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Mary Queen'd in the Realm Alectoes Whipe
With flaming lashes she, (though first of Chips
The Duke of Northumberland a full head shorter
Who left Christ truth first and did seek to quarter
In th'tents of Wicked men) and Crops off quite
Sir John Gates head, Sir Thomas Palmers tite
(Who bravely then professt Christs truth outright
Lamenting he'd not livde more Gospell like).
And did Lop of Sir Thomas Wyats' head
The Duke of Suffolks too because they fled
For to defend their Faith, and Cause by war
But Failed in their Enterprize thus far
Strikes off Lord Gilfords Head and his Choice Ladies
(Lady Jane Grayes deserving of all Sages
A Chiefe Esteem for Learning, Piety
For Orthodox and sound Divinity
And Pious Zeale, because King Edwards Will
Made her his Heir and's Nobles to fulfill
The same proclaimd her Queene, now dy she must
Lord Gray with others too, when brought to dust
The Queen, I say, she) down right to it fell
To Whip with Lashes of the Flames of Hell.