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If that thy wicked wife

An aunswere.

If that thy wicked wife had spon the thred,
And were the weauer of thy wo:
Then art thou double happy to be dead,
As happily dispatched so.
If rage did causelesse cause thee to complaine,
And mad moode mouer of thy mone:
If frensy forced on thy testy braine:
Then blist is she to liue alone.
So, whether were the ground of others griefe,
Because so doutfull was the dome:
Now death hath brought your payne a right reliefe,
And blessed be ye bothe become:
She that she liues no lenger bounde to beare
The rule of such a frowarde hed:
Thou that thou liuest no lenger faine to feare
The restlesse ramp that thou hadst wedde.
Be thou as glad therfore that thou art gone,
As she is glad she dothe abide.
For so ye be a sonder, all is one:
A badder match cad


not betide.