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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Sexto in pace.

Thai weren bounden also to pese,
And þat preues þat ilke plas,
in quyche þai weren, þat is no lese,
when [Holy] Gost to hom send was.
ffor in Ierusalem weren thai

Vnde Ierusalem interpretatur visio maris.

quen þat siȝt of pece lyghtnet þer,
ffor þe Holy Gost þat day
in fir Apertly con Apper,
And for to schew þat pece nede
ffor to be thor-as schew hym wold he,
Goddis wordes and his dede
preues Apertly, ȝe schyn se.


ffor After his resurrectioun
when he to hom so con Aper,
to profre pese fyrst he wos boun
& sayd, ‘pese to ȝow All here.’

Iohannis xxo: Pax vobis si ego sum. Accipite spiritum meum. Quorum remiseritis.