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Christmas Mottoes.

[Unto you the Child is born]

Unto you the Child is born,
On this blessed Christmas morn.
Unto you, to be your Peace;
Unto you, for He hath found you;
Unto you, with full release
From the weary chains that bound you:
Unto you, that you may rise
Unto Him above the skies.

[The wilderness shall rejoice]

The wilderness shall rejoice,
And the wintry waste shall sing,
At the wakening herald voice
Of the coming of the King.
So the sparkling Christmas snow
Is dearer than summer light;
For He whom we love came down below
In the hush of a Christmas night.


May thy Christmas morning break
Holy and bright and calm;
And may all thy life for His dear sake
Be a joyful Christmas psalm.

[Is it a wintry night?]

Is it a wintry night?
Watch! for the heavenly light
Shineth, O mourner, around and above!
Tidings of joy to thee
Float on the minstrelsy!
Rise up and welcome the Son of His love.

[Cometh in lowliness]

‘Behold, thy King cometh unto thee.’— Zech. ix. 9.

Cometh in lowliness,
Cometh in righteousness,
Cometh in mercy all royal and free!
Cometh with grace and might,
Cometh with love and light;
Cometh, belovèd! He cometh to thee!

[Bright be thy Christmas tide!]

Bright be thy Christmas tide!
Carol it far and wide,
Jesus, the King and the Saviour, is come!
Jesus thy guest will be;
O let Him dwell with thee!
Open thy heart for His palace and home.


[What do the angels sing?]

What do the angels sing?
What is the word they bring?
What is the music of Christmas again?
Glad tidings still to thee,
Peace and good-will to thee,
Glory to God in the highest! Amen.

[Oh, Christmas blessings cannot cease]

Oh, Christmas blessings cannot cease,
Christmas joy is deep and strong!
For Christ is come to be our Peace,
Our Salvation and our Song.