shame have come.
For I this night have lost no less a Sum
Than thirty pounds all of my Masters Come
And know not how to pay him, but assign
Him now this Bill of Payment, and do pray
Thee ------ it to my Mistriss, and say
I beg she would entreat my Master t'stay:
And if I ever able be, I'l pay:
Also to keep the matter from my friends
Lest my Gray Father to the Grave it sends.
And so departing was. But now behold
The Pious Maid take thirty pounds down told,
And treats him this, I'le Roger take your Bill,
Here's so much mony, lend it you I will:
But yet on this Condition, Promise mee
That you'l Lewd Company, and Swearing flee
But if at Cards and Dice you twelve pence play
This Bill I will before my master lay
Moreover you must promise me to tend
Alhollows Lectures, and the Lords day Spend
To heare the Sermons preacht at Pauls, and Cast
Away thy Popish books, vain ballats wast.
Get a New Testament, the Service Book
Read reverently with fear the Scriptures, Look
And Call on God for Grace and Pardon So
You'st be Secured from all after woe.
But this attended on but halfe the yeare
And Roger did in wonderment appeare
A new man was, earnest Professour and
Detested Popery, vile mates aband
Did Visit his old Father, made him see
The naughtiness of Popish trumpery
Receivd a Stock ofs Father, and pay made
To Betty for her pane to whom he said
In all thy Counsill, and thy friendship I
No Recompence am able verily
To render for the same unless it be
By makeng thee my wife. Thus they agree.
By whom the Child he had when ------
It was baptized he to shun and fly.
The Priests annointing greasy fingers go'th
Into the Country, and the Infant doth
Convay away. And Boner makes no bones
But as a Cur on Carion ever prone
Doth Seize upon his State as bread of life
And cruelly doth treat his Pious Wife.
And Roger now is quickly had in Coram
Who bravely handycuffs it when before 'em.
He plainly gave their own into their Dish
And bravely did their fauning Charms out hiss
And at their threats he matterd not a Straw
And when they had after their firy Law
Him Sentenc'd to be burn't when leave once gaind
Bonner his butcher he thus entertaind.
I said you had your power from God: Now I
Do tell you this, that God hath heard the Cry
Pourd out with teares of his Choice Servants which
You persecute, as us, and thereto itch
But this I dare be bold in God t'display,
(Which by his Spirit I am mov'd to say)
That God your Cruell hand shall Shorten so
You'st for a time not grieve his Chu[r]ch: and lo,
My Breathren Deare, even in a Short time, you
Shall Well perceive this matter is most true
For from this day you'le none in this place see
By him with fire and Fagot tried bee:
Said Boner in a fume that vile B[l]ood Sucker
I see that mad as ever was Jeane butcher:
A ruling Prophet thou in wrath wouldst bee
Though thru and all thy mates would hangd me See.
Yet I shall live to burn, and will burn all
The Sort of you that in my hands do fall
But lo, the Curst Cow hath Short horns its said.
This Proverbs truth in Boner was displayde.
For after Holland and his Fellows fell
Smithfield no more did burn with fire from hell.
Thom: Taylor, and Math Withers (Blood will Cry).
June though the turning Sun doth make her dayes
Full warm, yet brings a Fagot for a blaze
Now in her hand, as if not warm enough
Unless a Martyres fire she up do puff.
The fourteenth day in Smithfield burns she then.
John Floyd, and Matthew Richarby, good men
John Holiday with Robert Southam there
With Rainold Eastland, Henry Pond, (Oh Deare)
------ to all thats bad
As Swearing, Dancing, Dicing, Games Excess
To fencing, Banquitting Laciviousness
Which he no bones of made, was Cocker'd in
By Priestly Pardons, thus he walkt in Sin
Till he had diced thirty pounds away.
One night of's Master's tooke before th'Day.
And at his Wits end now he thought therefore
To trust unto his heels, and fly, Wherefore
He in the morning, thus bespeake the maid
(That often on him grave Reproofe had laid)
Elizabeth, Oh would to God I'de took
Thy gentle treating, Friendly good rebuke
Then had I never to this shame have come.
For I this night have lost no less a Sum
Than thirty pounds all of my Masters Come
And know not how to pay him, but assign
Him now this Bill of Payment, and do pray
Thee ------ it to my Mistriss, and say
I beg she would entreat my Master t'stay:
And if I ever able be, I'l pay:
Also to keep the matter from my friends
Lest my Gray Father to the Grave it sends.
And so departing was. But now behold
The Pious Maid take thirty pounds down told,
And treats him this, I'le Roger take your Bill,
Here's so much mony, lend it you I will:
But yet on this Condition, Promise mee
That you'l Lewd Company, and Swearing flee
But if at Cards and Dice you twelve pence play
This Bill I will before my master lay
Moreover you must promise me to tend
Alhollows Lectures, and the Lords day Spend
To heare the Sermons preacht at Pauls, and Cast
Away thy Popish books, vain ballats wast.
Get a New Testament, the Service Book
Read reverently with fear the Scriptures, Look
And Call on God for Grace and Pardon So
You'st be Secured from all after woe.
