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Here Hope, with strenuous wings that shone like fire,
Drew after, in his flight, a love's desire;
And here gaunt Fear snatched at Hope's shining wing,
And plucked it back, and held it fluttering;
Here with the sound of wind and wash of waves,
Came tones and glimpses of the love that saves;


The place is still the same, — this place whereto
I brought the dream my lady's face came through.
O guardian cliffs, and thou, enduring sea,
Once part of Hope as now of Memory, —
Hope, which accomplished, all lies cold and dead,
While Grief and Memory take hands and wed.
They walk where phantom feet and faces pass;
They speak of Hope that was, of Joy that was;
Unknowing and unknown, alone they move,
Sad and undying ministers of Love.