University of Virginia Library


The founder of the Whiting family in Virginia settled in Gloucester
county in 1609. Kennon Whiting, a lineal descendant, was born in that
county, August 14, 1796, and died in Hampton, Virginia, December 9,
1886. Kennon Whiting married Anne Wythe Mallory, who was born in
Norfolk, Virginia, March 3, 1803, and died in Hampton, June 23, 1876.
The Mallory family came to the colony of Virginia about 1617; settled
in Norfolk and Elizabeth City counties. Henry C., son of Kennon Whiting
and his wife Anne, was born in Hampton, December 24, 1832. At Roseland,
Elizabeth City county, October 29, 1856, he married Mary Simkins,
second daughter of the late Hon. Joseph Segar. The children of the
union were five: Segar, Kate Carlyle, Virginia Fairfax, Livingston Faison
and Mattie Kennon. The latter died April 10, 1882, at the age of
thirteen years. Mrs. H. C. Whiting died on December 10, 1884, in Hampton,

Mr. H. C. Whiting attended school at the Hampton Academy. At the
age of twenty years he engaged in a mercantile business, in Hampton,
which he has followed ever since, except during the years of the war, and
still continues. He is president of the bank of Hampton, and has been
since its organization in January, 1881; served as councilman of Hampton
in 1859, and has been school trustee since 1873.

He entered Confederate States service in April, 1861, as second lieutenant
in the 32d Virginia regiment, C. S. A., was appointed captain, P. A.
C. S., and assigned to staff duty, serving until the close of the war, with
Generals Magruder, McLaws, Whiting and Johnston, and surrendered
with General Jos. E. Johnston's army near Durham, North Carolina,
April 26, 1865.

Many whose names are illustrious in the annals of Virginia were of
the distinguished families from whom Mr. Whiting derives descent.
Among these may be mentioned his great grandfather, Col. Thomas
Whiting, who was president of the board of naval commissioners during
the Revolutionary war; Col. Charles K. Mallory, killed at or near Bethel,
in service in that war; Chancellor George Wythe, whose record appears
elsewhere in this volume, and who was a cousin to Mr. Whiting's mother,
and others.