University of Virginia Library



The great Oliver gave us Protection,
And he loved it right well;
Though, perhaps from excess of affection,
A head or two fell.
And if one, alas! chanced to be Royal,
At this blood-sprinkled feast;
No one doubted that Cromwell was loyal,
To his country at least.
But the Liberals now have succeeded.
To the sceptre laid down;
And think lightly to tamper, unheeded,
With the kingdom and crown.
They to Africa promised Protection,
And a respite from woes;
But, in some way, it lost the direction,
And went over to foes.
Then to Ireland they shifted its shelter,
Against crime at its flood;
And they swore that the country should welter,
No longer in blood.
They held out to the landlord Protection,
And accepted his pleas;
But the knife of paternal dissection,
Is far worse than disease.
Now they deem that the problem Egyptian,
Can be watered like milk;
And they offer our latest prescription,
Of palaver and Dilke.
And they brandish the shield of Protection,
That but crushes its friends;
And they boast, in disaster's complection,
Of victorious ends.
O Protection! While ministers blunder,
And add insult to lie;
While the ironclads dare not to thunder,
Though our countrymen die.
And what Moloch is worse than Protection,
For which hundreds must fall?
What is help that gives only rejection,
To the sufferer's call?
We are sick of this, Gladstone, and you, sir,
And your Liberal ways;
You protect as the wretched seducer,
Protects her he betrays.
We invoke the avenging Election,
For this trifling with fame;
To protect us from craven Protection,
Which is ruin and shame.