But this attended on but halfe the yeare
And Roger did in wonderment appeare
A new man was, earnest Professour and
Detested Popery, vile mates aband
Did Visit his old Father, made him see
The naughtiness of Popish trumpery
Receivd a Stock ofs Father, and pay made
To Betty for her pane to whom he said
In all thy Counsill, and thy friendship I
No Recompence am able verily
To render for the same unless it be
By makeng thee my wife. Thus they agree.
It was baptized he to shun and fly.
The Priests annointing greasy fingers go'th
Into the Country, and the Infant doth
Convay away. And Boner makes no bones
But as a Cur on Carion ever prone
Doth Seize upon his State as bread of life
And cruelly doth treat his Pious Wife.
And Roger now is quickly had in Coram
Who bravely handycuffs it when before 'em.
He plainly gave their own into their Dish
And bravely did their fauning Charms out hiss
And at their threats he matterd not a Straw
And when they had after their firy Law
Him Sentenc'd to be burn't when leave once gaind
Bonner his butcher he thus entertaind.
I said you had your power from God: Now I
Do tell you this, that God hath heard the Cry
Pourd out with teares of his Choice Servants which
You persecute, as us, and thereto itch
But this I dare be bold in God t'display,
(Which by his Spirit I am mov'd to say)
That God your Cruell hand shall Shorten so
You'st for a time not grieve his Chu[r]ch: and lo,
My Breathren Deare, even in a Short time, you
Shall Well perceive this matter is most true
For from this day you'le none in this place see
By him with fire and Fagot tried bee:
Said Boner in a fume that vile B[l]ood Sucker
I see that mad as ever was Jeane butcher:
A ruling Prophet thou in wrath wouldst bee
Though thru and all thy mates would hangd me See.
Yet I shall live to burn, and will burn all
The Sort of you that in my hands do fall
But lo, the Curst Cow hath Short horns its said.
This Proverbs truth in Boner was displayde.
For after Holland and his Fellows fell
Smithfield no more did burn with fire from hell.
But July in her hands a Fagot brings
The which at Brainford to enflam begins.
Wherein for Christs own Cause the fourteenth day
These Six good men to ashes burning lay.
One Stephen Cotton, Robert Mills, John Slade
Wrighte, Dynes, and William Pikes. Which last is said,
As in his garden he was reading there
Four drops of blood fell on his Bible, cleare
And very fresh: at which astonisht he
Bespake his Wife thus, What thus must it bee
That God will have four Sacrifices? I
Se he will have blood. His Will be done hereby.
God give me grace to bide the triall here
And went to pray're counting the day drew neere [.]
------ had his fat guts tirde with Rod
------ hopt had Wills and Hinshaw with loving God
Wh[e]n Dole did dy for Christ in Bury Jayle.
And Richard Yeoman Hadlys Curate, naile
That still held fast, the tenth day Cruelly
They burnt at Norwich, cause he'd not back fly.
And now about John Alcock who Supplide
A Readers place at Hadly, must abide
In Newgate Prison, and Stuck close unto
The truth in Spite of what the Pope could do,
Is in revenge in lowest Dungeon cast
And Dying's in a Dunghill rakt at last.
The Nineteenth day brave Mr. Benbridge who
In Stately ray unto the Stake did goe
Where being urg'd now to recant did Say
Away, thou Babylonian, away
Yet in the torturing fire did make this Cry,
I do recant, Hence Seaton Suddenly
Made him Subscribe unto his Cursed bill,
Which buggling he did against his Will
And's to the Prison had again where hee
Bewails his Recantation, and to free
His Conscience did to Docter Seaton write
His Recantation of it. Hence venom Spite
On that day Sevnight had him to the Stake
And rather brasd than burnt him for Christ Sake.
Thus through the Papish Plaguy venom ire
He Suffered two Martyrdoms by fire.
The which at Brainford to enflam begins.
Wherein for Christs own Cause the fourteenth day
These Six good men to ashes burning lay.
One Stephen Cotton, Robert Mills, John Slade
Wrighte, Dynes, and William Pikes. Which last is said,
As in his garden he was reading there
Four drops of blood fell on his Bible, cleare
And very fresh: at which astonisht he
Bespake his Wife thus, What thus must it bee
That God will have four Sacrifices? I
Se he will have blood. His Will be done hereby.
God give me grace to bide the triall here
And went to pray're counting the day drew neere [.]
------ hopt had Wills and Hinshaw with loving God
Wh[e]n Dole did dy for Christ in Bury Jayle.
And Richard Yeoman Hadlys Curate, naile
That still held fast, the tenth day Cruelly
They burnt at Norwich, cause he'd not back fly.
And now about John Alcock who Supplide
A Readers place at Hadly, must abide
In Newgate Prison, and Stuck close unto
The truth in Spite of what the Pope could do,
Is in revenge in lowest Dungeon cast
And Dying's in a Dunghill rakt at last.
