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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Septimo contemplacione erecti.

Thai weren houen vp on hegh þat day,
ffor clene All hor deuocioun
wos toward heuen be Alway
& all by comtemplacioun.

Spiritum sanctum receperunt superiori cenaculo.

ffor quen þe Holy Gost come down
in A hegh soler þai wer,
þat betokyns hor þoȝt Ay boun
to wilne heuen & noȝt be her.
þen sais þe glose made opon this
þat who-so wilnes the gost to haue,
heghenes of flesch þenkyng of blis
he most Abate hym-selfe to saue.

Qui spiritum sanctum desiderat, carnis domicilium mentis contemplacione transcendens caueat, &c.