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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]

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441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]


Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, ed. A. R.
Shilleto (London, 1920). Douglas Bush, (a) Mythology and
the Renaissance Tradition in English Poetry,
rev. ed. (New
York, 1963); idem, (b) Mythology and the Romantic Tradition
in English Poetry
(Cambridge, Mass., 1937); both of these
volumes contain excellent bibliographies. George Chapman,
Poems, ed. Phyllis B. Bartlett (New York, 1941). Samuel C.
Chew, The Pilgrimage of Life (New Haven, 1962). Michael
Drayton, Complete Works, eds. J. W. Hebel, K. Tillotson,
and B. Newdigate, 5 vols. (Oxford, 1931-41). Rosemary
Freeman, English Emblem Books (London, 1948). Frederick
Hard, “Ideas from Bacon and Wotton in William Sander-
son's Graphice,Studies in Philology, 36 (1939), 227-34;
idem, “Some Interrelationships Between the Literary and
Plastic Arts in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century
England,” College Art Journal, 10 (1951), 233-43. Charles
W. Lemmi, The Classic Deities in Bacon (Baltimore, 1933).
Henry Peacham, The Compleat Gentleman, facsimile of 1634
ed. by G. S. Gordon (Oxford, 1906). Mario Praz, Studies
in Seventeenth Century Imagery
(Rome, 1964); contains an
extensive bibliography. Franck L. Schoell, Études sur
l'humanisme continental en Angleterre
(Paris, 1926). Jean
Seznec, The Survival of the Pagan Gods (New York, 1953).
J. E. Spingarn, Seventeenth Century Critical Essays, 3 vols.
(Oxford, 1908-09). De W. T. Starnes and E. W. Talbert,
Classical Myth and Legend in Renaissance Dictionaries
(Chapel Hill, 1955). Rosemond Tuve, Allegorical Imagery
(Princeton, 1966); idem, Elizabethan and Metaphysical
(Chicago, 1947). Enid Welsford, The Court Masque
(Cambridge, 1927).


[See also Baconianism; Iconography; Metaphor; Myth;
Renaissance Humanism; Symbol and Symbolism; Ut pictura