The Nineteenth day brave Mr. Benbridge who
In Stately ray unto the Stake did goe
Where being urg'd now to recant did Say
Away, thou Babylonian, away
Yet in the torturing fire did make this Cry,
I do recant, Hence Seaton Suddenly
Made him Subscribe unto his Cursed bill,
Which buggling he did against his Will
And's to the Prison had again where hee
Bewails his Recantation, and to free
His Conscience did to Docter Seaton write
His Recantation of it. Hence venom Spite
On that day Sevnight had him to the Stake
And rather brasd than burnt him for Christ Sake.
Thus through the Papish Plaguy venom ire
He Suffered two Martyrdoms by fire.
Now Augusts firy hands falls fingering
And at St. Edmondsbury soon doe fling
John Cooke, James Ashly too and Robert Miles
With Alexander Lane upon her Piles
Of burning fire that they an Offring should
Be made and burnt up for the truth they hold [.]
And at St. Edmondsbury soon doe fling
John Cooke, James Ashly too and Robert Miles
With Alexander Lane upon her Piles
Of burning fire that they an Offring should
Be made and burnt up for the truth they hold [.]
Novembers fourth at Ipswich burn their must
And therefore Alexander Gouch is thrust
There in the fire, and brave Alice Driver who
Did when a girle off drive her fathers plough
Now duncd her judges by their own Concession
And o're them Crowd, and Silenc't them in Session:
And said, you cant with all your Skill withstand
Christs Spirit in mee a poore Woman: and
Being Condemd she to the prison went
As joyfull as a Singing Bird, intent
On Singing Praise to God and at the Stake
The Chain being put about her neck thus Spake
Oh! here's a goodly neckerchiefe, and Cride
Blessed be God for't: and by fire so dide.
And now about at Bury were Calcinde
Three holy Martyres, of a gracious minde
John David, and his brother Henry
With one whose name was Philip Humfry.
And day the tenth, Six dayes before did slip
Alecto's Hand of[f] from her flaming whip,
Harpsfield Entoom'd in Canterburys flame
Kate Tinley, and Alice Snoth, John Herst by name
Christopher Brown, John Cornford too whose Zeale
Most vemently brake forth flam'd such a peale
Within their Ears which they left on record
We in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
The Son of the most Mighty God, and by
His Holy Spirits Power, and 'Thority
Of's holy Catholick, 'Postolick Church
Do here give into Satans hands to lurch
To be destroy'd, the bodies of all those
Blasphemers and all Hereticks, his foes
That Errour 'gainst's most holy word mentain
Or do Condemn for Heresy to flame
His own most Holy Truth, to th'mentainance
Thus of a false Church, or for to advance
A feignd Religion. So that by this Rod
Of thy just judgments, oh most Mighty God,
Against thy Cruell Adversaries here
Thy true Religion may be known, full Cleare,
To thy Greate Glory, and our Consolation,
And to the Edifying all our Nation.
Be't So, good Lord. Amen. Then at the Stake
They all in earnest prayer to God thus Spake
Begging of God, their blood might be the last
That Should be Shed. This was their dying Cast.
Which God did grant: for down their Sentence came
Upon the Queen who with her took the flame
To hell to serve her there, no Sparke we finde
The Lord be praisd, to burn a Saint behinde.
And therefore Alexander Gouch is thrust
There in the fire, and brave Alice Driver who
Did when a girle off drive her fathers plough
Now duncd her judges by their own Concession
And o're them Crowd, and Silenc't them in Session:
And said, you cant with all your Skill withstand
Christs Spirit in mee a poore Woman: and
Being Condemd she to the prison went
As joyfull as a Singing Bird, intent
On Singing Praise to God and at the Stake
The Chain being put about her neck thus Spake
Oh! here's a goodly neckerchiefe, and Cride
Blessed be God for't: and by fire so dide.
Three holy Martyres, of a gracious minde
John David, and his brother Henry
With one whose name was Philip Humfry.
And day the tenth, Six dayes before did slip
Alecto's Hand of[f] from her flaming whip,
Harpsfield Entoom'd in Canterburys flame
Kate Tinley, and Alice Snoth, John Herst by name
Christopher Brown, John Cornford too whose Zeale
Most vemently brake forth flam'd such a peale
Within their Ears which they left on record
We in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
The Son of the most Mighty God, and by
His Holy Spirits Power, and 'Thority
Of's holy Catholick, 'Postolick Church
Do here give into Satans hands to lurch
To be destroy'd, the bodies of all those
Blasphemers and all Hereticks, his foes
That Errour 'gainst's most holy word mentain
Or do Condemn for Heresy to flame
His own most Holy Truth, to th'mentainance
Thus of a false Church, or for to advance
A feignd Religion. So that by this Rod
Of thy just judgments, oh most Mighty God,
Against thy Cruell Adversaries here
Thy true Religion may be known, full Cleare,
To thy Greate Glory, and our Consolation,
And to the Edifying all our Nation.
Be't So, good Lord. Amen. Then at the Stake
They all in earnest prayer to God thus Spake
Begging of God, their blood might be the last
That Should be Shed. This was their dying Cast.
Which God did grant: for down their Sentence came
Upon the Queen who with her took the flame
To hell to serve her there, no Sparke we finde
The Lord be praisd, to burn a Saint behinde.
![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |