University of Virginia Library

Epi. 244. Againe.

It may be Pattulus its as you say;
You say you still must drinke, still being dry:
That is, you must be drunken eu'ry day,
In vino veritas; you doe not lye.


And yet, you cannot stand to what you doe;
Because you doe what lies not long with you:
Besides, you are a Crowing Crauen to,
And dare not stand to what in Wine you vow.
So still you drinke, that (drunke) you may be spar'd
From many a Beating that would els befall you;
You Drunkards dare but neuer are you dar'd,
Vnlesse it be by madde-men who doe mall you.
Then, Pattulus, still arme thy selfe in liqeur,
And none will touch thy Parson but a Vicar:
For, Vicars, and good Parsons soules do cure
Then must thine (drown'd in sacke) their heate endure.